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Posts posted by eeeeeeeeergh

  1. 37 minutes ago, Darius said:

    I’ve thought about the Egyptian angle in all this. Haven’t they basically locked in the Palestinians on their side of the Gaza border? 

    So the thing there is this is actually Israel’s most preferred outcome - push Palestinians off the last sliver of “Palestinian land”. Then not only do these refugees become egypts problem to deal with, the last remaining part of the land god promised Israel can be conquered


    this is the playbook being run in the West Bank right now. Keep building settlements, evict a few thousand Palestinians at a time using military force, until they simply give up their last remaining sliver of their homeland. 

    I wish I was exaggerating or using rhetoric but I’m not. The entire international community knows this as well, and has been condemning Israel for it these past 2 decades. 

    if you haven’t, do a quick search up on Deir Yassin. Deir Yassin was a Palestinian village, and jewish paramilitary organizations murdered the citizens and spread the word to get Palestinians out of their homes in Haifa, Jaffa, and other towns that would eventually become Israel. 

    over 500 villages and towns like Deir Yassin were cleansed by Irgun and Stern Gang, to make room for Jewish migrants from Europe and North America.

    if you go ask these people in gaza what they want - it’s one very simple thing: they just want to go home. If they’re from Haifa, they want to go back to Haifa. They don’t want to live in an open air prison and they certainly don’t want to abandon their homeland entirely and become stateless refugees under control of Egypt 

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Darius said:

    Appreciate your opinions.  I don’t want to come across as argumentative or insensitive. Years ago I started reading about this dispute then I got on to reading sources like Chomsky and Finklestein who are harsh critics ( to say the least) of the Israeli government .


    This is an extremely complicated matter. I don’t think it can be solved while extremists are in  charge.  It’s a chicken and egg problem. How do you get rid of extremists who fester and flourish in this perpetual human suffering.   You bring up valid points about how this can be unravelled.  It’s awful seeing human beings suffer. 

    You’re not wrong there will be no peace with extremists in charge


    That means Hamas needs to go, and Netanyahu needs to go too. Israel needs to go back to a PM like Ehud Barak and Hamas needs to be exterminated and replaced with Fatah or a similar organization 

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  3. Just now, Darius said:

    i have no doubt this has happened as it happened in numerous other places in the region post WW1


    imho Hamas and the state sponsors do not want peace - its in their “constitution” to wipe out Israel.  How, in your opinion, do the Palestinians rid themselves of Hamas?  This is a mandatory prerequisite to move forward imho. 

    Palestinians can’t rid themselves of Hamas as they are effectivrly prisoners. They can’t arm themselves, or import food or building materials. 

    the only way to get rid of Hamas would be for Israel to say: if you  Palestinian citizens get rid of Hamas, we will lift the blockade and reverse settlement building in the West Bank, and if you personally hand over a confirmed Hamas terrorist, we’ll discuss how you can come home if you were forced out of your town at gunpoint by settlers. Also here’s an AR-15, get to work. 

  4. 1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

    I'm more than willing to debate the use of nukes in WWII but not in this thread.

    Me too, in another thread is fine, but that’s not my point. my point is to say that only one country has used them, and that country wasn’t even on the brink of annihilation when it did.

    Meanwhile, every other nuclear country has avoided the use, even at a point where their state was dismantled (the Soviet Union/Russia).

    So we should really be much more afraid of the US using a nuke than Russia, which was in exactly the situation you’d expect a nuke to be used, when its state collapsed. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, moosehead said:

    The comprehensive report, Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity, sets out how massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to apartheid under international law.



    my most controversial take that I get cancelled for every time I say it is that the US and her Allies have been responsible for more death, destruction, and evil in foreign countries across the board since 1945 than the countries everyone’s so scared of (Russia China Iran) 


    Chinas foreign policy has been the most non-expansionist of any world power in centuries 


    meanwhile the US kills millions of civilians in foreign countries and we worry about chinas foreign policy lol 


    Amazing how when were not the ones having atrocities committed against us, it’s pretty easy to turn a blind eye to our governments committing them against others 

    • ThereItIs 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, Darius said:

    I just saw a Video produced by Hamas themselves ( I’m assuming this) that showed them digging out water pipes from the ground - infrastructure that was basically donated for humanitarian purposes- so that the can construct missiles out of the cylinders ( before this latest conflict started)  How much money, and how many materials, have they stolen from their own people to carry out their goals? 

