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About bhoodlum

  • Birthday February 28

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  1. Surely Lehner (or someone in his camp) must know his creditors will get paid eventually one way or the other? This would be such an easy way to pay off $4.4m.
  2. Exactly. If anything, if Edmonton had any sense of shame they'd change their song in deference to LaBamba. Also, I am looking forward to watching the Coilers get *nally brutalized as soon as next season by the unlubed dildo of consequences.
  3. Fuck no. Don't change LaBamba. That's as dumb as asking Anthrax to change their name after the anthrax postal scare.
  4. In isolation this is a brutal trade. Hopefully Allvin has something big planned, otherwise WTF? To Deadmonton of all teams?
  5. I really hope the current GMs all loathe Stan "Cover Up SA" Bowman so much he's essentially blacklisted and even minor moves will require a MASSIVE overpayment because fuck that piece of vile shit.
  6. Canucks definitely got better. While they might not surprise anyone this year, they will be hungrier and more determined than ever after experiencing that raucous crowd at Roger's this past spring. And I think that is going to motivate Petey as well. I think he's going to break 100 points next season, which isn't much of a hot take if DeBrusk will indeed be his winger.
  7. I've been falling apart for so long there's nothing left of me but the cracks.
  8. I get it and I will say you and all the other mods do great work trying to keep it a fun site while not letting discussions get too out of hand. I wasn't actually trying to start an argument or be snide with Canorth with my comment. I actually did have to wade through a novella's worth of posts bitching about Benning vs Gillis when all I wanted was to read about Sprong. That was all before I remembered the "ignore" feature exists for a reason, of course. I was just miffed in the moment because I felt that my words were quite neutral and that you were inferring a "tone" that didn't exist. But then with reflection, and given who we are as a fanbase (awesome!) I can definitely see how my words might have come across as snarky. Anyway, no biggie. I apologize and will be a little more mindful of my words going forward.
  9. Really? You're calling me out after the 30 pages of Benning vs Gillis vs Allvin where the mods did nothing? Gotcha. Message received.
  10. You have to read a post first to determine if it's ignore worthy.
  11. Well said. His comments are disgusting and should be cause for a ban IMO. Blaming victims of SA should NEVER be allowed on these boards.
  12. Yes but that's because the human shitstain Gary Buttman is a spineless coward lacking the moral compass to do what's right.
  13. The Edmonton Coilers have proved once again they are the most classless organization (tied with Chicago actually) in the NHL. What a disgrace that team is, both on and off the ice. I hope those scumbags never win the Cup.
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