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Ghostsof1915 last won the day on June 13

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  1. Eliotte and The Hockey Guy floated this idea. If you are going into LTIR for the regular season. If the player is healthy for the playoffs. Eliotte says a couple of games you're ineligible to play. THG says what about you can't play in the first round. Thoughts?

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    2. Down By the River

      Down By the River

      What if they just had the trade deadline earlier in the season? That way if you were trying to falsely LTIR a guy through to playoffs, you'd have a greater chance of missing playoffs/hurting your spot in the standings. 

    3. Ballisticsports


      Curious, who makes the determination of a ltir injury?

      Is it the team doctor hired by the team or the players Family doctor or a 3rd party doctor?


      I agree with Wilbur

      "Keep in simple.  A team can't ice a roster that goes over the cap.  If it means you have to sit some guys, so be it."


      They will still have an advantage of subbing in the replacement player and the previously injured player and icing a fresher player each game if need be or a great back up in case of injury

    4. Rounoush


      ^ I like the idea of league doctors coming in to also determine if the players are truly injured.

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