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Everything posted by Goose

  1. it was a pretty quick sequence. im definitely not defending his overall play but on that particular play it’s probably not the one to be super critical of
  2. i rewatched the goal and IM gets bumped so its a little better than just watching the puck. Just a bad sequence overall much like this game so far….
  3. My view of him hasnt really changed all year but alas Im focused on the Canucks winning this game! (Now would be a great time for you to step up tho Phillip)
  4. EDM playing three FWDs deep in the O zone. Even when the D pinch the FWDs arnt exactly covering. Hard to against play against but the Canucks gotta break through somehow
  5. yeah, Im not looking to dump on anyone but if Juulsen has a really solid game I wouldnt be surprised if Cole gets a little reset for game 5
  6. Yeah Tocc has a substantive point-Kane should be gone given all the talk about dangerous crosschecks
  7. imo it’s came down to winning battles and EDM won the majority of them that period. But there is definitely potential for rush chances going back the other way
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