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Ghostsof1915 last won the day on June 13

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  1. RIP Peter.

    You fought the good fight.

    Your suffering is over.

    Thanks for the laughs and being a good friend.

    I'll miss you buddy.

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    2. -dlc-


      I'm really sorry to hear this, I know this has been tough on you (and Peter). He's at rest now, take some comfort in the fact that he's no longer suffering. Stay strong my friend.

    3. Ghostsof1915


      Thanks everyone. Knowing it was coming, and when it actually happens are two different things. I feel sorry for his wife. She poured so much of herself helping him fight for 2 1/2 years. I think she needs a break more than anyone else.

    4. Ballisticsports


      He was blessed to have a wife and friends like you, and he knew that until the end

      Reading your posted comments, his quality of life for the last 2 1/2 years was not so good, but the quality in his life sounded very good 

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