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Ghostsof1915 last won the day on June 13

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  1. Warning. 41st and Rupert. There's a nice lake in the road.

    Westbound on 41st. If you can avoid that stretch, until the rain stops.

    I'm happy my car was able to get through it without stalling.

    No idea what the buses are going to do there?

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    2. 6of1_halfdozenofother


      Lots of places like that at the moment, unfortunately.  One white-knuckle moment was coming off the Arthur Laing southbound towards Russ Baker Way, the mini-S curve at the foot of the bridge was flooded straight across all lanes.

    3. -dlc-


      I drive that route (Arthur Laing) when I take Dad to his appointments at UBC...glad we don't have to go until Friday. I love my 4Runner...right now I have a courtesy car (Camry) and I feel so low to the ground in it! Big puddles swamp me in it.

    4. Ghostsof1915


      Thats why I was worried. I just kept on moving through it. I swear it was up to the lower part of my door. 4Runner is a better ride in this weather.

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