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Everything posted by Goose

  1. His minutes were heavily reduced for games in October by Foote. Called Tocchett to even say he was playing poorly. Facts only.
  2. No, he wasnt. He was an anchor for his early defence partners like Cole. The stats showed them being heavily outshot in comparison to Cole playing w other players. His propensity to not cleanly handle the puck leading to scoring chances against were all there to start the season. He had his big blunders. All that has quieted down over the last 15-20 games.
  3. Zadarov got Gudbranson going again in CGY. Hard to believe how confident Myers is looking w him now too.
  4. A certain poster here might try to tell you Aman is a “plug” but that’s my boy scoring a big goal right there
  5. I like Kuzy but right now he is having to figure out what to do to be a positive impact on this team. It also doesnt help that the Canucks have more scoring depth as well. You obviously havnt read through the posts then. Reading comprehension = your friend If anyone is being condescending it’s the poster notorious for doing so.
  6. Canucks are at their best when they have four lines rolling, playing hard. Their systems (and thus team play) require it. Having a 4th line that can actually eat up mins and lessen the burden on other lines is crucial. I like Kuz but given his play so far, and the fact Canucks have options, Ill roll w Tocchetts decision on this one.
  7. Kucherov isnt a floater to start. Boeser was heavily criticized last season(s) because he wasnt having enough impact away from the puck. Kuz is in that territory this season. I think Tocchett has earned the benefit of the doubt in terms of line up chemistry.
  8. Its called chemistry. Before you start calling players plugs maybe think things through first. Figure it out
  9. How about pressure? 4th line need’s to play hard and tire out opponents. Kuz is easy to play against. Further that line gets benched because Kuz cant play important mins at the end of games. Hes not a fit in the bottom 6, period.
  10. Kuz just isn’t a fit in the 4th line-its that simple. Probably the big reason that line wasnt getting third period mins.
  11. Suter back now is going to make things interesting. Ive always thought stick w chemistry when you have it. But can Garland move up to play with Miller/Boeser? I like Hoagie but Garland is a buzzsaw and they need that. Can Suter center a line of DJ and NH? Can IM and SL stick w EP? I thought Bluegar/Aman were good when paired together to start the season. Kuzy is the dark horse in all this as well. I dont think he really fits/helps on the fourth line but he’s not exactly driving play in the top 6 either. If I had to make a bet, I think Allvin/Tocchett are thinking they could upgrade the team by trading him. The defence seems pretty solid now w big Z and Myers playing very confident. Soucy will settle it down even more. Really looking forward to NSH and DAL
  12. Canucks media doing their drama thing on twitter. Disjointed first for the Canucks so far hut they’ll pick it up
  13. Jack is a good kid. Loved how hard he grinded in the off season to try and win a spot in camp. Best of luck.
  14. Didnt want to jinx anything before the game but that was the spanking I was hoping for
  15. It has been noted Tocchett prefers short, intense practices. Make the mins count. I think from a players/athlete perspective they appreciate the approach too. Dont waste time and dont keep them around the rink longer than necessary. He’s also preached day off habits as well eg aerobic recovery, nutrition etc. Still a long ways to go but the coaching staff’s approach has been very purposeful.
  16. Always liked the player for his physical play. But I cant help but think Tanev would level up this team in terms of getting out of the D zone
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