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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. i can do the november 6th game vs the oilers
  2. yeah i missed the slew foot... first he pinned him then slew and body slammed him, literally drove him down to the ice... i hope he gets suspended for longer than he's injured. what a POS... prayers for podz
  3. daigle is the definition of a under achiever, he had all the tools to be a quality top 6 forward, but the effort and determination wasn't there. playing hockey during his time wasnt easy, there was no room for offensive creativity and that era nearly killed the game.. it wasnt until crosby came into the game where he was able to use his speed and smarts and hard work and commitment that literally opened coaches eyes. he literally tore down entire defensive systems at will. my guess is if you ask sedins what elevated their game form good to elite players would be watching crosby play. sedins were likely the smartest players jn the game and saw how hard work and smarts could be used down low where defensive systems were usually zone, passing it back and forth along the boards waiting for someone to make a mistake. once someone chased too far our the winger doubled teamed it would be surely Burrows open in front of the net... wow that went on a tangent quick.. daigle was a disappointment and shouldn't have been picked first, but hardly a bust. not many draft picks play 600 games in the nhl
  4. only 6 pages i noticed... in homage of the trolls of past i created a troll video of jay woodcroft, hopefully the video can provide a place for them to be themselves and also provide us with a little fun as we are currently kicking da oilers buts right now... you can check my latest status update for the video i made
  5. Best of Jay WoodCroft Oct 24 2023


    1. PeteyBOI


      its a slow build-up 

  6. Good news! the amazing Jay Woodcroft speaking his mind on Connor Mcdavids Injury. 


    "I think the way I took the news yesterday, I tried to hint towards it after the game, we think it's something more muscular than anything," Woodcroft said. "Sometimes that takes time and it's good news. I take that as good news and I take that time frame that was put out there yesterday as good news. We'll see how he does. He just has to get healthy here."

  7. well we are of too to our best start since 2019 and at least a few peoples minds we are becoming hateable again which is a good thing?
  8. LOL who says chess is boring... I present to you a struggle in power as 3000 chess begginners, trolls, intermediates face off and try to organize as we make plans to defeat a national master who is rated higher tham many GM's in correspondence chess... I spent about 6 hours pregame studying my opponent finding their weakness, and then i spoent hours finding a weakness in that opening... And i found it... Using technology friom 2023 i found a new best move on move 6 for black in the caro kann tal variation... so i studied about the next 4 moves and about 5 ideas past move 10 for each side... i spent hours writing out my thoughts drawing diagrams to convince the plebs... But i faced people that spat upon my work and called it overkill and a waste of time, I waited for the opportune time to respond. and said this i wish you luck with playing e5... or c6... or d5... you do not have a gameplan like the c6 move does... you will die by your silly rules... scared to make a deviation... in wars rules make great sense... but in one on one battles... playing dirty and finding every advantage possible is what makes a difference between a tombstone and a champion! Im claiming Captain of the Caro Kann game... its the only game i will captain... otherwise you can have your fakers who wont put any work into the process and just .bash others who they feel threatened by... insulting is for losers! VOTE CALL C6! feel free to support me here... SamCopeland vs The World Vote Chess Game - Chess.com or if your interested in the novelty i invented in the caro kann tal variation let me know
  9. possibly link the thread to the singup thread
  10. if he keeps up the scoring pace he would translate to a third liner/ second liner and score about 40 points over 82 gp, but it doesnt take much swing in either direction for them to be a 50 point player or a 30 point player it really is amazing this time last year eveyone was calling him a bust in his d1 year... really?
  11. The SHL is the third best league outside the KHL and NHL, so yeah if he can cut the mustard there, as long as he can transition well to a more intense faster smaller arena and way more games, he wil do fine
  12. Nobody's Gonna know. They're gonna know!
  13. maybe when we play dallas we can put myers in one of those oversized shipping boxes and wrap it up and leave it in the dallas locker room just dye his hair Brown and put one of those fake beards on him. Then abduct Hakinpaa, die his hair blonde and shave his beard, we can keep him quiet with some delicious Lusikkaleivat
  14. squid games the reality show will drop some time in the next 12 hours... its on netflix... could be terrible and gimmicky, but probably will be fun for the first few episodes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PeteyBOI


      no its called squid games : The challenge its a reality show based off the precept of squid games


      i just watched it in the original soundtrack, i like to pretend im a audiophile connoisseur. not really, i use subtitles anyways regardless of the language.


