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Everything posted by PeteyBOI

  1. I almost hit my goal rating of 1500 last week, playing way less games helped. I quit blitz and bullet and am playing puzzles... where i also hit a new high
  2. Age 20 - Horvat (0.37) Kesler (N/A) Age 21 - Horvat (0.49) Kesler (0.18) Age 22 - Horvat (0.64) Kesler (0.28) Age 23 - Horvat (0.69) Kesler (0.33) Age 24 - Horvat (0.74) Kesler (0.46) Age 25 - Horvat (0.77) Kesler (0.72) Age 26 - Horvat (0.70) Kesler (0.91) Age 27 - Horvat (0.74) Kesler (0.89) Age 28 - Horvat (0.89 - was 1.10 before trade) Kesler (0.64) i misread this post... shall we continue to derail the thread?
  3. let me tell you selke winners are very good players... and a selke winner that beat the king of selke Bergeron... Defence wins cups oh btw how many points was kesler on pace before he was traded? what 90 something? man what a stud back then Kesler was a top 5 centerman in the league... but anywho love keep being goaded into something that really doesnt need to be said, but here we go again...
  4. I dont want to argue with you or ignore you... despite you being the third person quoting me about my comment "Kesler is so much better" you are the third person seemingly ignoring where i backtracked that statement. you obviously recognized i made a post between that first post, because you made a comment about my wall of text in your response but don't mention my retraction... are you just looking for a fight, i dont want one... go look somewhere else. so these two things i quoted i will also mention and comment... i actually did address his 99 point season twice, once with my own analysis and the second was in the HFboards topic where a poster points out Keslers top 2 seasons were higher not in points but in standing(keslers were a few spots higher) ... if you dont have time to read my responses, why bother commenting on them? JT is 30, by the time Kesler was 30 he was already suffering from major back issues... Before kesler was traded he was scoring at an amazing 1.10 PPG and he was top 10 in scoring. idk i think its not unfair for me to compare the two players... I was wrong about saying so much better. i really don't think 6 words not even directed at you should have elicited this response, they didn't mention miller in a bad way. It makes me wonder if its my words that worked you two up or my past?
  5. ok sir.... i will go back and reread your post.... ok done... You said... "Advanced stats have done dick for scoring" silly me for "assuming" ... I now 100% believe you... especially after you spend your next 2 paragraphs shit talking their use... and on top of it you seem not to even read my evidence on how they are used...I give you all these examples of advanced analytics... and what did you focus on from that 1000 words...? WAR SV% SPEED (are you against speed or scoffing at how it leads to scoring?) go look back WAR, SV% wasnt even in there. In my past posts about analytics on Luke Schenn and Hughes at the trade dead line was for a reason (there was a very loud mob of people arguing that Schenn was worth a first, i was trying to disprove that before he was traded. I believe I did that despite 50 people mobbing me how fake advanced stats are. My analysis which did not use WAR, proved he was performing as a bottom 6 dman. And it was to provoke, but not to troll... despite yours's and the other 50 members incredulous arguments, i know changed some peoples minds that day about Schenn... and I guarantee you it prevented many angry comments on Schenn's trade) Now id like to point out your ironic comments about assuming, you have done that 3 times now in just this post alone, once in your second post assuming i dont like miller, and then proceeded to call me stoopid. when did i ever say advanced metrics is going to win you a cup? i didnt ever. and do you know why i don't? because every team in the league uses it, hence there's no advantage. Some might be more advanced in their studies, but word gets out quick, there are no secrets in the world of advanced metrics and analytics. The hockey clubs aren't the experts in finding relations to performance and the stats. Most teams have a consultant and academic statisticians pioneering the advancements. You dont think think i believe in the eye test? i already said i did. WAR is highly controversial if you ever paid attention to my breakdowns of advanced stats i never used WAR once... even though you obviously have never read anything about i have ever written analytics, I would explain how you can accurately find QOC and QOT metrics and it has nothing do with WAR. But i won't, why would you read it now? im not stupid, even though you may think so... I can piece why a backup might have better stats then a starter, and i wouldn't have to watch a game to come to that conclusion either. so i hand you a shovel and a ladder, your choice what to do with them.
