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  1. Thanks all for your input, I come back to check and wasn't expecting a spirited discussion. I ran a diagnostic of the GPS of the dashcam, and it does show that when I reached the 30 sign post, my speed was below 30, so that's the fact, no more assumption/presumption. As mentioned near the top of page 2, I will leave this to judge. I will provide an update once the dispute is over, cherers
  2. it's in Vancouver, not Coquitlam. If I was in the 30 zone and you got me in the 30 zone, I'll take it. If I was in the 50 zone and you got me in the 50 zone, I'll take it as well (although i know cop don't usually pull you over within 10km/h). If I was in the 50 zone and you accused me for being in the 30, that's dirty and i won't take it. You cannot accuse me for being in the 30 and now accuse me for something else, in 50, fine, i just don't like the way I am being treated and i'll dispute it and let the judge decide
  3. for those interested, the cop (yellow dot) was on left of the black trunk in the middle, the playground sign 30 is just a bit to the right, I was not in the 30 zone (unless I am wrong)
  4. Thanks all for your valuable input. I will definitely dispute the ticket. I guess my only ground is that the police officer was accusing me on the wrong offence at the first place and fed me wrong information that I was at the 30 zone but actually I was at the 50 zone with dashcam evidence. See what the judge will say and go from there. If I need to pay the ticket, then I'll pay the ticket... no loss there, maybe the judge will give me another 6 months to pay.... cheers and thanks all
  5. No, this is my first ticket in 7 years, or second ticket in the last 15 or 20 years. I was driving 50-ish at 50 zone (not 30 zone), i can barely see anyone driving below 50 at 50 zone nowaday anyway. Seriously, i never expected a cop to be hiding in the 30 zone but shooting at the 50 zone...
  6. Not sure if this is the proper place, but would like to get some opinion from Vancouver people Got pulled over by the cop this morning and she told me that I was driving 57km/h at 30km/h zone right after the 30km/h sign. I told her that I was outside of the 30 zone when she got me (and when i went back and checked the dashcam, I was clearly at least 5 car spaces clear of the 30km/h sign). After some back and forth, she issued me a speeding ticket for driving 57 at 50 zone. So now I am considering whether I should fight for the 7 km/h in court and on what grounds, much appreciated for your comment
  7. Reports that he turned down $4.5mil x 5, if $5x5 gets it done, then do it then get Myers done at $3.25x3 and we are set
  8. The Florida Panthers upcoming UFA Sam Reinhart is a North Vancouver native, right hand shot, possible to play w/ Pettersson, possible to sign here for $8.5 mil x 7?
  9. only reason I see is that Aqua man and Benning didn’t want to pay $3 million for someone to be not playing on the team, so they rather took the recapture penalty
  10. I have liked Pearson... Why... Why... guess he will end up at NY Islanders next season... bye... will miss you....
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