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Everything posted by eeeeeeeeergh

  1. Genuinely think that most peoples confusion here stems from the fact that they cant possibly believe that a "Western democracy" is in fact an apartheid state. “We established an apartheid regime in the occupied territories” - op-ed for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz in 2002 from former Israeli Attorney General Michael Ben-Yair.
  2. Respectfully - do you understand the context of the creation of Israel? Do you know that the 2 million Palestinians who are without a country used to live in that land, and were "depopulated" to make way for the birthright of European and North Americans to take over their homes? Like - can you see how that, combined with 4 decades of air strikes on houses, and tens of thousands of palestinian civilian deaths, MIGHT make them want their land back? Hamas did not exist until 2006. The Palestinians forced their previous freedom fighters (the PLO) to renounce violence and enter peace talks with Israel. The bombings on their homes continued, as did the apartheid conditions in the West Bank (it is literal apartheid - im talking separate roads for palestinians and israeli settlers). Then Hamas comes along and promises to continue the fight. Violence is wrong - but can you understand that MAYBE the reason the violence keeps coming back is the Palestinians are a subjugated population thats been beaten, murdered, beaten, murdered, again and again without pause? And maybe they're tired of it? So where this needs to start is: Israel needs to stop subjugating Palestinians. End apartheid conditions, let enough food and medical supplies into Gaza, stop bombing peoples homes, and stop building illegal settlements in the West Bank. If Israel stops doing that, the Palestinians have no reason to support Hamas anymore. Just like they forced the PLO to renounce violence.
  3. ill drive podkolzin to the airport and put together the "welcome to vancouver" fruit basket for lafreniere
  4. well then we are in agreement. if you wanna run for PM and your two foreign policy points on israel/palestine are: wipe out Hamas, and send netanyahu to a war crimes tribunal, ill vote for you.
  5. i agree with you - hamas leadership needs to be eradicated do you also feel the same about the israeli leadership thats committed those atrocities on the palestinians? or do they get a pass?
  6. And thats the thing - if theres no solution where Israel stops building west bank settlements and eases the conditions in Gaza, more people in Palestine will keep losing everything and turn to violence against Israel. So Hamas wont stop firing rockets- because doing so wont stop Israel from completing its ultimate objective of removing these people from their homeland.
  7. Heffy, I'll ask you for your assessment on the relative rightness/wrongness of these things: 1. Mass slaughter of Palestinians to drive them from their homes in order to make room for european/north american migrants 2. Forcing the de-homed population into two tiny slivers of land, one of which you continually evict more of them from to make room for your own illegal (under international law) settlements, and push more of them into refugee camps 3. The use of drone strikes on entire apartment buildings to take out a single military target who "might" be home, that results in the death of thousands of civilians including women and children My anger right now comes from the fact that people who just discovered this conflict yesterday have never once cared enough to be outraged for the evil done on Palestinian thats orders of magnitude larger, and consistnetly for the past 7 decades.
  8. Nice, so genocide 2 million people because theres some anti semites somewhere else in the world
  9. Im happy to see that you know your history, youre absolutely right.
  10. That has happened several times in the past 15 years. Contrary to what people seem to believe, the past 15 years has not seen daily rocket bombardment. The rockets stop, Israel is asked to stop annexing more land from Palestinian families, and this is the outcome every. single. time: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/27/403 “The one thing I do know: there will not be a freeze on construction and development in settlements, not even for one day,”
  11. This is broadly correct. It was possible for family to come and go through Rafah, and for Palestinians to enter Egypt using a Palestinian passport, but Israel requires all goods to enter through an Israeli checkpoint (for security reasons + Rafah is not equipped for commercial goods).
  12. This isn’t a religious conflict. Israel wants it to be one because it’s the only way to justify depopulating locals to establish your own state. Prior to 1948, the majority Muslim population lived in relative harmony with the minority Jewish and Christian populations. Islam has no natural conflict with Judaism or Christianity. It’s remarkably in line with both, in values and in politics. Before 9/11, Muslims voted overwhelmingly republican, including George Bush’s first term in office. The ongoing massacre of Arabs and North Africans by western states since the Cold War has turned the Arab world against the west. Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine.. and so many more. Millions of civilians killed, they’ve had enough.
  13. It’s not and hasn’t been, it’s how I got into Palestine lol
  14. They have to know that was never going to happen. The Arab world has been normalizing relations with Israel, they're not going to give that up now. The only thing I can think of is- Hamas wants Israel to retaliate, to kill another 10000 civilians to boost Hamas recruitment and support.