  6. nah fam.. it wasnt me that lost lost their marble because i said kesler was better than miller... and i also retracted me saying so much twice now already... your both being incredulous.. making me look like a bad guy... i love miller... yall are crazy decided to be fair to myself and defend my innocent post
  7. yes but young punks think they know best... having measurable proof is always good when some young bull tries to reinvent the wheel... writing down your findings is the only way to immortalize your coaching styles and methods... of course stats did not invent high danger shots, it just quantified them
  8. nope i believe you... if i didnt think you believed i would say something else... i would not spend any time trying to prove myself right... i would rather just ask for proof that analytics is fake news...
  9. of course, i agree.but advancements in the eye test hasn't really had a huge upswing in the past 10 years.... Trust me all team use advanced metrics...even the nucks. its a multi million dollar Business. teams are investing In AI to best analyze and use all the data to its most potential, they are not shying away from it at all, they are investing more money into it. the margins are slim, but they are REAL... Shift time is a big one.. players used to play longer shifts now they are much, much shorter. an eye test didn't figure that out, some nerd did... and the dozen or so other points i already made... people's memory is terrible, no honestly, its terrible, im really serious... its terrible. this is why the eye test fails some times you might recognize something by eye but if you dont quantify it somehow, a few months/weeks/days/minutes later it could be gone... there is no way, in any way does using advanced metrics effect a team poorly in the long run. you may try a new strategy and it might not work, but you can drop it... I think we all can agree that High Danger shots are much more likely to score than any random shot, just recognizing this allows a coach to strategize how to use this info... explain how knowing that goals have a certain percentage of chance to go in from high danger areas makes a team worse? explain how tracking any stat makes a team worse? i cant think of a reason.... if your coach cant figure out a way to utilize the data thats on them... but they do, they do use the data and its the leading reason why hockey has gone up 10% in scoring... if it was only players improving the goalies would not be affected, because they also would be improving... if you want some proof of it being real, i suggest you search for articles that prove its fake... all you will get is articles that prove how it works
  10. thanks... it wasnt your post alone, that caused me to say the words i said. it was the combination of everything including the article. i also retracted my much better already so we can agree on that... And my post wasnt a knock on miller at all... not even the slightest... I love miller i always have been advocating for him... some might remember me defending him during 3 seasons past during his down year and even last year too... People wanted him gone traded, and said we would have to pay to get rid of him... I actually am the type of fan that doesnt do much ragging on our players... people just believe what they want to i guess...
  11. proof of advanced metrics and stats are BS... im not concerned about it, people wanted me to quantify why i think Kesler was better, I did... wasnt concerned at all... Im more concerned with how insulting you are...
  12. hey just because you dont like advanced metrics, and cant handle change doesnt mean you are right.... and you dont get to call me stoopid...
