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1 hour ago, -AJ- said:

Stealth will have more details, but I do believe long-term that is our biggest hurdle. In the short term, we're covered, but obviously these thins do cost money (doesn't help that we are using the same nice, but not super cheap system as the NHL did for years) and the long-term survival will require financing. Not sure exactly what our primary method will be though.

We pass the hat around once a year at Canucks Corner and everyone kicks in 50 bucks or so to keep the forum afloat.

Tiny forum mind you. This place has already outgrown CC in a couple of hours 😁

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2 minutes ago, DANJR said:

Thanks for the Forum.  I will try to donate a bit of cash to keep it running.

Unless Deb doesn't come here......then I'm gonna burn the one's and zero's to the ground.

All kidding aside, I hope lots of the regulars make it over here.  Love the conversations over the years.

Fun fact. Deb is my wife's best friend's mother in law

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2 minutes ago, Huggy Bear said:

Canucks dot com?

CANUCKS DON'T CARE about a fan forum that we have invested years and years, plus tears and fears.  It grinds my gears thet they sluff us off to pasture like a dead moose smashed by a semi on the side of a highway.  Make me so mad, just like this other time.....................................

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