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  1. The Palestinian Authority scheduled elections for May of 2021. They were cancelled by Fatah, after it looked like Hamas would win in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In the Gaza Strip their support was very high. The idea that Hamas was operating without support from the Palestinian population is false.
  2. Just prior to October 7, 2023, it was expected that Israel and Saudi Arabia were about to announce a permanent recognition and peace deal. This would have paved the way to full peace between Israel and the Arab world. This would have likely also led to a permanent peace deal between the Israelis and Palestinians. Iran had other plans.
  3. Also interesting that we are getting such wildly different views of what's going on from rights groups and actual Palestinian workers: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/02/04/sodastream-israel-west-bank/5189021/ Not even Oxfam supports the allegations about wage and labour violations.
  4. SA has a history of being F-ed over by the British and NATO (apartheid) and long-standing relationship with the Soviet block. Their main political party, the ANC, arose during apartheid and was initially heavily supported by the USSR and those ties remain. South Africa has, for example, refused to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. They are far from a neutral party.
  5. Israel would love to separate Hamas from the Palestinian population. Pretty difficult when Hamas goes out of their way to imbed themselves in schools, hospitals, and wherever people are. The Hamas game plan is to use their people as shields. Beneficial as it gives them protection and it also feeds their propaganda machine.
  6. No. You're just trying to single out Israel as racist, because they haven't 100% solved all of their race issues. Newsflash. No country has. Lol. Holding out Australia and their treatment of their indigenous population as something to look up to.
  7. And what nation has 100% perfect race relations? You attempting to single out and cast all of Israeli society as racist is complete garbage. It's the only nation in the world where people of all skin colours are united by culture under one national flag. How does what the experience of Ethiopian Jews in Israel compare to that of Indigenous people in Canada, for example?
  8. Not to mention that the marriage rate between Mizrahi and Ashkenazi Jews in Israel is something insanely high like 25-30%. Having people from diverse backgrounds and blending them into a cohesive society - while overcoming challenges created by differing skin color, culture, language, and economic backgrounds - was far from easy. Israel managed to pull it off, likely in a way that no other country has done before. Stating that the problems in Israel are the result of racism from Ashkenazi Jews is just straight up ignorance too. The Ashkenazi Jews overwhelmingly vote left, and it's actually the Mizrahi Jews who largely support Netanyahu.
  9. You can bomb the armies that Iran spent billions of dollars building up on Israel's borders though. Hamas is far more than a mere national movement. They are a well armed and trained proxy army funded by Iran, with assists from Russia, Qatar, and Turkey.
  10. I have no idea why Hamas just didn't release the Muslim and non-Israeli captives right away. Only making enemies by holding them.
  11. I'm not sure how many times we have to go through this..... Netanyahu made a deal with Qatar to send the money directly to social services, which was the better option over having it go to Hamas' general funds. Parroting a bunch of sensationalist headlines doesn't change the facts. Israel was under immense international pressure to improve the standard of living in Gaza. They then approached Qatar, who was already giving funds to Hamas, to form a deal to have the funds diverted to humanitarian projects. Gaza is corrupt and some of that money ended up in the hands of Hamas. So, once again, are you suggesting that Israel should block humanitarian projects in Gaza? They should freeze the fund of outside nations trying to give humanitarian aid to Gaza? This is what you are suggesting the correct path is?
  12. It'll get easier every time. Keep it up!
  13. I got into the pushups in the pandemic. I think I got close to 60 straight. A trick I would use was to turn my hands partway through the set. You definitely, use different muscles when doing so.
  14. Once again. They gave very limited to support to religious, and other, Palestinian groups who denounced violence. As soon as Hamas got caught with weapons, Israel immediately began arrested and attacking their leadership. You piecing together conspiracies from random one off articles over the course of 50 years does not amount to Israel creating Hamas.
  15. Common knowledge? Israel has opposed all militant groups. They gave some support to the Muslims Brotherhood, after the Muslim Brotherhood had denounced violence. They then arrested Yassin as soon as he was caught with weapons and opposed Hamas ever since.
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