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Everything posted by Goose

  1. Zadarov, Lafferty have been solid and now Lindholm is starting to find his way-solid pick ups. Really curious what VAN can do tomorrow.
  2. Great team play this entire road trip.
  3. every season they should let a local highschool A.V club do the cameras. It would be frickin hilarious
  4. This teams plays so much more calmly without TM in the line up. PA should get ballsy and trade him. Probably get a 2nd? Then flip it for a fwd like TT and go get another depth defender Gonna go make some soup. Make it so PA
  5. I hear ya. Swapping him and PS isnt a bsd idea. I hope he can just put his down, skate his ass off and create turnovers. If he csn do that he might actually help BB/JT. Ill be curious how he looks tonight vs LVGK
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