    Hamas has absolutely been stealing from its people for personal enrichment and to finance terrorist activity 


    but this analysis also ignores why people in gaza are stateless and without resources to begin with 


    Israeli settlers drove these people out of their villages in the 1940s with guns and bombs, shoving them into an ever shrinking space. At the same time, to this day, Israel has continued to build settlements across the West Bank, with IDF military support to throw Palestinians out of their homes. 

    Hamas didn’t rob these people of everything they had, Israel did that. Hamas is looting the corpse. 

    Just now, moosehead said:

    The comprehensive report, Israel’s Apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime against Humanity, sets out how massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to apartheid under international law.



    @Alflives @King Heffy please read. 

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  7. Just now, Elias Pettersson said:

    Protesters also criticized Hamas for deducting a roughly $15 fee from monthly $100 stipends given to Gaza’s poorest families by the wealthy Gulf state of Qatar.


    Looks like Hamas are also forcibly trying to starve their own people. 

    Hamas followed a remarkably similar arc to the FARC in Columbia 


    both gained initial popularity and influence due to providing social services where people had been neglected 


    both quickly turned to thuggery and terrorism when it became more profitable to do so (getting paid by foreign governments is a hell of a lot better than trying to raise donations from poor farmers)


    hamas is nothing new to this world - it will be destroyed, and a new version will pop up again to fill the void 

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  8. 1 minute ago, Playoff Beered said:

    Usually avoid Tic Tok, but this is quite relevant, especially the ending...



    jon stewart is a treasure


    unbelievable that for many years the most reliable geopolitical analysis came from comedy central, on a show that aired after muppets making crank phone calls

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  9. 2 minutes ago, RomanPer said:

    Sorry, but see my hypothetical question to @bishopshodan a few posts up. Residents of Gaza elected Hamas. Hamas represents them as per democratic process. If they are unhappy with that representation (like many in Israel are not happy with Netanyahu and protest against his policies), where are the protests within Gaza against Hamas policies?

    Well, then it’s called “double standards”


    Where? Right here:




    1 hour ago, RomanPer said:


    Let me ask you a hypothetical question. Imagine it's 1938 and UK and Germany have an agreement where UK supplies energy and food to Germany. UK is maintaining its side of the deal. Now it's 1942 and Germany starts bombarding UK. Would you expect UK to continue supplying energy and food to Germany?

    This is a ridiculous analogy, sorry Roman.


    The UK and Germany were both sovereign countries


    Israel is a sovereign country, Gaza is an open air prison filled with refugees driven there by foreign colonial settlers. Those colonial settlers have some obligations to their prisoners.

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  10. 21 minutes ago, Coconuts said:

    Demko has won every game where he's thrown up in his mask this season, if we can find a way to make him throw up every game we'll win the cup 


    every player who has asked for a trade recently is also on a minimum 82 goal per season pace. One is even on pace for over 300 goals. 


    time for every player to be forced to sign a letter requesting a trade before next game

    • Haha 1
  11. 8 hours ago, WSAcanuck said:

    Some really pretty passes and offensive plays but what was really noticeable to me was an effective forecheck, quicker and more accurate shooting even through traffic instead of waiting for the perfect shot, and players going hard to - and stopping - at the net and getting in position to screen effectively. Those things made a huge difference. 

    And it felt like every time Edmonton entered our zone, all our players were already back and swarmed. Gave Edmonton 0 space.

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  12. 5 minutes ago, viking mama said:

    No one can ever question Demko’s commitment or dedication to the cause. 

    Question: What does he do with that mask? Do they manage to sterilize it & does he keep it…or not?  

    Would you buy it? How much?

    There’s also a real nice story attached to it - being the Captain’s 1st home-opener & Brock’s 1st 4-goal game as a PRO! 



    Endure the smell and use it to ward off crease crashers 

    • Haha 2
  13. 4 minutes ago, Goal_thecup said:

    Not sure it was the lack of Bo Horvat but you made my day with your user name and avatar.

    My favorite QB and my favorite team that year they won the whole enchilada with The Fridge, and Sweetness.


    What a defense they had. Only allowed 3 points (1 field goal) the entire post-season. D almost scored more than the O.

    Da Bears.  Ditka.  McMahon.  Attitude like the Canucks on Hump Night tonight!

    Where would you put the score between the chicago bears and the edmonton coilers?


    for me - 


    Bears: 402 to zip. 

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