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Everything posted by Goose

  1. I bet we see Aman back in the near future. Never have to worry about his effort.
  2. I like him. Can hit like a freight train and moves really well for a big guy.
  3. Canucks collapsed well in front of De Smith and held the fort. Amazing how you can bend but npt break when you have a structured, hard nosed effort.
  4. Finally got to watch the game. Was very interested given “Mike from Surrey’s” post game rant. EDM no doubt had the edge in terms of pushing play. If they hadnt how would that have looked? Cup contender, home opener, avoiding back to back losses vs the same divisional opponent. Sweet
  5. Favourite horror film?  Hereditary is definitely up there for me.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      The Exorcist is one that gave me nightmares as a kid.


      I'll go a little outside the box on mainstream choices and say Event Horizon was one that made me cringe when it first came out too.

    3. Goose


      Night of the Living Dead, Event Horizon are great movies.

    4. Rubik


      the exorcist, alien

  6. Im not worried-excited actually. Joshua is fine on the third line but he’s not a match up guy. Aman/Bluegar/Studnicka all have great wheels and showed how vs CGY. __ Joshua/Hogz Sutr Lafferty could be a fantastic in your face line
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