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On 9/14/2023 at 1:30 PM, Ribs said:

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the new old. Unfortunately we can't bring profiles across from the old forum, but please feel free to register through the board directly, or by connecting your social media account.

I've started another topic to post screenshots of your old profile - I'll do my best to run through those and update post/content counts and whatver I can.

If you have any name/domain suggestions, general advice, suggestions on features and structures, PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING, please post here or in the feedback forum. We have a a bit more room to do...anything here.

Moderation will be a bit more loose, and for the moment some of the old are graciously continuing here.

I'm not sure if I'll continue as the main admin, but I'll keep this hosted and running for as long as I possibly can. In a few months we might look at adding some adwords income, looking for sponsorships, or asking for small donations. Whatever we go with, it will be completely transparent and non-profit.


Thank you sir! You are a legend!


And thank you to everyone helping run and support the new forum!

Edited by Drive-By Body Pierce
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55 minutes ago, Rekker said:

Nice to see so many familiar names and hopefully this is just the start. I joined in 2005 mostly because my wife was tired of my Canucks talk. Lol. This has been my Canucks and NHL fix since then. So many knowledgeable posters and varied opinions makes it fun. 

Man, I talk to my wife about the damn forums itself 😅

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19 minutes ago, Vollmilch90 said:

Thank you for creating this. I only posted on CDC a handfull of times because english is not my native language and every response would be late because of the different time zones. But for many many years the forum was a great source of information I was struggeling to get because I do not live in North America. 

I am grateful that I still have the opportunity.

Hope you post more, everyone's welcome!  

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I never posted much on the old site and I won’t post much here either. I am super glad this place has been created and am looking forward to lurking my ass off here reading excellent opinions on action around the NHL and GDTs and PGTs. Much gratitude for making this happen you can count on me for some $$ contributions when and if required. 

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