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Everything posted by Goose

  1. We are getting old so need a bigger screen to see anything of course. 0101 Soybean Alley
  2. Misses gave me the thumbs up to buy a new TV if Id like to (bday gift). Watching Canucks hockey gonna be good in 2024
  3. Allvin said D petey in the AHL this year after his season finishes. Lekky going AHL next year
  4. I want to see how they match up against other top 6 lines. They didnt last long vs Couturier’s line. Dont even need to produce like they have been.
  5. RE Canucks it’s the right call. D is playing fine anyways. IM has been OK coming back from injury and Im not quite sure how effective Bear would be (and he needs to be in tip top shape imo)
  6. I really enjoyed watching Boeser tonight. Nothing flashy but rock solid.
  7. Tocc has said himself he doesnt think all players need to “kill guys”. Again, if Kuzy was moving his feet, creating pressure and being in good position I firmly believe Tocchett would be happy. You seem to think “hits” are measurably the same. 10 hits from Tom Wilson are not the same as 10 hits from PDG. As for “quantifiable” - give it a rest. Eye test can easily show how engaged a player is.
  8. The point was that Boeser upped his game and is much more involved when on the ice. Im not concerned about hits or blocks and I doubt RT is either-it’s more about moving his feet and creating pressure.
  9. You could have easily said the same things about Boeser previous to this season. Great finisher but not involved enough. People keep saying RT is trying to change into AK into an “elite checker” - he’s not. This team creates offence by forcing turnovers, but that requires all 5 skaters being on the same page. If F1 or F2 just let the opponent gingerly do their thing, they arnt helping. RT is trying to create a team identity and Im on board w what he wants to see from his players.
  10. predictability/effectiveness of a line matters too. You cant have 2/3 guys forechecking/grinding hard. It’s how the 2/3rd outlet passes dont get turned over. And a good 4th line should be getting a lot of D zone starts. Who are you going to trust more grinding along the boards/ getting the puck out and into the OZ? Kuz or PDG/Lafferty? I think Kuzy will be fine-he’s not going to die on the vine or anything. Watching some of these games might even be more instructive for him.
  11. Yeah, with regards to Z I was just referring to how poised Gudbranson looked w him. Myers had been turning it around before then, but when paired w Z he’s seem to have found a good d partner.
  12. He has 10 of his current 14 points in the last 20 games champ. But that wasnt the even the point at issue. Anyone w a decent eye could see Myers struggle in October. Mid November onwards he has simplified his game and executed a lot better. Reading comprehension is a virtue.
  13. He was a PP ace last season for sure. When Miller was on the half wall, he set up Kuzy a bunch. Under Boudreau he was scoring electric goals and some good stuff around the net. Unfortunately the PP has shifted somewhat this year. He’s not getting as many second chance around the net this year but more importantly, I think Tocchett doesnt like that he isnt helping to generate much either. If he was generating chances or at least showing signs of driving play I think people would be more understanding of the funk he is in. That recent 5 on 5 stat about shots against is a revealing concern imo
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