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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. That was a nice moment for Beau. its things like this thats going to make the nucks a place for free agents who want to sign with us... if we can sign myers/cole to a 2 million dollar contract for two years we can mitigate some of the silly cap penalty from Jim Bennings life choices
  2. just for a reminder!!!! Remember all those fans who were calling for tocchets head, because we chose to play fewer preseason games and we didnt get enough time for our team to gel? they promised they would blame the canucks poor start on Tocchets decision... I guess that means they must now give the Canucks successful start to Tocchets pre-season strategy?
  3. hmmm... is this sharks team the worst in the history of the NHL? will barbanov and couture change the team that much when they return?
  4. this sanjoes team is proof of how important having a puck moving defenceman is... san jose cant score at all this year
  5. this is sick omg.... i know an jose is struggling but, the boys need this...
  6. im not going to complain abou the refs... im not going to complain about the refs...
  7. ok, not every oilers goon. i can remember the 80, 90's ones better than the 2000's goons
  8. hey if dallas beats edmonton 4-2 does that mean we are twice as good as them because we beat the oilers 8-1? makes sense to me...
  9. that hipster commentator just made a huge no no... you dont call teams bad... you call them struggling
  10. if myers can find some consistency this year, i want to re-sign him for 2.5 million
  11. the crazy thing is hughes and petterson can keep improving getting stronger and faster, Hughes is going to be a beast in a couple years
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