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Posts posted by Goose

  1. 1 hour ago, Colonel D said:

    I never thought I'd see that day that fungus/fungi would be what was in the pot, but I've got to say, they are starting to grow on me


    there is a chef that turns these massive mushrooms into ‘steaks’.  From what I recall it requires quite a bit of prep work and definitely leans towards the decadent of things, but it looks good.


    One of my favorite dishes is to thinly slice portobello mushrooms and heavily season it with garlic powder, some salt and cayenne pepper.  Add a few sliced onions and douse everything w balsamic vinegar.  Bake in oven for a while. Goes really well w mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts etc.  One of my comfort dishes on a cold day. 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Darius said:

    They hadn’t lost to these guys since 2019. It’s the nhl, the other team is trying to win too.

    i don’t know how realistic it is to expect this team to go from poor team to consistently dominant in one season. Overall they are doing great considering all  these road games and the thinned out D.   They need to shed a couple unfavourable contracts, bolster the defence, and add a little more size on the wing. Prob another 1-2 yr process. 

    Need to concentrate on the positives here. It’s not like they need to fill the most difficult positions (1c,1d, great goalie) . The foundation is in. They are closer than they have been in at least 10 yrs and can still be one of the better teams in the west. 


    Yeah, Ive been thinking the same thing i.e it’s a process.  Some encouraging signs at least.  

    I wont be getting comfortable though (post season appearance) until the end of the regular season. 

    • Cheers 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, bonkerz said:

    4 stones vegetarian has absolutely god tier plant based chinese food


    they have this bean curd dish that is 100% indistinguishable from chicken. 


    they have a sweet and sour soy dish thats indistinguishable from pork 


    At a certain level it’s really all about texture and taste right? Given that we can land people on the moon, you’d think technology and ingenuity could develop healthy plant based foods that mimic (closely enough) animal based products.    


    Im down for god tier Chinese food.  Will have to make a trip there sometime.  Thanks for the recommendation.

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