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  1. Where did you go, CFF is less entertaining without you 

  2. That was a massive slab thrown off a rooftop, not a pebble slung by a child nice try though.
  3. I have all the time in the world for EP and people like him, hes digested every word and all his replies have shown that hes listening, even when I flew off the handle and got too emotional its just hard to really fathom until one has seen it firsthand. im genuinely heartened though by some things these past couple days- like that UN resolution calling for a ceasefire. Even though it didnt pass (US veto), the rest of the world was trying to do the right thing.
  4. EPs not justifying it, hes just trying to find the practical solution that results in 0 loss of life - which obviously is not to throw stones. However, the argument im making has nothing to do with that - its that decades of being treated like "human animals" eventually takes its toll and makes you less than rational, and I'm putting the responsibility on the country treating you like a "human animal".
  5. Theres a massive difference between the anger that you and i feel when we get mad about something, and the anger that comes from being evicted from your home, watching your friends and family die around you, and not having enough to eat, all because a group of foreigners decided to lay a claim to your home. They're throwing stones at soldiers, the same soldiers that defend settlers (in the west bank) as they throw stones at them. That raid in that west bank refugee camp (again, BEFORE October 7)- where the 15 year old was killed because he shouted "Special forces! Special forces!"- what do you think his parents, and his brothers and sisters are going to do? You and I are limited in the anger we can feel and how far we can take it because we have something to lose. But a lot of these people have nothing left to lose. The overarching point im trying to make and have been, in as many ways as I can, is to show the desperateness, the hopelessness, and the tragedy of the Palestinian condition. I can tell you with certainty that if my brother was that 15 year old kid who was killed for shouting "Special forces!" I would be doing a whole lot more than throwing stones. We dont feel what these kids feel because we've never experienced it. We can try to imagine it though, and if we really care about this horrible situation ending, we can't try to apply what we would do in our cushy situations to their lives. We need to understand why they're in this predicament to begin with. Why are they stateless refugees? Why are they dependent on Israel for food, water, medicine? These kids arent going to listen, and as far as I'm concerned, these kids could be doing a hell of a lot worse than throwing stones. Some definitely are sadly. I'm trying to illustrate that Israel's longstanding "shoot with live ammunition" response policy to kids throwing stones is one of many reasons why Palestinians are so angry, and why violence will probably continue against Israel until this inhuman behavior that again, has been going on for DECADES, stops.
  6. The soldiers that executed the journalist didn’t get charged or disciplined just a little “whoopsie daisy” and they were on their way
  7. this is also pretty dangerous logic because it could be used to say stuff like: “if you don’t wanna be the victim of a terrorist attack, don’t go move into a village that was stolen from other people” aka Haifa, Jaffa, Jerusalem Both would be fairly equivalent victim blaming I think
  8. Many of these kids don’t have parents, others are caregiving & working by the time they turn 10-11 years old to put food on the table. Remember we’re talking about a place with destitute poverty. also remember these kids are angry because they’ve watched Israeli soldiers kill their friends, or evicted their friends from their homes to make way for settlers. These kids are taking out their anger with stones, not knives and “Molotov cocktails” like Roman says. Instead of understanding that it created the hotbed of anger, Israel executes these kids in cold blood, and the soldiers don’t face charges. Instead the idea of using rubber bullets against these kids is called “nonsense” by the IDF spokesman. Kids throwing stones have been getting executed in cold blood by IDF soldiers well before October 7.
  9. this is right on the money - common people in palestine just want to live in peace, raise their kids, and put food on the table - common people in israel want exactly the same (people born in israel are NOT guilty of what their parents or grandparents did to the palestinians) - common people everywhere else just wanna cheer for their favorite hockey team and shit on the oilers every solution needs to start from these core principles, and then consider the very real grievances that everyone involved has
  10. look the question is not whether we win the stanley cup its how many times im thinking minimum 7peat, or even an 8peat
  11. OEL's rejuvenation was kinda inevitable i think - @AnthonyG got flamed hard for posting very detailed analytics showing that Myers was the problem on the OEL-Myers pair we need another top-4 RD yet again
  12. Myers is fine on our 3rd pair. We need Bear to come back and play with Hughes, and Hronek to run the 2nd pair. bear was very good with hughes. Hughes-Bear Cole-Hronek Soucy-Myers thats a solid D
  13. Still think if Israel wants the moral high ground and to destroy Hamas from within Gaza, all they need to do is come out and say that upon arrest of Hamas senior leadership, Israel is prepared to negotiate an immediate reversal of settlement building in the West Bank, and open to discussing solutions for refugees living In Gaza
  14. Multiple sources confirming he's on Netanyahu's digital team, including his own website https://www.hnaftali.com/ "Hananya has been working for Prime Minister Netanyahu in his digital team for the past 5 years." https://www.jns.org/the-rise-of-hananya-naftali-social-media-star-and-pro-israel-influencer/ Employed by Netanyahu Theres a video I saw on X as well from Hananya earlier this year confirming it, ill try to find it for you
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