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  1. We take a step back but a weak pacific division gets us in a playoff spot. Don’t love our defence and don’t think we a contender because of it.
  2. I hate the Oilers more than anything but let’s be real, it’s easier to fill the rest of your roster with plugs then it is to find the 2 best players in the world. Leon staying is bad news for us and a major obstacle for our path to the final with this core.
  3. I was only 5 and clearly remember being told that my dad died. That’s really all I can think about right now. This is a day those poor kids will never forget.
  4. You’d think FA would switch to the skate full time being that it massively outsells the lame ass messier orca
  5. Bure is better in the playoffs
  6. If EP doesn’t return if we have a regular injury year (lots) If Demko is out long term. we won’t even make the playoffs.
  7. 0G and 2A in 19 games is going to be hard to replace.
  8. The guy barely scored anywhere he played. I don’t know why we ever drafted him and I don’t know why he was given so many chances. At his draft position he should be a top 6 player, now everyone is all “I hope he develops into a bottom 6” who cares about a zero hockey IQ bottom 6 guy that is literally available for the league minimum at all times. We could easily improve on him by picking up a player on wavers.
  9. Only in Vancouver would people give a crap about a useless bust like Vasily Podkolzin. You don’t think they called around the league? This guy has shown absolutely nothing so you get nothing in return. Good riddance.
  10. A guy with a sticker on the back of his truck isn’t the silent majority that his tired of all the progressive bullshit that’s filling the streets with homeless drug addicted people in the prime of their lives and all the insane political correctness and they/them/ Zer, I’m a cat, open the boarders, don’t say this, regulate that. Everyone is done.
  11. I’m talking about the growth of right wing support in Europe. It’s unprecedented.
  12. Yes, the Nazi with Jewish grandchildren
  13. And I just proved my point. it’s no different then having to walk on rainbow crosswalks
  14. Literally search it up and you’ll see a massive amount of articles on it. The thing that people don’t understand about the far right is that it’s silent. Progressives are always crying and calling everyone out and conservatives are far more reserved. It’s just like when trump surprisingly won the election. Nobody knew the silent conservatives were hiding in the weeds. All of these conservative landslide wins in Europe are all huge surprises as well. Here in Canada, it’s not even a secret when you see how the conservatives are polling, which tells me there are even more silently sitting in the weeds. We are going to see a blue wipeout like we’ve never seen before. look at the election results.
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