    3. PeteyBOI


      it just dropped... Mike Diva Dance GIF

    4. PeteyBOI


      I Lied, apparently november is not october! I had to watch a traditional conservative man with anger issues learn to better himself  in the movie Old Dads.... i hate sci-fi's

  15. its finally nice to have two good goalies i agree... poor edmonton... The Gm had no one want to play for him and had to pretend Campbell was a starter, justifying his 5 million dollar salary. we got deSmith who is likely way more consistent for 5x less price tag...
  16. Myers.... at least he's not OEL...
  17. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    many people believe god is ingrained in our instincts and dna... some people are able to tap into adrenaline better than others, is it so hard to believe that god as we know it is all of us, trapped behind our upbringings and forced to live a boring slave life... only when taking mushrooms a substance very related to us does it bind with our minds opening the path to our true meaning
  18. PeteyBOI

    The God Thread

    According to a study, 85% of smokers who had a “mystical experience” after taking psilocybin mushrooms quit smoking 1. This is an impressive success rate compared to nicotine replacement therapies, which have a success rate of around 20% 1.2 A mystical experience is a state of altered or higher consciousness that transcends ordinary reality and reveals a deeper truth or reality. It often involves feelings of oneness, sacredness, bliss, peace, and ecstasy. A mystical experience is usually short-lived, ineffable, and profoundly meaningful 3. It’s important to note that psilocybin mushrooms are illegal in many countries and can have serious side effects. Therefore, it’s not advisable to use them as a smoking cessation aid without proper medical supervision 14 https://www.vice.com/en/article/yvxev5/quit-smoking-with-shrooms-910 https://observatory.synthesisretreat.com/what-is-a-mystical-experience The exact mechanism by which a mystical experience helps quit smoking is not yet fully understood. However, there is evidence that the sense of unity and mystical significance many people experience on psilocybin is associated with greater success in quitting, and those who take the drug may be better able to deal with cravings 1. In a study conducted by Johns Hopkins University, 15 smokers who had been smoking for an average of 31 years and had attempted to quit an average of six times in their lives were given a 15-week smoking cessation course, which involved at least two doses of psilocybin alongside weekly therapy sessions. At the six-month follow-up after the treatment, 12 out of 15 participants were abstinent from smoking. Of the three participants who were still smoking at the six-month follow-up, two had significantly reduced their smoking levels. Only one participant in the entire study did not feel that psilocybin had positively influenced their smoking cessation. This 80% success rate compares very favorably to typical measures of smoking cessation, such as therapy alone, that usually only reach 35% success at most 2. It’s important to note that psilocybin mushrooms are illegal in many countries and can have serious side effects. Therefore, it’s not advisable to use them as a smoking cessation aid without proper medical supervision 2. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/johns-hopkins-scientists-give-psychedelics-the-serious-treatment/ https://www.synthesisretreat.com/quit-smoking Mystical experiences are often associated with religious or spiritual beliefs, but they can also occur in non-religious contexts 1. William James, the “father of American psychology,” published a variety of firsthand accounts of mystical experiences and revelations collected from people from all walks of life. The experiences typically led to strong, long-lasting, even lifelong religious convictions, because they usually reinforced belief in a divine cosmic order 2. In a study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, participants who reported having mystical experiences were more likely to believe in a higher power or God than those who did not report such experiences 3. However, it’s important to note that not all mystical experiences involve belief in God or religion. Some people may have mystical experiences that are not related to any particular religious or spiritual tradition 1. It’s also worth noting that the relationship between mystical experiences and belief in God is complex and multifaceted. Some people may have mystical experiences that reinforce their existing beliefs, while others may have experiences that challenge or transform their beliefs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysticism https://bing.com/search?q=correlation+between+mystical+experiences+and+believing+in+god https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/beautiful-minds/what-would-happen-if-everyone-truly-believed-everything-is-one/
  19. Back in those days, most Canucks fans, including myself, were up in arms about Mark Messier joining our team even before he set foot on the ice. The wounds of Lindens broken ribs was still fresh, and to make matters worse, Messier was given the number 11 jersey, a number that had always been unofficially retired out of respect for Wayne Maki. It felt like a slap in the face to our beloved Canucks history and our Captain The Messier Signing is one that, let's put it kindly, didn't turn out the way anyone hoped. In fact, it's widely regarded as one of the worst decisions in Canucks history. Messier's performance left much to be desired,He mailed it in. Tt was clear that Messier and Iron Mike wasn't winning any popularity contests among fans, myself included. I was only 15 at the time, and while I couldn't catch every game due to limited broadcasts, I devoured every bit of Canucks news I could find in the Province and the Sun, and all the latenight sports highlights, especially the spicy stuff. The media, much like the fans, weren't holding back either. Even nearly two decades after Messier's departure, they were still airing their grievances. I vividly remember how much the Messier era irked me and many others. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/mark-messier-canucks-contract-1997 What's intriguing is that despite the mess Messier left behind, the Linden trade did lead to some unexpected silver linings. We acquired players like Todd Bertuzzi, Ruttu, And McCabe which led to drafting the Sedins, who would later become the backbone of our team's success for a solid decade. There was also the Petr Nedved trade, which brought Markus Naslund into the mix. F Messier
  20. 100 elo is a big underdog too.. i watched some of his own reviews..eric has one of those soothing calming voices like Mr.rogers...
  21. well, i think you can improve at any age... study the new theory and treasure the old, and make sure you use it against people that are very young... Magnus Carlsen Played the youngest person ever to Become GM in march of 2023... he Plaed the Advanced Panov Advance... the same one i played in the video earlier in the thread... I thought it was very fitting fro Magnus to choose this opening as the last person to play it Professionally was Him the same year his opponent was born... and the 2600 rated gm did not know the theory and was facing checkmate in 1 on turn 8...
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