  13. Zone Entries and Exits: Teams can use advanced stats to optimize zone entries and exits, which influence scoring chances. Tracking player movement and puck control in these areas can help teams gain better control of the game, leading to more offensive opportunities. Enhanced Scouting: Advanced stats also play a role in scouting opponents. Teams use analytics to study their rivals' strengths and weaknesses, helping them identify areas where they can exploit vulnerabilities and increase scoring opportunities. Shot Selection: Advanced stats help players and teams understand the importance of shot quality. Not all shots are equal, and advanced metrics like xG can quantify the expected value of a shot. This knowledge can influence players to take higher-quality shots, which have a higher likelihood of leading to goals. Power Play and Penalty Kill Optimization: Advanced stats can provide insights into special teams' effectiveness, including the power play and penalty kill. Teams can identify which tactics work best and which players are most productive in these situations, ultimately leading to more goals scored on power plays and fewer goals allowed on penalty kills. Strategic Insights: Coaches and teams use advanced stats to understand on-ice dynamics better. For example, they can analyze which line combinations or defensive pairings are most effective in creating scoring chances and preventing opponents from doing the same. This knowledge helps in forming game strategies that maximize scoring potential. Player Evaluation: Advanced stats help teams assess player performance more comprehensively. Metrics like Corsi and Expected Goals (xG) allow teams to identify players who generate more scoring opportunities or possess better defensive skills. This leads to better player selection and roster optimization, which can improve overall team performance and scoring. Player Speed Measurement: Advanced metrics like player tracking data and player speed measurements have become more prevalent in the NHL. Teams now have access to data that quantifies a player's speed, acceleration, and movement on the ice. This information can help coaches and analysts identify players who excel in terms of speed and agility. Evaluation and Optimization: With access to speed data, teams can evaluate the effectiveness of fast breakouts and offensive rushes. They can assess which players are particularly adept at creating these situations and how they impact the game. This data can be used to optimize strategies and tactics that leverage speed and transition play. Enhanced Strategy: The data derived from advanced metrics allows teams to develop more sophisticated strategies that take advantage of player speed. For example, teams can design breakout and transition plays that capitalize on the fastest skaters on the team. They can also assess the success rate of these strategies by using metrics like expected goals (xG) to determine if the high-speed plays result in more scoring chances. this is just on power play's... Efficiency and Effectiveness: Advanced metrics can be used to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of a team's power play. Metrics like power-play goals, shot attempts, shooting percentage, and expected goals (xG) on the power play can provide insights into how well the power play is performing. Teams can compare these metrics to previous seasons, opponents, or league averages to identify areas for improvement. Zone Entries: Advanced metrics can track zone entries during the power play. Teams can analyze how successful their entries are and whether they lead to scoring opportunities. Effective zone entries can lead to more time in the offensive zone and increased scoring chances. Shot Selection: Advanced metrics can help analyze the types of shots taken on the power play. Teams can assess the quality of shots (high-danger vs. low-danger) and whether they align with the team's overall offensive strategy. Understanding the expected value of shots (xG) on the power play can help in optimizing shot selection. Passing and Puck Movement: Metrics related to passing and puck movement can provide valuable insights into power play effectiveness. Teams can track the number of passes, pass completion percentages, and the speed of puck movement. Effective passing can create openings and scoring opportunities. Player-Specific Metrics: Teams can use advanced metrics to evaluate individual player performance on the power play. They can assess which players excel in various power play roles, such as the quarterback position, net-front presence, or shooters. These insights can help coaches make personnel decisions and tailor strategies to player strengths. Opponent Analysis: Advanced stats can also be used to analyze opponents' penalty-killing strategies and weaknesses. Teams can identify patterns or tendencies in how opposing penalty killers defend against power plays and adjust their strategies accordingly. Time-on-Ice Management: Teams can use metrics to monitor player time-on-ice during power plays. Managing player shifts effectively and optimizing ice time for key players can contribute to power-play success. By using advanced metrics to analyze these aspects of power play strategy, teams can make data-informed decisions about changes or adjustments needed to enhance their power play performance. It allows for a more nuanced and tailored approach to power plays, increasing the chances of converting with the man advantage and ultimately contributing to higher scoring in the NHL.
