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  1. Let’s fucking face it, Pettersson is going to walk after this season. He’s not dumb. We can’t even fucking make it to the playoffs, how the fuck do you expect us to win a cup?
  2. The fucking tools running this team said a major surgery is going to happen. Is this what is fucking supposed to happen after a major surgery? Clowns.
  3. Where are all those people that were fucking saying Horvat was the elephant in the room? Then what is this fucking shit?
  4. We will never win anything under this fucking management. They will fucking blame the coach again. It’s how they roll. Fucking tools.
  5. Sleepy Jim: “Don’t worry! I’m still awake. Didn’t you see I made a trade today?” Clowns.
  6. I really want to fucking know where that guy is hiding now that created that thread we should go all in after two fucking games. Fucking comical.
  7. Holy shit, this is too fucking funny. We beat an AHL goalie for two games and people were already planning the parade? Oh my fucking lord.
  8. It’s only preseason! It’s only October! It’s only November! It’s only December! It’s only January! It’s now February… moral victory! It’s March… tank! It’s April… tank!
  9. Good luck paying for that huge fucking jumbotron by pulling in naive fans to watch your overpriced garbage product. I’m not getting fooled this year, you clowns. Not giving you a single cent from my pocket.
  10. It’s the same fucking story every year. These clowns can’t fool me with their overpriced hot trash on the ice.
  11. This stupid management group thought a 3rd coach would solve all the problems? Now we can’t score. Fucking clowns.
  12. Not good enough to make the playoffs, not good enough to get a high draft pick. Just fucking watch it happen. Again.
  13. Is this the shit we’re going to watch for 3 hours 82 times this season? I’m not spending a dime on tickets.
  14. Holy shit, Canucks games are going to be fucking boring this year. These 3 preseason games have been unbearable to watch.
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