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  1. That's a good point. He repeats the same lies so often, they become very easy to fact check.
  2. They do a great job of muddying the waters whenever they look weak. Then the people who want to hopelessly believe, can find something to hold onto until the next dopamine hit.
  3. I present to you: Exhibit A I do respect that you try, illogical word salads that they are, but at least you provide something to parse through. I don't know, they let Trump speak much longer and always allowed him the last word, especially as he refused to follow the time limits. That's usually a big advantage..if the person you're giving extra time to is using it effectively. They also only fact checked him 3 times? And Harris once? Given that the lies were mostly provided by Trump and just a few by Harris, that's about what I'd expect. They could've fact checked Harris 2-3 more times and Trump about 15-20 but who wants to see that. I know you'll argue against this and if you do, i can provide a long list of Trump's lies.
  4. Trump was flattened so the excuses come flying out from the media. Rigged! Earpiece! Please, something stick! If Trump had won the debate, there would be silence. You're exactly right, the questions were super obvious and extremely easy. Trump fumbled questions a (smart) high schooler could've handled. It's embarrassing to even debate against. No facts, all feelings.
  5. You tell me, you're the one saying she had the answers and the debate was rigged without proof. Clearly you think she dominated Trump as why would you make those claims otherwise? Try to stay on topic please.
  6. Damn, with such riveting evidence, how silly of me to even respond! Must of been the blinders that I wasn't so easily convinced by such evidence as: Blank Truly, amazing and compelling evidence! Harris tuned up Trump, must've been the deep state! I see that now, you've shown me the light. It's all so obvious now that I've seen: Blank
  7. So clear There is no evidence of a rigged debate. There's no evidence of Harris having the questions ahead of time. "Let Harris spread dangerous lies to all of America" - yea I'm pretty sure Trump's lies were far more numerous. You just write fan fiction and whine about why nobody believes you. Duodenum fact check
  8. The mental gymnastics is rather interesting to watch, one can convince themselves of anything making leaps like that.
  9. Right wing media has got people so afraid of everything, they just make stuff up to be scared about now. Nobody is coming for maga lol
  10. I like both Eby and Sim, for what it's worth. They both are doing things that will improve BC in the long run. Neither is good at keeping costs low though. As someone in healthcare, its nice to see a provincial party actually doing things that'll make it better. The housing changes Eby has made along with Sim abolishing parking minimums and view cones will help eventually (whether they're still around to get the credit is another story, but I think both have earned it). Interest rates and Immigration make it hard to see the effects of their policies so far but it looks like the federal government is finally doing something about immigration and when interest rates come down, that's when we'll really see the benefits.
  11. More Than Half of Trump Voters Believe Haitians Are Eating Pets: Poll https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-republicans-haitian-migrants-eating-pets-poll-1954875 Shows you why they make up these stories. There are a lot of people willing to get angry and believe fake news.
  12. Back to policy instead of he said she said. Trump plans would add $5.8 trillion to national debt https://www.axios.com/2024/08/28/trump-harris-national-debt-election Donald Trump's campaign promises would send the national debt soaring much faster than Kamala Harris' would, per two new analyses from the Penn Wharton Budget Model. Both of them increase the deficit relative to the current baseline. Follow the money: The top 1% would see their post-tax income rise by $47,000 in 2026 under Trump, compared to a fall of $9,000 under Harris. The median household would see an income gain of about $2,000 per year under both plans. The bottom line: If the GOP was ever a party committed to reducing the national debt, it's not anymore. Disclaimer: Axios is 'lean left' but they are just reporting on the Penn Wharton Business Model here.
  13. Perhaps a gun control bill so that it takes longer to obtain firearms (more robust background checks) and prevents criminals from obtaining them might help. Also: super dangerous tweet from Leon: Yikes
  14. He also donated many times to ActBlue (roughly $140 total) - he supported Tulsi when she masqueraded as a Democrat in Hawaii and is passionate about Ukraine. Criminal history. Always important to give all the information. Otherwise, it's fuel. He's a crazy that should've never been allowed to get a gun in the first place but that's Florida for you.
  15. No i said that Trump's comment was taken out context, i agreed with you.
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