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Everything posted by eeeeeeeeergh

  1. they'd settle for just being able to move back within the borders of the state they were forcibly removed from if israel isn't going to let people do that, while they openly invite europeans/north americans to move to israel by "birthright", the state will experience ongoing violent resistance. israel expecting otherwise is a fantasy as well. if we have any shred of humanity, we'd back up the people who just want to go back to the villages and towns that they were chased out of, not the criminals that chased them out. the rest of the world understands this, its really just western countries that dont.
  2. Ive got a long thesis on this ill write up tonight, standby
  3. Let the arabs who were depopulated go back home to their villages and towns that they were cleansed out of by israel. thats the only answer, or violence will continue.
  4. Arab lives have been worth barely a fraction of non-arab lives for the past few decades. Think most people here who treat the US/Israel/UK like "civilized" countries and pretend that they've followed humanitarian principles/international law are lying to themselves.
  5. Most of the world has known has been trying to advocate for justice since 1948. Every year, since 1948, there has been a UN resolution to recognize Palestinians right to return to their homes it’s really just western countries on the wrong side of history on this one
  6. yeah he kinda reminds me of mohammad tawhidi calls himself an "Imam", but also claims to be Shia, yet Imams are borderline Divine figures in Shia, and there are only twelve of them in history.. both guys trigger my bullshit radar 1000%
  7. While none of us know exactly what happened day to day in 1948, it always gets my back up a bit when Romans version gets brought as the explanation for why the Nakba occured. While its definitely true that arab countries were meddling, and some local deals were made, I feel that it seeks to muddy the proven historical record of what actually happened in those 500 villages. I understand that muddying the waters helps Israelis feel better about their history, but insofar as this is used to justify the modern-day treatment of Palestinians, we cant let anyone forget about how we got to this point. Plan Dalet is what happened - arab villages were depopulated by the jewish paramilitary groups led by david ben gurion and menachem begin. Deir Yassin is a matter of historical record - irgun terrorists kicked down doors and threw grenades inside to kill residents and burn their homes down. The refugees that fled Haifa, Jaffa, Al-Kabri, etc. did not go willingly and happily, even though this is the narrative that Roman prefers. "In April 1948, the Haganah prepared an initial blueprint for an operation called "Ehud", which provided for attacks on al-Kabri, al Nahar, al-Bassa and al-Zib for "the destruction of the gangs [and] the menfolk, [and] the destruction of property".[27] Yaacov Pundaq, a Haganah commander in the Carmeli Brigade's 21st Battalion, who was responsible for the area around Nahariya designated to be part of the future Arab state in the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan, had repeatedly caused damage to the Kabri aqueduct nearby, the primary conduit for feeding Acre. In the face of successful repair work by Arabs, he contaminated the site's waters with flasks of typhoid, or typhoid and diphtheria bacteria. This was the most serious use of Israel's deployment of biological warfare in 1948.[30]" Plan Dalet, section 3 (this is public record, it was the plan given to Jewish paramilitary forces by David Ben Gurion Mounting operations against enemy population centers located inside or near our defensive system in order to prevent them from being used as bases by an active armed force. These operations can be divided into the following categories: Destruction of villages (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously. Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population must be expelled outside the borders of the state. The villages which are emptied in the manner described above must be included in the fixed defensive system and must be fortified as necessary. In the absence of resistance, garrison troops will enter the village and take up positions in it or in locations which enable complete tactical control. The officer in command of the unit will confiscate all weapons, wireless devices, and motor vehicles in the village. In addition, he will detain all politically suspect individuals. After consultation with the [Jewish] political authorities, bodies will be appointed consisting of people from the village to administer the internal affairs of the village. In every region, a [Jewish] person will be appointed to be responsible for arranging the political and administrative affairs of all [Arab] villages and population centers which are occupied within that region.
