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Playoff Beered

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Playoff Beered last won the day on September 26 2023

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    Playoff Beered
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  1. Hamas: Government or Terrorist Organization? https://www.npr.org/2006/12/06/6583080/hamas-government-or-terrorist-organization?ref=upstract.com Click the link on the page that says Hear the Full Debate.
  2. You don't even understand the difference between jewish and Israeli.
  3. You can't even type out the Hamas propaganda the right way. Fuel that Hamas stole for their rockets. The Russians words for what you're doing is "being a useful idiot."
  4. Maybe don't spend billions you get in aid on rockets and tunnels to Isreal and then they would stop the restrictions?
  5. Maybe they shouldn't pick a fight with such a strong oponent then?
  6. Right, so lots of words from both sides. Understanding Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology A close read of Hamas’s founding documents clearly shows its intentions. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/10/hamas-covenant-israel-attack-war-genocide/675602/
  7. I want to also add that many Palestinians are not just anti semitic but also call for the complete destruction of Isreal.
  8. Do you have a link to an official Israeli document calling for the complete destruction of Palestine?
  9. Many individuals have acknowledged it, yet the church still fight it, lots of work to be done. It's more than 0% so yes contributing, you said religion doesn't have any effect on it. Thanks for the link, I'll read tomorrow.
  10. Zero influence officially, sure, but my claim is that they are active in the West Bank, and I stand by that. The first link is something I found on line and it does look kinda strange, I'll concede to that. The second link is the minutes of official US congressional hearings that are titled WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES: PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE AND MARKUP OF H. RES 293, EXPRESSING CONCERN OVER ANTI ISRAEL AND ANTI SEMITIC INCITEMENT WITHIN THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY If the words "ANTI SEMITIC INCITEMENT WITHIN THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY" is not clear enough for you then I don't know what else to say.
  11. I'm sure you're happy I got it wrong. I took it down, see my edited comment in your first post calling it out.
  12. When discussing religion, things that happened a long time ago is kinda what it's all about, or just never mention the bible or any other old dusty religious book? Now you're just sounding hysterical, I never said or even implied that trashing the planet is all religions fault. I wrote "Religion has more to do with trashing the planet than you might think" That means that it's contributing, not the only cause.
  13. Partially wrong in my view, but I will take that down, you can edit it out also if you want... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origins_of_the_Six-Day_War
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