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  1. You see only what you wish to see. I joined this forum over a decade and a half ago. I have always and will continue to call out actions that I see as wrong regardless of who is the perpetrator or who those actions were committed against. Its clear that based on your recent posts that you take issue with my posts here, I will cease my posting in this thread if that is what you want. If you see me as a apologist for terrorists then that I don't even know what to say. I cannot pretend that it doesn't disturb me greatly. Hope you have a great evening.
  2. That would be your interpretation of the conversation. Me: You shouldn't be using the LGBT community as a prop for your virtue signaling when your record for LGBT rights is questionable.
  3. You saw it as a chirp, I saw it as an attempt to start a real conversation on LGBT rights. I am not LGBT, but if I were I would be tired of being used as a prop for virtue signaling.
  4. I don't mind, if you believe that you are spotting inconsistencies with my posting history then you are free to point out anything you would like. I can always clarify my thoughts. Keep in mind the topic being discussed was LGBT rights in Israel, pointing out the rights in Palestine or any other Middle East country was the first instance of whataboutism. I used my Russia example to illustrate that it wasn't a convincing argument. We can agree to disagree on your last point.
  5. The Muslim majority countries have same of the worst record of human rights for LGBT communities. If you want to brag that you are best in a given stack of the worst, that means that you aren't very good at something to begin with.
  6. Quite literally the lowest bar possible. LGBT rights in the Middle East - Wikipedia
  7. The original discussion was about about Israel's record on LGBT rights. @moosehead's argument is that it wasn't stellar, to which the response was whataboutism about the record of the other Middle East countries. You are right whataboutism is never a convincing argument, my Russia example was just illustrating the same.
  8. What was actually cutthroat was Benning going to ownership and agreeing to freeze Linden out of the decision making, forcing Linden to resign. If Linden wanted to keep his job he would have just gone along with the plan and stayed in his seat as long as Benning managed to.
  9. Pretty sure the Russians don't throw gay people off rooftops as well, no one is actually crowing about how amazing the LGBT rights are in Russia. Israel is being run by a right-wing government, these governments merely tolerate gay people and don't consider them deserving of the same rights as regular citizens. @moosehead is absolutely right that its a low bar if you want to say you are doing better than the Islamic countries.
  10. Do you not take Linden's words as evidence that Benning wanted someone else at #5? The draft went Hischier, Patrick, Makar, Heiskanen then Pettersson, Benning liked Glass, articles have been written that say that he wanted Glass, you can dismiss all of this as speculation but imho there is enough evidence available that supports the speculation. It was in an interview with Sekeres and Price right after the draft where Linden states that they had one player ahead of Pettersson and it wasn't Hischier or Patrick. The media was able to figure out that the player was Makar. Seeing as Makar was gone at #3, and the scouting staff had Makar as the #1 prospect, what possible disagreement between Benning and the scouting staff could Linden possibly be referring to? Benning had to support the pick after the draft was over, you don't as a GM go out and say that you wanted to select another player. Cale Makar? Trevor Zegras? How Canucks could have looked if the draft lottery didn’t exist - The Athletic
  11. Vegas and Colorado are the top 2 teams in the West. I don't think the Canucks are so far off that we need multiple pieces to compete with these teams. An upgrade at RHD might be enough to push us over the top. As much as it would suck to give up a top prospect, if it gets us that player that will make us a contender it won't be the worst decision to make. I know people are jaded by the last few years but as the Hronek deal showed, if the right player is available then it make sense to be aggressive. Not a bad proposal OP.
  12. There have been plenty of articles written about Benning wanting Glass, as well as quotes by Benning himself. There is enough evidence if you are open to it. Linden himself said after the draft that their draft board had one player higher than Pettersson, that player was Makar. If what you are saying is true, then Linden would not have brought the disagreement at all, since consensus among Canucks scouts was that Makar was the better prospect at the time. Pettersson was #2 on the board, so they had him higher than Heiskanen, so they would not have been trading up for Heiskanen. I tend to take Linden at his word. As he himself has mentioned, he doesn't need to defend the job that he did since he is not desperate to get a job in a NHL front office. I believe that as unlike Benning he didn't tell ownership exactly what they wanted to hear.
  13. Actually based on what Linden has said, the process at the 2016 draft was something that he saw as a problem and there were changes made at the 2017 draft to empower the scouting department and Judd Brackett in particular to have more say with what happened with the picks. And Linden was President of Hockey Ops, he was the one who had the highest authority in the room, the same way that its JR's show right now. We could have very easily walked away with Cody Glass if Linden hadn't handed over the reigns to Brackett and the scouting department. After Linden was undercut by Benning and resigned, Benning chose to take back control of the scouting department and undermined Brackett which led to him leaving for Minnesota.
  14. Myers doesn't really deserve blame for that second goal, as many have mentioned he got knocked down by Bertuzzi and the puck just happened to hit him on the way in. I have been quite critical of him but have to give credit when its due, he has been playing pretty well, minimizing a lot of the mistakes that he usually makes.
  15. If there were no rules during war then we wouldn't have war crimes, we might as well excuse what Russia is doing in Ukraine as a part of war. Countries would be able to use all sort of deadly chemical weapons with impunity. There would be no such thing as proportionate response. The people impacted by Hamas' attacks deserve justice, Hamas should feel the wrath of Israel but indiscriminately killing women and children to go at a few Hamas targets is just beyond the pale.
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