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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. petgraves family will be a victim too... this is something that will effect the family for the rest of their lives too... it's a sad story for everyone involved...
  2. red line is not coming back... it was put into effect to eliminate the trap... we dont want trap hockey again
  3. yeah but can the goalie skate up when its 1v1? we want to see demko take a one timer!!!!
  4. mr green... was insane in those playoffs... beagle went from 19.2% o zone starts to 47%... Virtanen went from 11:35 of 5v5 to 8:39 51% OZ starts to 38% the lowest on the team... Petterson went from 13:48 to 12:48 and 71.4% oz to 38.8% LE went from 10:57 to 12:45 and 31%oz starts to 44.3%
  5. lol thats the weirdest take iver ever heard... the best players play the most minutes... PERIOD!!! your best players PLAY the MOST minutes PERIOD!!! dont be a fool
  6. nope that alls a mirage... Sutter beags and motte were taking all the defensive matchups against the lower tier offences, while Hockey Gaud and virtanen and sutter(he was needed to double shift) played all the offensive minutes against the crappiest players in the history of the NHL... Their minutes where more sheltered in the history of when theses advanced stats where measured... they were poo poo in a lunch bag lit on fire, then thrown into a dumpster fire, surrounded with tires and add gasoline and then lit that on fire too... this is actual picture of me watching them play...
  7. if we can make this a 3 way trade and get someone to reduce Zads salary by 50% id be all over this trade... at 3.75m id say pass there will be better opportunities at the trade deadline...
  8. look at my comprehensive post of his playing years the last 7 seasons... you will notice some very familiar names... and why would we be comparing friedman or juulsen to zadorov here, it doesnt change what im arguing... obviously Zadorov is better than them... as for Soucy and Myers... that does automatically ring true with me... Zadorov has mainly been used as a 5th defenceman. With Myers we used him as out top RD for 4/5 last years. This year Myers has been playing a tweener role 4th d but 5th line minutes against easier opponents, and hes been playing great. Soucy has been a 5th Defenceman pretty much the last 3 seasons... and the main thing is he is a LD not A RD, so we aren't comparing him fairly, although id argue Soucy is just as good. Zad has played with cole for 2 seasons Cole was the better Defenceman... im glad you recognize that. But a reduced minutes myers playing against weaker competition? vs Zadorov is not a hands down LULZ Zads is better.... Myers was playing more minutes than Tanev and pretty much any other defenceman... unfortunately what everyone has been arguing the past 4 seasons that Myers is only a 4/5th defenceman seems true... but Zadorov is a 5th defenceman too and so is Soucy... He will make our team better there is no doubt in my mind, but Zad is not a top 4... when Calgary plays Tanev over him and we played Myers over Tanev...
  9. i like lacing 35+ contracts with bonus potential, maybe a 2x2.5 base with bonuses of a million... if he plays like he did this year he gets 3.5 million and earned it if he doesnt he gets 2.5 million and earned it... he would likely be our 6th defenceman...
  10. not a terrible coach... just way too dang agreeable... poor kid never had a chance...
  11. This next period is likely the most telling to see if the canucks can calm their jitters re group and just let that period go... we need to just play our game, dont force it.
  12. maybe ill do one a day for a week... takes a while to make the video... you are probably right about the compensation, I just knew that the moves would throw them off really hard for a 1400 hundred to defend... sometimes ill sac a piece for no compensation whatsoever just to get an attack... also i felt that rook was going to do nothing for a long time and force me to castle which i didnt want to do...
  13. my blog where i played a game of chess for the anti chess cheating community... the game is vs a Bot called maia... Maiachess.com we have the same Rating and we play a game of whose the Bot... in my blog you can go over the game before you can open the video results where i prove who is the bot and who is not... Whose the bot? and whose not? a game vs a human and a human bot? - Chess.com
  14. well said... and we could definitely do without the constant shitting on our under preforming players... we dont need the media shithawks spreading those idea's... let them come up with it on their own...
  15. if flames retain 750k ill think about it... otherwise we could retain 50% on Beau ourselves... Zad at 3m is still a touch overpaid imo likely between the value of schenn and soucy... seeing as cole is better than Zad thats the best i can do...
  16. yes... im a little red... well paid or under paid players is what leads to a cup... Tampa, Vegas colorado, all had huge cap savings.... im just saying if we trade its either bad salary for bad salary or they take at least a million off his cap hit
  17. I called this first game of the season... guy was a complete tool in the after hours talks and i kept watching him justifying his teams play for the next 11 games... this is how you get fired if your team shits the bed... anyways he will likely get another job if he learns from his mistakes about being too agreeable...
  18. we are setting the bar way too low... if we trade we better be sending back salary that is of no use to us, that is the only way it makes sense... Beau for zadorov, both are over paid one is a 6th defenceman on a great team and the other is a 3rd liner on a great team...
  19. no, one is clearly better than the other... Zadorov is overpaid... we have enough overpaid players on our team
  20. screw this we should offer a contract to Patrick Nemeth instead of trading for Zadorov... He couldnt be much worse from what i can tell...
  21. please look at all the teams and players zadorov has played with... and tell me he is a top 4 defenceman... he is overpaid!!!!!
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