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  1. Last 2 cup winners (Vegas and Flordia) got there without drafting key players - please make a note NHL you don't need draft talent to win in modern NHL rather focus on trades and moving assets around.
  2. You didn't propose this statement, it's been debated by experts already and many are calling for a legal review. A lot of evidence including ESPN putting Oilers ahead already before Canucks lost, evidence that Canucks scored 2 goals with ease last 10 mins and had fresh legs it appears in the end so they purposely held back for Game 6 and 7.. the fact that all these Canada for the cup commercials.. its Oilers year as mandated by the NHL but the legality of scheduling a win by a team is really grey moral ground.
  3. No joke every single playoff game played Canucks dominated last 10 mins, was that on purpose?
  4. Canucks out of gas man you can see it past 2 games, not enough talent to push them over the hump yet.. not bad to get to 2nd playoff round but they aren't ready for the spot light yet
  5. It's not embarrassing considering how Canucks been grinded down they don't have the same talent and offense Oilers do' just no hustle or hunger because Canucks were never expected to go deep.. Oilers were hand picked and selected by bookies to win already
  6. We know we know but no need to rub it in - Oilers look insanely fast and hungry let it go
  7. Whole period was Oilers attacking and Canucks just shooting the puck back in and waiting for Oilers to attack again.. its basically already over as sad as it is Canucks ran out of steam after Game 5
  8. Canucks don't have it in the tank it seems to go head to head with Oilers its clear now but no one expected us to get this far this season anyways
  9. 6 shots wow why are the Canucks playing so bad worst game of the playoffs by far
  10. Everyone would tell him the same thing but oh boy did we dodge a bullet eh
  11. You look at every game a little bit different,” Oilers coach Kris Knoblauch said. “There’s games in this series that I felt that we should have won and not coming up with a win and that happens, that’s hockey. We’re playing a good team, so let’s not take for granted that we should be up in this series and it’s going to be easy. Yeah, we’re down 3-2, could easily be up, but we’re in our situation now.” Edmonton coach said the Oilers could easily be up and should be UP so he refuses to give Canucks any benefit based on his latest interview.
  12. Canucks are playing patient they clearly are content to sit back all game and wait for Edmonton to make a mistake. No urgency here is obvious but that's by design I feel
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