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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. your right that is what happened... at first, but that was before his stick bumped lilys left foot, it actually bounced off for a brief moment before he forcibly lifted his left foot with his stick
  2. when burroughs is you number 2 defenseman thats an issue. they dont have any injured defenseman, this is going to be a long season for them.
  3. actually thanks for this, i slowed it down... right before contact marchands stick accidently hit lilejgrens left foot, but after contact you can see marchand engage his upper body using his his shoulders and the weight of his of hi right foot to lift his foot with his stick... this was just a small shit hawk doing things they often get away with because well high speed collisions are hard to review... from contact to slew was about 0.2 seconds which is exactly the same amount of time the human mind takes to react to sensations like touch and sight... i was wrong... they should throw the book at him
  4. I agree non call liligren did move and instigate the contact, although marchand did make an intentional move with his foot, but it was to friggin stop.
  5. thats on you to be honest... you would have to remind her like throughout the day to not spoil the score..
  6. ok fam... here is the deal... no more bashing myers... he may be traded this season... we need to pump his tires up
  7. Congratulations!!!! you win the most Downplaying comment of the Day! you will be added to the finals at the end of the year...
  8. nice... Owen power has a very impressive stat here... he must be really good to achieve that on a team like buffalo this year... reminds me of hughes +/- last year.
  9. 25 of bratts and jacks points have come on the PP, which is killing it... 44% that is unheard of...
  10. im pretty certain we are going to have a good month... all the gimme games... like the oilers on the 6th
  11. Canucks Powerplay is so strong we are ranked Third overall in Net special teams goals... (includes shortys)
  12. they have couture and barbanov to come back...
  13. a canucksarmy article i didnt hate thanks...
  14. damn... im not going to update my predictions any more... Hughes is making me look like a doubter...
  15. dang friedman i hope you're okay... mans too committed even putting his face in front of shots...
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