  14. looking back, perhaps so much is a over statement... he was better. if i was to pretend a situation and EP didnt exist and we put prime kesler in his spot and all 3 Miller, Kesler and Horvat were our centers and up for contract... horvat is the easy choice out, miller would be our scoring center taking EP's role and kesler would be our shutdown center and Number 1 Pk unit... he likely would play more minutes than Miller... and would heavily rely on miller to feed him the puck on the PP... idk call me old school I think that his type of style is more inducive of winning games especially playoff games. back that up with any prrof, because i will spend 5 minutes giving you page after page of proof
  15. different era's... low scoring 1-3-1 trap, brutal monsters, Power plays were still being perfected back then, 4 forwards on the PP instead of 3 was not normal. the canucks used the old setup. they did invent the common power play entry thats used across the league now, though. as much as people laugh about it, advanced stats has really increased scoring in the past few years, everything is scrutinized to find the smallest of edges...(austin matthews)snap shots, high danger shots, cross wide one timers, the speed of the game, 3 scoring lines, the enforcer disappearing. even things like not gliding back to the bench is recognized and proven to help your team. and when it comes to defensive play Kesler was a perennial selke candidate for many years and a grade a pest. assuming prime kesler would be dumped into todays NHL with all the knowledge of this era, one would assume his scoring would increase. and just like JT if hes was brought back to the 1-3-1 trap era his scoring would drop, maybe drastically as his position on the powerplay didnt even exist for 2/3rds of the teams. many others agree that Ryan would be paid more than JT is right now... How much salary would a prime Ryan Kesler demand In todays NHL? | HFBoards - NHL Message Board and Forum for National Hockey League
  16. call me clueless too.. never heard of a koolaid strafe before... actually i believe my post that contained a metaphor would be the exact opposite of lazy... do you know how long it took to find that gif? all the other low hanging fruit gifs were trash, i had think outside the box. my entire comment changed to fit that gif. as for the metaphor what do you not understand? if you must know, i answered your "is that what wet your blanket" in several different ways... 1...Literal: you were spying on me, how else would you know i spilled my juice... 2. im referring to your original post and my response to it. Low hanging fruit is everywhere, and its easy to get carried away squeezing the juice...(perhaps in the past i may have squeezed the low hanging fruit and "wet my blanket"...)
  17. Elevating Chess Analysis and Opening Exploration: Introducing Two Interconnected Projects Greetings, chess enthusiasts, I'm dankmemes187, a chess enthusiast on a mission to transform the way we analyze chess and explore opening strategies. It's my pleasure to introduce two projects that are intrinsically linked and set to take your chess experience to the next level. Project 1: Streamlined Data Parsing for Precision Testing: Our first project focuses on a precise approach to handling chess data. We're excited to share that we're currently in the testing phase, using a limited data set. During this phase, I'll be using my own dataset of 3000 games and the entirety of the Lichess database for the past year. This data will be parsed to focus on my specific openings and preferred time control (10-0). This focused approach is designed to speed up the testing phase and allow us to fine-tune the system. Additionally, we're exploring the collection of move time frequency, allowing for customizable options. The analysis will consider the average move time for the appropriate rating and time control, scaled by increments of 100. This expansion of data points will provide a deeper understanding of the games we're analyzing. Project 2: Chess Opening Explorer: Empowering Chess Players: The Chess Opening Explorer, our second project, complements Project 1 seamlessly. Let's delve into its pivotal features, including an upcoming addition: Unlocking Opening Sequences: This feature delves deep into opening sequences, utilizing the database to determine commonly played moves, high-winning percentage moves, stockfish engine evaluations, and the average time to make such moves. We're also introducing an exploration of move time frequency, giving you insights into the pacing of moves in various openings and time controls. Compare and Analyze: Project 2 allows you to upload your PGN games and compare them against the database. In the near future, we'll introduce an analysis component that provides scores based on various criteria. This includes the frequency of moves, their performance in terms of winning percentages, and stockfish evaluations, all while considering move time data. This comprehensive analysis will be available for download. A New Approach to Fair Play: One of the groundbreaking elements in Project 2 is the concept of harmonizing custom PGN scores with the overall database scores, as well as integrating move time data. This innovative approach will enable the creation of a probability matrix across four criteria: move frequency, winning percentage performance, stockfish evaluations, and average time to make each move. By identifying proper values and developing a mathematical formula, we aim to use this resource to help detect cheating and irregularities in chess games. Calling All Programmers and Mathematicians: We're actively seeking the involvement of programmers and mathematicians who are passionate about chess and interested in contributing to these projects. If you're excited about making chess more accessible and fair, and if you have the technical skills to make a difference, we encourage you to join us. Vision and Community Involvement: Our vision involves strong community participation. We warmly welcome your feedback, insights, and contributions. Together, we can elevate these projects to a realm of excellence. Thank you for your attention, and we eagerly await your engagement in these chess-enhancing initiatives. Best regards, dankmemes187