  8. feels like this thread has broadly moved to the middle towards common sense as the days have progressed. appears most generally agree on some form of: - israeli's right to live in peace without getting terrorized/murdered - what happened to palestinians in 1948 was wrong, and the violence we see today is rooted there, and in oppression of palestinians in gaza/west bank - netanyahu is a criminal (not hard to agree on this, hes been indicted in israeli court lol) - hamas should be exterminated - restitution for stateless palestinians is required
  9. Benny Gantz is a step in the right direction. Hes not bloodthirsty and at least hes not an actual indicted criminal like netanyahu lol.
  10. Calling myself a silly silly goose would be the deepest humiliation I can envision will always be haunted by it as long as I live
  11. might show up to a game with a sign that says "im a silly silly goose, sorry lads!"
  12. we cannot separate them though, the history is very much a part of these peoples present lives. The people we're talking about are not 8-10 generations removed from those events. The memory is real, and if we're going to acknowledge that Israeli's have a right to keep their homes, we have to do the same for Palestinians. i respect and appreciate the desire to find a practical and simple solution, but another mass exodus of Palestinians just isn't the answer. The answer is for the international community to come together and ensure Gaza doesn't get the 1948 treatment.
  13. Forcing myself to read the stories of these people who were murdered by Hamas every single one of these people are human beings, we shouldn't ever let them become a statistic https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/11/americans-killed-israel-names-victims/ Deborah Matias, 50, and her husband, Shlomi, 49, were killed as they shielded their 16-year-old son, Rotem, with their bodies, said Matias’s father, Ilan Troen. Rotem was shot in the abdomen, and for the next 12 hours, his family members guided him via text message on how to stay alive until help arrived.
  14. the biggest issue is the history - in 1948, jewish paramilitary groups cleansed 500 arab villages and the 700k+ refugees that fled, thinking that they'd be able to come home. Those people landed in Gaza, parts of the West Bank, and in surrounding arab countries. To those who are living with the consequences of 1948, it feels familiar. They dont want to leave Gaza because they know theyll never get to return home if they do.
  15. i think youre 100% correct about this here are the acquisitions gillis made that were meaningful/impactful for us: Lapierre, Higgins, Ehrhoff everyone else was Nonis/Burke
  16. My understanding is they were the matchup line against mcdavid last night which would account for that
  17. skating is the easiest trait to improve, elite skill/iq you either have or dont the fact that he is so small and not fleet of foot yet has shown so well in the NHL already says it all a couple years more of weight along with adding half a step to his game and he'll be a force to be reckoned with like it or not this is now a game for smurfs benson is brayden point imo.
  18. i hope so, being wrong on this would make me incredibly happy ill go ahead and shame myself publicly if we get a #1 D-man out of willander
  19. My view is Benson will probably be the better player, and I don’t think it will be close at all. Even if we have a surplus, benson at what I think he will be would have far more trade value than what I believe would be required to acquire a willander but I guess we will see
  20. i couldnt hide my anger during the draft ive loved what jr/pa have done but this is the one decision i see as unforgiveable bensons gonna be an elite 1st liner and we'll watch wondering what could have been
  21. 3rd pair should be a couple of towering redwoods that can play D, like Soucy-Stanley or something like that Need size and strength that can also play a bit dirty in the playoffs when refs put the whistles away Gonna pay Harnaryan to show up in your living room and narrate the game live for you
  22. *mcdavid scratches his nose on the bench* Harnarayan: "CONNNNNOOOORRRR MCDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVID"
  23. i think they'll respect RT on matters of roster advice, and beauvillier is 100% not a tocchet type player
  24. agreed side note, i just checked capfriendly for the first time in a while and our cap situation is actually uhh... not horrible at all with cap going up 4m next year, and EP getting a 4m raise we also have 4m of beauvillier dropping off, 6m of myers contract expiring. we probably need to give a raise of 2m or so to hronek. OEL is going to eat up 2m more of cap as well we'll have around 6m to play with next year, enough for a serious upgrade on Myers
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