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    June 10, 2003

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  1. Oh! hahaha sorry This thread kinda triggered a craving for me, too. And I normally don't have much of a sweet tooth. (So, I added Coffee Crisp and Kit Kat to my grocery list )
  2. Basically anything with hazelnuts and Coffee Crisp.
  3. Psylocke


    Wait, are you dissing Harold & Kumar???
  4. Psylocke


    I mean, it could be good... ...after smoking a few joints.
  5. Psylocke


    LOL I like low sodium plain chips as well, like, Miss Vickie's Unsalted. But I also like some flavoured ones, too.
  6. Psylocke


    If you need to get orthotics, your benefits may cover them, so make sure you look into it.
  7. Psylocke


    Yeah, the mom was just...too much. Hopefully, she's found her own voice since then.
  8. Psylocke


    I wouldn't automatically not hire them, but definitely will keep that in mind for my final decision. If they have a fantastic interview and everything else, then it wouldn't matter. If it was between them and another candidate, with all things equal, it might.
  9. Psylocke


    I do agree with that, and I wouldn't automatically not hire someone based on their interview attire, but I will still keep that in the back of my mind for my final decision. I think one should at least be in business casual for an interview - it shows respect to the potential employer, especially if you don't know what the dress code is yet.
  10. Psylocke


    We're supposed to business casual, but in reality a few are leaning more on the casual side. But IMO, for a job interview, you should at least be in business casual. Even when I was younger and interviewing for retail work, I was not in a t-shirt and sneakers. I don't know if it's a generational thing or what though. Hah you say that, but at my old job (where I was the hiring manager), I have had a couple people come with their parents. One time I had a young girl (probably 17 or 18) come to a hiring event with her mom, and it was the mom who spoke and asked questions the whole time. The girl didn't say a word and just stood behind her mom.
  11. Psylocke


    It's for an office job and they were maybe early-mid 20s.
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