  15. Leave and go where exactly? The entire of Gaza is being bombarded and unlike Israeli settlers, Palestinians cant leave Gaza.
  16. Egypt doesnt have a blockade - Rafah is open. But its a single point of entry. 7/8 of the border crossings are with Israel, including all the border crossings for commercial goods. Im confused why I keep hearing this line about Egypt having a blockade? Right now - the rafah crossing is literally the only way for food, water, and medical supplies to get into Gaza. Its also tiny, and not even remotely designed for commercial goods. Theres no way for all the commercial trade that 2 million people in Gaza depend on can be done through Rafah.
  17. Yes. Its just a modernized, more excusable version of the tactics that were used to remove and depopulate the residents to make room for european/north american migrants in 1948. The leader of Irgun was Menachem Begin, the first prime minister of Israel, who incidentally was given a nobel peace prize. This is, and always has been, about cleansing the land of arabs/the indigenous residents. Hamas has now given Israel the moral and political cover to depopulate Gaza. The bombings will continue until the arab worlds pressures Egypt to set up refugee camps inside egypts border, and Gaza residents will be forced to flee again.
  18. if in exchange, Israel withdraws from the illegal West Bank settlements, lifts the gaza blockade, and let’s a big chunk of people who were cleansed from greater Israel come home, the PA will turn hamas over before you can even blink Netanyahu will never go for that though. There’s a reason why, during the whole time hamas was silent, he was expediting the development of illegal settlements and blockaded random ordinary goods that weren’t weapons from reaching gaza. Netanyahu wants to drive the Palestinians into the sea, to colonize enough Palestinian owned homes to make it impossible for them to ever return.
  19. Normally I’d agree but what does Palestine have left to compromise with? Like what specifically do they have that they can give Israel in a compromise/negotiation? as far as I know it’s nothing. They have nothing Israel wants. Israel already got all the land it wanted, and freely takes more as desired (ongoing settlement building in the West Bank).
  20. Tbh the reason the issue makes my blood boil so much is the IDF has targeted civilians. It was the original tactic used to steal homes from the locals (see Deir Yassin massacre as an example) and up until 2002, using human shields was a literal policy of the IDF (public knowledge, can Google to verify). The weapons used (air strikes, drones, etc) on residential buildings and civilians are chosen because, not in spite of, the collateral damage they cause. See the choice to use white phosphorous instead of less war-crimey smokescreen options. Israel then turns around and says they had to flatten a building because a hamas member lived in that building. This is the reality that friends of mine have lived under for the past 20 years. All either have a relative friends who have had a child gunned down by an IDF soldier, or died in an airstrike. Some even die in refugee camps, where they currently live because they were cleansed from their homes in 1948 to make way for the state of Israel. 2 million people who can never go home, because Europeans and North Americans came in and declared the land their own. Half live in an open air prison (Gaza) and half live in apartheid conditions (the West Bank, in cities like Hebron). To put this in context: my Jewish wife who was not born in Israel, can go get Israeli citizenship and make a home there. My best whose family lives in Hebron, has to take a separate road from Israeli settlers to go home, enforced by the IDF. 700k people who fled actual terrorism by Irgun (the organization that founded the state of Israel, did Deir Yassin, etc) cannot go back to where they came from because it’s now called Israel. My wife on the other hand, who has no connection to the Middle East at all other than Jewish heritage can go get a passport and settle in those lands. Murdering civilians is never ok. Hamas deserves to be wiped out for what they did. There will however be no end to violence until the original and continuing injustices are addressed.
  21. it would be kinda hilarious if this was all that allvin was up to "feverishly working the phones" instead of trying to find another RD still, i like lafferty, i think this is a good pickup with minimal cost at minimum its good asset management, if he produces like he did last year, he would net us a 2nd rounder at the deadline
  22. i like that theyre planning ahead for injuries too. at some point one of our centers is going to get injured, need to have someone capable to fill in
  23. Nice i like this one over 50% faceoff percentage, big body, very fast, kills penalties Lafferty-Bleuger-Joshua is a 4th line that sounds pretty good to me + if Blueger gets thrown out of the faceoff circle, Lafferty is a natural C with a +50% faceoff winning percentage
  24. you obviously missed what i said about it being wrong to punish israelis for the sins of their fathers - hence a two state solution being the only moral solution but yeah, i do think we owe restitution to indigenous peoples for the criminal way our country was founded.
  25. yep. anyone whos done any serious study for more than the past 24 hours has arrived at this conclusion, its not a controversial take it only seems controversial because people just discovered the conflict 5 minutes ago and are taking their cues from our political leaders, who are saying the strategically expedient thing.
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