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Minor Leaguer

Minor Leaguer (6/14)

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  1. So when I sent links showing that violent crime is up and the last 6 or 8 mass shooting in Canada involved migrants, that wasn’t good enough but the you post links with words and no actual proof and it’s good enough? Seems like a double standard that fits what you think……
  2. As per your rule. I have reported people that have done the exact thing you said we cannot do. I hope you review them and hand out the appropriate discipline.
  3. I am fine with Skilled Immigrations that contributes to our countries growth. We need it keep up with other countries. It should not be just anyone coming in.
  4. So people name calling me & saying I am things I am not is allowed? Maybe you should look at those users name calling and look to enforce the rules on them?
  5. I am someone who believes in free speech & Canadians being prosperous
  6. That may be your perspective but it doesn't mean that is who I am.
  7. Literally a pointless remark to try and make yourself feel like you have some sort of power.
  8. So being called things like MAGA, Maple MAGA, Dense etc is not being attacked? Those are things that can be used to Defame someone. By definition that would be called an attack on who someone is.
  9. Look up the people and If they were born in Canada. That will show you what I am trying to explain.
  10. What are you talking about? MAGA? What is this? You do not know me so why suggest these silly things? Am I upset? Yes. Families are loosing each other. It is disgusting.
  11. You are saying its not fact, look at the data. If you say it is not fact then prove its not. Or you cant because you have done 0 research. You are doing the exact thing you are accusing me of.
  12. Look up the statistics, I have. I know what they say. Just because you have not done any research, doesn't mean you can claim something is not true. What you are saying I am doing is what you are doing. You have done 0 research. If you have, prove it. Thats what you are saying to me.
  13. I just gave several. Here is an article for you. Look up the people & where they are from: A look at recent mass killings across Canada | CTV News
  14. MAGA? What are you even talking about. Why are you trying to bring politics into this? To try and paint me a certain way? Bringing this up makes 0 sense unless you are trying to present defamation to a user.
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