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NHL Prospect (9/14)

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  1. CBJ fans talk of Peeke like Van fans talk of Myers, not sure we should even bother. Rather get a pick. Maybe it’s the team but I hate reclamation projects from poor teams, seldom works out.
  2. I have been screaming Chicago since the offseason, they need to give Bedard some more speed and skill to play with. This also would give Garland the oppty to play top 6 where he can contribute.
  3. You don’t seem to understand my point And you also seem to be putting a lot of words in my mouth that I never posted responding to being shown you’re wrong by trying to create words that I never said and attributing them to me, to use as defense for your argument is adolescent and shows you lack the ability to accept you can be wrong the POINT WAS ALVIN WASN’T WILLING TO GIVE UP ASSETS TO MOVE GARLAND BECAUSE HE HAS VALUE TEAMS WERE TRYING TO HOLD US HOSTAGE IN THE OFF-SEASON DUE TO CAP ISSUES ALVIN UNDERSTOOD THIS AND WAITED NOW HE CAN MOVE HIM FOR AN ASSET Vs PAYING ONE TO MOVE HIM THE SECOND ROUND PICK WAS A HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE OF HOW A BIDDING WAR CAN HELP - NO ONE SAID WE’RE GETTING A SECOND OR EVEN A THIRD TAKE A COURSE IN READING COMPREHENSION
  4. Maybe a smart GM doesn’t move the asset until he can get good value for him when he doesn’t need to? You say why isn’t he moved yet? Have you not noticed in the off-season no one wanted him (aka give up assets to move him) to 2 teams interested and now 5? it’s called creating pricing tension in my world, aka a bidding war to get as much as possible. Even if that’s moving from a 3rd rounder to a 2nd as an example. so yes I’m right
  5. Same with McCann. But we also rushed him. But he gets the similar comments, he also bounced around and finally found his game in Seattle.
  6. Ya, seems brittle. Unfortunate, I like him as a player and wanted to see Montreal get through a season without so many injuries to key players again. Yes looked very impressive in the games I saw of him so far in exhibition and reg season.
  7. Isn’t it funny how the crazy media and some nonsense fans thought we could get nothing for garland and would have to pay to get rid of his contract? I explained to Drance on 650 via text and he responded in disagreement on air… that because of our cap issues teams would try and hold us hostage. That Garland has value (and of all people Drance and his nonsense fancy stats should have accepted that), and that once we solved our cap issues, we could move him for value, not pay to move him. sure enough, the list of teams interested is now growing. Sorry Drance, Alvin and I were right. Patience matters. You don’t deal from weakness.
  8. Mikhayev EP40 Kuz PdG Miller BB6 Beau Suter Garland Joshua Lafferty Hogz Hughes Hronek Cole Soucy Hirose Myers move Mikhayev up Beau down play Soucy on the right side because he can Hirose steps in to LD Myers bottom pair
  9. Watch out @Odd. will call Myers your “boy” because you look at things in a balanced, intelligent manner Vs he sucks sucks sucks (like a 4 year old having a tantrum)
  10. As usual the adolescent didn’t understand the point it’s quite obvious your age. I’ve seen it before. Your behaviour is not new and quite stereotypical
  11. @Odd. ”my boy myers” Always love seeing adolescents beat their concave chests about a game on message boards never said he was my “boy”. Disputed your claim he’s not an NHL defenseman don’t take a course in stats little guy, you’ll fail and I won’t explain why
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