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  1. Your probably right that the big boob add on person was a troll. But why was it even allowed to happen? Add "dress professionally" to your post and I agree with it. It's not a high bar. Why give the anti SOGI people ammo?
  2. If it's on Facebook it's by default wrong. Just like if an opponent of Putin gets struck by lightening. It just means he has a weather machine now.
  3. Remember the grief I took finding the loophole on the whole mask at Canucks game thing? There was over reaction on both sides of the COVID thing, and that's where everyone stuck to social media, that just reinforced their own views, polarizing the planet.
  4. I bought cap.un just to grief you lol. Take solace and buy it yourself. What your are describing is a market crash floor. And yes I hope to be one of those vultures. Both parties are responsible for inflating the market. Who is on watch when it pops is irrelevant. Harper started the inflation. Trudeau made it WAY worse. Both parties are to blame. Anyone that extended a mortgage amort or put out an unbalanced budget caused the mess we are in. What I find kind of funny is construction is already going full out on residential construction. As much as I have policies to increase rental units in the long term, there no way to legislate more construction workers, especially if you want it in the near future! And if you have more construction workers I need a bunch of them to fix all the roads and sewers and dykes and such. That's not including new projects to green up the grid for example.
  5. If they idea is not practical what's the point? My favorite change that would win the left is the guaranteed minimum income. Very low (your still poor if you just sit on your ass!), goes up slowly (you always get rewarded for working more), and even if engineer me has to pay a LITTLE more, it's not like the povs are not just getting welfare or stealing or who knows? The beauty that will win the right is that if you have a a guaranteed minimum income, it's just adjustments to the income tax act. Very little additional government to do it. But you can completely eliminate welfare, CPP, EI, OAS (you can have a higher min for old people if needed to even it out) and as a result fire tens of thousands of civil servants!
  6. LOL no.... But yes, if we have a housing crash, who knows what other problems it causes! If we don't, we get the existing problems were all familiar with.
  7. I have used the women's bathroom (usually at a women's direction!) many times and it's all stalls so really nothing to see there. I see women in the men's bathrooms. Since you not supposed to be looking anyways, and being a dude, I don't care. Women's bathrooms have inner layers of discretion.
  8. I would just as soon clowns, make up artists, etc. be limited to drama class if you have one. Rest of the time dress and act professionally! It's not a high bar!
  9. That's the only counter argument and counter protest that should be needed. If the parents are worried about SOGI, they should be a LOT more worried about what their friends can find on their phones!
  10. The drag queens reading to kids is like in libraries not the schools. It's an optional event. Don't like it? Don't send your kid there. But ya, drag queens tend to look, like well, overly maked up ready to hit the town provocative person. So not in the school. I know a trans person and she looks like a regular women. If your in a school just dress proffesionally. It's not a big ask!
  11. That's the old shaw blue curve or whatever it's called. It's hot that's for sure. But you can move it whevever. I just switched my shaw phone to Rogers. It's fine except google doesn't work!!!
  12. LOL you should see some people in my family. "There is evidence JT has done inappropriate things with children!" I say that makes you sound like a nut bar. The fact that he doesn't real do anything except FEEL about stuff. You know, when there's something wrong, he gives a speech about how much he cares, and then proceeds to do nothing about it? Isn't that damning enough? Never mind the total financial incompetency. But I don't think he's the devil!
  13. I would say they are the exception but there are teachers that cross the line. It's the social media fodder that gets the people you don't like worked up. Mind you, there was a teacher in my high school (female) that had sex with two students. Used to see her car in spots it most certainly should not have been in all the time. We all just laughed about it. So never mind something as crazy as that, but there's people that might dress provocatively to prove a point, or put up posters that should not be there, or to encourage literature with sexual content. You don't need many to do those things, and if they are not taken seriously by those in the schools, it just fuels the fears of the ant SOGI crowd.
  14. They will lower interest rates if it slows down. You have to be old age Japan with a low birthrate and no immigration to get deflation.
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