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    March 3, 2015

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  1. Last year I went to Romania to visit my family for a month, and on the way back had a layover in Amsterdam, very cute. Later, I went to Nepal in the summer to work for an NGO, lived in Kathmandu for three months. It was like living in a different reality, really special experience and I would hope to visit once more, however the plane tickets from Vancouver are very expensive . On the way back, I extended my layover in Delhi to 5 days so I could have time to visit Agra and the Taj Mahal. India is also a very interesting place, huge contrasts between different areas, especially in big cities. This year, I've been at home but looking to travel somewhere by the end of the year.
  2. I haven't truly hated a team in a long time. The Oilers have officially broken that streak. What a shameless franchise. Fuck them.
  3. Y'all have to stop obsessing over Zadorov. It's quite pathetic.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Devron
    3. CaptainCanuck12


      First Tryamkin.....now Zadorov......too-much.gif.e8a3f375e2d98fd7c605f636809355d5.gif!!!


    4. Ballisticsports


      I think they will be good players for next few years, We know management likes them as they brought them in and attempted to get them at a number that they could build a winner (and that takes vision and patience)

      Management brought them in and everyone happy, so be happy that they may have made another good choice by not extending them, and building a vision without them?


      The cap plays a big factor in decisions, and we didn't win a cup with them younger at a cheaper cost, so...


      Maybe this perspective helps?

      Canucks connection to worst contracts agreed in free agency so far (thecanuckway.com)

  4. Relax and go touch grass outside, this can be discussed to exhaustion for the next 3 months. Enjoy your summer.
  5. We were considered a cup contender and were the President's Trophy winners. The season and playoffs were nice, but the goal was not reached, so it was a failure.
  6. Now that was a nice season! I sure can't wait for 4 months of insane Demko trade proposals! :towel:

  7. The last two months have shown some faults in Rick Tocchet's coaching.
  8. Kings lost to the Ducks yesterday so I guess their season's over too 🤔

    1. Iron Fist

      Iron Fist

      The Ducks are a real team.  Coyotes don't exist anymore, we lost to a team that doesn't exist

    2. Bob Long

      Bob Long

      34 wins says hi. 

  9. This past week has really shown the duality of Canucks fans.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pears


      Some are already turning on Lindholm lol

    3. Shirotashi


      If by duality you mean the ability of the fanbase to view the team 

      objectively and then give a subjective opinion that could sometimes

      be viewed as a criticism? Yes, yes some people are.


      Why do you mention that what strikes you as particularly egregious

      im curious to know? Was it the reaction after the Boston loss?

    4. bishopshodan


      i'm a walking paradox, no I'm not

  10. Wow. This team truly IS like the 2011 team!
  11. I had a dream the Canucks played the Avalanche in Colorado and were leading 7-1 but ultimately lost 517-510. Very interesting 🤔.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Drive-By Body Pierce

      Drive-By Body Pierce

      Definitely more of a psychedelic experience than just marijuana...

    3. Canuck You

      Canuck You

      I get the wildest dreams when i smoke..Some people are different.

  12. He really puts the "ass" in "asset".
  13. As George W. Bush eloquently once put it: Fool me once, shame on... Shame on you... You fool me you can't get fooled again!
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