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  1. oh man De Brusk Heinen and Sherwood. That will make all the difference, Plan the parade
  2. nobody left that moves the needle for us. wasnt much out there after Guentzel anyways. Created Cap space. not much else to be excited about this FA class
  3. They are both at the top of the page list. The list without them is from Friedman.
  4. nobody left on this list excites me. No one moves the needle. If this is all that is out there pay the big Russian D man and offer Toffoli what he wants. Other than that big Yawn.
  5. The leafs acquired the rights to Tanev so they could negotiate first. Hope he burns them and doesnt sign with them.
  6. Great now the leafs have the rights to Tanev. Doesn’t mean he signs there but I bet get first shot. Damn.
  7. Sadly yes, not happy about that. Not sure who would be available that brings what the big man brings
  8. Congratulations to Quinn Hughes for the Norris trophy. Its been a long time coming for this franchise and fans. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy and what a classy acceptance speech as well. Its the continuation of things turning around for this team. Looking forward to next season already
  9. Given the way the Zadorov stepped up in the playoffs I would rather we prioritize him and Dakota Joshua over trying to land a Jake Guentzel. What we need in Vancouver is players that step it up at the right times. Big Z played lights out in the playoffs. Scored a few beauty goals and played well in front of our net. I think he has upside still offensively. he also gives us a bit of a deterrent to team stirring it up with our smaller players. If we use the money to sign Zadorov, then we can resign DJ and maybe look at adding a Tyler Toffoli back into this mix rather than handing a huge contract to a JG that wont age well. we already have a contract with those risks. we need players that can elevate their game. I liked what i saw from the big Russian kid this spring. Love to hear thoughts here?
  10. replied in red. My Priority would be big Z over a Guentzel. I would rather they come back with Joshua and Zadorov and then try to get Toffoli over signing JG to a long long term contract with huge numbers. But i Trust in Jim and Patrik.
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