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Posts posted by Goose

  1. 17 hours ago, Alflives said:

    Sure, oppression is bad. But our western (comfortable) lives is pretty much because there are billions who are oppressed, no? And add to that the oppression of the indigenous. We either give up our western (comfortable) lifestyles or we accept we are the oppressors. And it’s okay to accept who and what we are. It’s our nature. And it’s why we exist. 


    Should the oppressed merely accept their oppression? Should we as a whole accept that even if some stand to benefit at the huge cost of others?


    More fundamentally Alf, we are rational creatures. We can make mistakes (fallible) but the ability to reason (and act upon it) is paramount.


    17 hours ago, Canuckle said:

    Fun fact: Libertarianism is leftist term! And  US right wingers co-opted it causing the confusion for so many.


    So much so that I was once a right libertarian. ... until I saw all these powerful billionaires and 'tea party" ghouls come out in support of it. Was an instant.... wait what the fuck.  You fuckers is what libertarianism is everything its supposed to be against.! I was hoodwinked!!! And this lead me down the path to leftist political philosophy.


    Ive been sporadically reading Robert Nozick “Anarchy State & Utopia”.  He’s had some interesting views on animals so I figured Id learn more about his particular version of libertarianism.


    To your point, not many people have a real coherent understanding of political philosophy. It’s a lot of hard work.  Kind of brings me back to my point w Alf.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    For sure. It would be perfect if we were all 100% accepting of other humans’ needs and the needs of all living things. Sadly, we aren’t and can’t be. Our species would not exist if that was the case. 


    Aren’t - true. Can’t - I refuse to accept the status quo can’t be changed.


    1 minute ago, Canuckle said:

    Check this out:


    Total liberation, also referred to as total liberation ecology or veganarchism, is a political philosophy and movement that combines anarchism with a commitment to animal and earth liberation. Whilst more traditional approaches to anarchism have often focused primarily on opposing the state and capitalism, total liberation is additionally concerned with opposing all additional forms of human oppression as well as the oppression of other animals and ecosystems.


    Proponents of total liberation typically espouse a holistic and intersectional approach aimed at using direct action to dismantle all forms of domination and hierarchy, common examples of which include the state, capitalism, patriarchy, racism, heterosexism, cissexism, disablism, ageism, speciesism and ecological domination.






    Yeah Ive crossed paths with this before. Pretty radical stuff.  Am i necessarily against capitalism/the state tho? Hard to say- I only dip my toes into political philosophy. I do find the connections/conflict between libertarianism and anarchism fascinating tho.


    Admittedly, my focus has always been in ethics.  The moral principles/reasoning underlying those “isms”.  

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  3. IMO a big reason the Canucks dominated CGY in the pre season was having a shutdown line like Aman Bluegar Studnicka.  And they can generate scoring chances.  I hope we see them bsck together sooner than later.


    Joshua Sutr Lafferty would have an identity as well.  


    Hoagie/Studnicka rotating in/out battling for ice time would be good for them this season.



  4. 8 minutes ago, Canuckfanforlife82 said:

    No but it just feels like no matter what he can do what he wants and the coaches don't hold him accountable. Ignore his mistakes completely. McWard does the same thing, he's stapled to the bench . Double standard. I don't get how that's healthy for anyone.


    he’s a respected veteran.  as much as i think it would do both VAN and Myers good to have a change of scenery, you dont need to bench him.   I think he cares and is accountable, but hes too mistake prone.  trading him would qualify as a  message sent.  

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  5. 1 minute ago, IBatch said:

    Yep.   We trained so hard that we overtrained when we were in our early 20's.   And had to reel it back.   This wasn't anything but a flat team losing a game. 


    They faced a team whose primary non negotiable IS compete at their home opener nonetheless.  VAN wasnt up to the yesterday.  The game was there for them if they handled PHI’s pressure. 


    But let’s play the blame game rather than be accountable.  OP using terms like “boomer” but they sound like the ignorant, self entitled youth of today. 

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