  18. in 2023 I would give you these suggestions to help with expenses. 1.if your single, Do whatever you can to live as close as possible to your workplace, or even better work remotely, It may require selling your car to help cover the extra expenses if your workplace is more central to the core of a city... and if its not feasible I would recommend looking for companies in your trade that pay similar that are closer to your bed... 2. start a side hustle, something that's easy and fun for you to do... no stress and you can pick up whenever you want to.. 3. i would highly recommend doing a serious look into how much it would cost to go without a vehicle in your life. last year i realized that the only time i "needed" to drive my car was for out of town use... in 2023 renting a car for a day is super cheap, all my out of town drives were able to be planned... the time for me to rent a car and start driving can be as little as 15 minutes (if im lucky) and no more than an hour... 4. exercise is a requirement to stay healthy, if you dont have a car consider selling the bus pass and getting a e-bike and maybe multiple of them(cargo e-bikes are great for picking up daily essentials) most cities have a discounted token where you can buy a pack of single use bus fares... (for those really miserable days) 5. Consider the benefit of home delivery services and online shoppers/pickers...(especially if you have a side hustle, dont own a car, or do own a cargo e-bike) self pickup is often free and the cost of delivery can be mitigated by working on your side hustle instead of shopping... most websites save your order histories, have a easy way to organize items by sales and discounts and allows you the time to shop whenever its convenient (even in the middle of the night) selling my car more than covered the costs of my delivery services... you can also save tons of time, I always am overwhelmed when i enter a big box store walking around hunting for the items i need, and can easily get tempted by the low hanging fruit. 6. Invest in a brand new budget computer or laptop. most of the reccomendations above require a fast computer to benefit from the time savings mentioned above and all the planning required to operate a side hustle, rent cars, plan your routes... you would be surprised how much time you will save by purchasing a brand new budget computer (if your computer takes more than 15 seconds to boot from power up to browsing the internet you are doing it wrong) everything will dramatically reduce in time to load... webpages may not be slow because of your internet, it may be just your ancient computer... (4 years old is ancient) you may be tempted to buy a 2021 model or a 2022 model, dont do it... (some 2022 models would be okay) 2023 computers have brand new CPU technology and Memory technology, it takes time for software and web developers to commit to engineering their products to utilize the new technolgy, but once they do the old technology will be so far behind in speed. identify the computer you want and wait for a sale direct from the manufacturer.
  19. PeteyBOI

    The AI Thread

    "Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war" it reads. Should? what a sentence to drum up the seriousness of the situation... Lets just say I have a lot of experience with AI, This Thing is going to influence change in the world faster 10X more than the invention of the combustion engine... the people that mock it for screwing up answering the most complicated questions known to man, or asking it questions about events that have never happened are up for a rude awakening. Every single professional can use this technology to improve their efficiency, you just need to know what questions to ask... if you have a small Business you should really consider investing in hiring or at least having a long discussion with a consultant or with someone that has expertise in utilizing the technology... BTW im available for hire... will work for peanuts if you thought layoffs were bad in the last twenty years, you have seen nothing yet....
  20. well Miller has made some questionable choices thats for sure... Yelling at the rookie and banging your stick is not a good thing, but i think from his comments he's working to reign in his "passion" for the game...call me a sceptic I dont think he will ever win a selke, but if he works hard and applies his passion in the right channels like education, he can become a great mentee of Tocchets and really improve his game. can he be a top 10 shutdown center yes, i think so... top 5 yes, i think so, but he has to be commited for every single minute he plays, that involves putting in 100% effort into his line changes too... I think if we can aquire a player like dallas's Mason Marchment to be a linemate of his we could have a Top 3 shutdown line...
  21. always an honour when the king of cynicism gives you a bruce there it is on your comment... Hats off to you, I hope your empties speak well of the canucks future... 

  22. nah... fam you cray... some of the most terrible players in the league have won multiple cups
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