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Posts posted by Goose

  1. Just now, greenbean30 said:

    I truly do not believe Hughes has as good of a season this year without Hronek as his partner for most of the season.

    They fed off each other so well and had a ton of chemistry, even Hughes has said that Hronek was the best partner he has ever had(this includes Tanev).


    If Hughes and Hronek were big time liabilities in the d-zone this year, then I could buy needing a strictly stay at home d-man for Hughes, but they weren't. These two guys were the best pair in the NHL for a big part of the season.


    Hughes deserves most of the credit though.  Tanev or Hronek both complement his style of play.  Both can make a good pass, skate the puck and activate.


    Having Tanev partner Hughes isnt about D zone deficiencies compared to Hronek.  All Im saying is that it is not a downgrade from to Hronek to Tanev short term.  The downgrade would be losing a capable RH D long term.

  2. 1 hour ago, greenbean30 said:

    I don't think Tanev would be a better partner for Hughes. Tanev is one of the best defensive dmen in the league, but he wouldn't match Hughes' abilities and wouldn't complement them as much.

    I love Tanev, and would love to have him back, but at this point in their careers I would choose Hronek at 7-7.5m than Tanev at $5m.


    Hronek and Hughes had great chemistry together and they worked well off each other. They kept the puck out of our net and kept control of the puck. Tanev doesn't have that same ability as Hronek in that regard, but is better defensively minded for sure.


    Trust me, Tanev would be an excellent partner for Hughes despite his age.  Hronek was very good at pinches in the O zone and slinging the puck to Hughes-Tanev can do that.  And defensively we all know how well Tanev kills plays and transitions the puck out of the O zone.  


    He would definitely compliment Hughes.  It’s no surprise he is playing top mins beside Heiskanen vs top lines in the playoffs.  And in the dressing room he would definitely be a very good influence.


    The trade off of course is Hronek’s age (you’d have him longer) but IF they were to trade him to address other needs (assuming Tanev is his replacement) it could make some sense.  

  3. 2 minutes ago, syntheticity said:


    I see things a bit differently. EDM's pp success largely came from their ability to consistently skate cleanly into our zone, and then create a wealth of scoring looks with clean puck movement and elite talent. 


    referring more to entering the zone.  they could do both (skate in or dump).  Canucks PP1 had a really tough time dumping it in (2nd unit was better at it).  If PP1 had that dump in option threat it might help w skating the puck in more often

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  4. 9 minutes ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

    I've seen posts here throwing shade on our Swedish players, present and past.  Most of the posts point to how the Swedish players don't seem engaging with the media, how they seem to be disgruntled or not come across as authentic.


    Maybe, just maybe, it's a cultural thing.


    As an example, Japanese people are polite to a fault.  They'll never openly criticize someone.  They say sorry and excuse me more than any Canadian would.  They'll never tell you your Japanese pronunciation is shit, even though your attempt to order a ramen came out as a request for the proprietor to have sex with your tea.


    It's their very nature.


    And maybe, that's the Swedish thing.  Maybe they don't like to stand out.  Maybe they don't like being compared when dealing with sensitive topics.  Maybe they prefer not to let injuries be the excuse for their performance.  Maybe they would like to re-sign with the team but just don't want to draw unnecessary attention to the negotiations.  Maybe they just hate having a mic stuck in their face and being asked questions that all sound the same despite the genuine answers they previously gave?


    Friendly tip: think before you criticize someone for their press conference performance.  Not everyone is comfortable in front of the cameras like Zadorov or Miller are.


    Hronek is Czech 😆

    • Haha 3
  5. 25 minutes ago, HarbularyBattery said:

    im so confused re: not being keen on hiring a pp specialist.


    the inability of our powerplay to adapt to penalty killers standing up at the line seems like a coaching issue, not a skills issue. 


    more personnel issue imo.  


    EDM for example would often dump the puck in on their PP and retrieve it because they had guys like Hyman, Nugent Hopkins, McDavid, Draisatl who could all retrieve/battle.  


    Canucks could really use a couple of guys that can do that in the bumper/net front.  The returning players will likely see the need to improve there as well

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  6. 3 minutes ago, AlwaysACanuckFan said:

    Remember when many thought he fell to the ice pretty easily, or can't do those dekey pete moves, knee issue now makes sense


    to be fair though a knee injury can imply ligament damage which is more of a pain threshold thing which would definitely affect his ability to skate hard.


     if his knee was structurally unsound (instability) he’d likely not have been in the line up.


    the falling over thing is likely just part of his physical maturation / dealing with bigger humans in the NHL

  7. 13 minutes ago, Ghostsof1915 said:

    Maybe just tension between the media and Hronek. But man, that doesn't sound like someone who wants to be here.

    Maybe we're finding out why Detroit was willing to let him go. But RHD don't grow on trees. Maybe a 2-3 year deal and trade him if things don't improve?


    just my guy but he’d rather just go to arbitration, do that 1 year deal and then go UFA.  He’s going to want to cash in on his year w Hughes

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  8. The criticism Brock received was more than fair.  I didnt think he was doing enough w/o the puck. Mgmt and Tocchet challenged him as well. To his credit he stepped up big time.  


    I wonder what he’s thinking going forward.  He’s made a ton of money despite some previous lacklustre results.  If he works w the team to stick around I would love it.  



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  9. 11 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

    I imagine Tocchet will be heavily involved in deciding which players to keep/target before July 1.


    Need more Tocchet players. Guys like Lafferty and Mikheyev ain’t it. 


    Im surprised how pedestrian Lafferty ended up being.  Thought for sure we’d see him being a cruise missile more often.  Ah well.  The search continues 

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  10. 4 hours ago, Bob Long said:


    He is but he's not in the same tier as Guentzel.


    If they cant afford Guentzel/isnt available, another guy I really like is Chandler Stephenson.  Excellent skater, wing or C, and while not the sexiest statline he is the type of player that helps a line go from D to O zone.  I could see him being a fit w Petey or Miller.

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  11. 12 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


    I could see us moving both Garland and Mik to make the cap for Guentzel 


    Isnt Garland a + contributor though?  I see him on Miller’s wing next year.


    JG would be nice but at age 30 next year and his contract price I wonder. 



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  12. 10 minutes ago, HarbularyBattery said:

    Swap out Zadorov for Cole & a scoring winger like Toffoli and I think we have an improved roster for next season


    IMO go w if possible:


    Hughes Tanev

    Soucy Myers

    Dillon Juulsen


    Id hate to lose Z but Dillon would be a great replacement and that’s still a physical D to deal w.  

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