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[Report/Rumour] Elias Pettersson Contract Talks


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1 minute ago, AnthonyG said:

The point was THIS management group and coaching staff knew there were issues, yet the management group held onto a guy no one had a book on other than his 39 goals. Coulda landed a huge return, yet they fucked that up huge. I said after game 1 of watching him, his skating was an instant concern and preached it alllll season. Everyone here ignored it and watched the puck not the play and just drooled over his 39g. Just wasted a huge trade piece that coulda returned serious pieces on his own. Instead we had to package him up with multiple picks AND prospects for a 30 year old pending UFA heading towards his declining years that leaves us either investing cap in his declining years or let him walk and have alllll that shit given away for nothing.


Not sure if you noticed but we got Lindholm and close to 6 mil of cap space for next year. 

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1 minute ago, JayDangles said:

 Sure, my hypothetical was exaggerated, but the principle was what was meant to land with you. When new information arises that makes the original decision a "negative", it is completely justifiable to expect someone to change their mind. 


So, I'm criticizing you because you have no ability to absorb even an ounce of new information. Instead you're focusing on the exaggeration so you don't have to use the logic behind it.


Secondly, having the ability myself to look past your exaggerated cliff example and see what you are trying to imply, instead of whining about how I'm not jumping off a life and death cliff.... I am not worried about following what others are doing, but I AM able to consider that if my way of thinking is of the minority, perhaps I should at least re-evaluate myself in order to ensure I haven't missed some crucial bit of information.

I would hate to mistake thinking that I'm in the minority but i'm right with just being stubborn and alone.

Good talk bud.

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1 minute ago, Strawbone said:


When was the last time a team traded away one of their star players at the deadline when they were at or near the top of the league standings and clearly going for a cup? That would be an incredibly bold move.

Yes highly unlikely. And they will make one more effort to get him signed post season. If he’s still being challenging then, he’s moved before the draft. 

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1 minute ago, Bardown said:

Not sure if you noticed but we got Lindholm and close to 6 mil of cap space for next year. 

Im aware of that. But its what it cost us to get him because the management group failed to take action and move him last TDL or last off season.

imagine if we moved Kuzmenko for Hronek? Kept Horvat, Kept our picks and prospects and had 2 legit C all our assets still in the bank and then went straight to this TDL with a boat load of trade chips to find another top 6 W and maybe another dman? They fucked up big time and if a fan can recognize the major issue with Kuzmenko, why the fuck isnt management? Why did we keep a guy who cant skate at an NHL level and is poor defensively? He has tremendous value last year and his stocks completely dropped. This is a massive blunder by this management group and it senselessly cost us assets to reacquire a 2C when we had one who was proven and well respected, coulda dumped a winger which are a dime a dozen. There are very few Horvats in comparison. 

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3 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Man, I've been a state of cortisol deficiency for 10 years. Our teams in first place, and we're going for a cup this year. I'm enjoying every minute of this season, and Petey scuttlebutt whipped up by the media to get fans talking hasn't changed that in the slightest.


Petey is a hell of a player and I hope he retires a Canuck, but I'm not bothered by a situation that hasn't changed at all since last June when the original statement was made.


That's a fair take, I don't particularly care if Pettersson waits til the end of the season to sign either. 


Players are individuals, they're going to do what they feel is best for them, Pettersson is doing that. It's not Pettersson's job to figure shit out for the Canucks, he's looking out for him. Is that selfish? Sure, but most people are on some level and it's not an insignificant commitment. 


Player careers go by quickly, top players only really hit the negotiation crossroads a few times. A medium or long term deal isn't an insignificant commitment. Mind you I'm not really looking at this from more of a Canuck-centric  view, I don't have an issue with players chasing the bag. More power to them, someone's gonna earn that money. 


I also don't expect stars to take discounts, or to leave dollars on the table, most of the time they don't. Not just as a Canucks, but around the league in general. Every fanbase wants their players to take team friendly deals, but it doesn't usually go that way. Players are in the business to get paid, it is what it is. 

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28 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

I don't agree there is no reason. For Petey it could hypothetically be a few different reasons, or a combo. Last time he has to negotiate mid season/pre season it effected his game mightly. So from a mental stand point there could be a reason why he decided to wait till summer. Financially, it could be very beneficial for him to wait. Even an extra 500k a year, ends up being 4 million dollars. More money then the majority of us will ever accumulate in our life, that's a pretty fair reason. It's also possible Petey just doesn't know yet, that's a reason.


I wish Petey signed, I'd love to have him locked up. But I'm not upset he's doing exactly what he said he would do. I'm disappointed because I want our team to succeed desperately, but I'm not going to fault a person for sticking to their guns about a business and life decisions. If the Canucks announce the organization has kidney failure and is going to die without Petey signing, I'll reevaluate my take.

The problem is it’s not just about doing what he said. There’s a much bigger picture to look at. It’s also about pros & cons, positives & negatives and what is ultimately the priority in the big picture.  If the things he’s doing / wants are outweighing everything else, then perhaps “sticking to his word” & “doing what said” is not in the best interest of him & the team in the big picture! And really, 500k a year…at what point is it enough money? It’s more than enough for multiple lifetimes! At some point more money really doesn’t make a difference. 

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15 minutes ago, Bardown said:

Yes highly unlikely. And they will make one more effort to get him signed post season. If he’s still being challenging then, he’s moved before the draft. 


Signed post-season, so right around June 17? :classic_cool:

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2 minutes ago, 88Canuck said:

The problem is it’s not just about doing what he said. There’s a much bigger picture to look at. It’s also about pros & cons, positives & negatives and what is ultimately the priority in the big picture.  If the things he’s doing / wants are outweighing everything else, then perhaps “sticking to his word” & “doing what said” is not in the best interest of him & the team in the big picture! And really, 500k a year…at what point is it enough money? It’s more than enough for multiple lifetimes! At some point more money really doesn’t make a difference. 

500k a year over 8 years is 4 million bucks. I would easily make my employers upset and risk upsetting half of British Columbia if someone offered me 4 million bucks. Petey hasn't done anything wrong. Is it disappointing his hasn't signed, yes definitely. Is it fair management is frustrated they don't have clarity, of course. But do I hold it against the guy for a second, no.


Maybe I'm growing bitter with age, but life's fucken hard. Get yours when the gettings good. If Petey pulls a Johnny Hockey, and says one thing and does another I'll get on the anti-Petey bandwagon. But as of now, I have no reason to be upset with Petey.

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30 minutes ago, AnthonyG said:

Sure cant stop talking about Benning and any little “mistake” he made. Meanwhile you’re cheering on his team basically. 
Move on bud, hes gone and his impact is still here and largely contributing to our success and will for many years to come. The best rebuild we’ve ever had. 


It's ok, we don't have to agree.

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53 minutes ago, KoreanHockeyFan said:

All this recent talk feels like another churn in the media cycle. All the sudden, every outlet is drumming up contract talks but there's actually no new information - other than that 12x8 offer rumour that's already been debunked.


I guess you can only talk about the Leafs for so long. Petey's contract was the next best thing.

12x8 has not been debunked. What is there to debunk ? You don't think management has offered him something like that ? 

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4 minutes ago, MeanSeanBean said:

500k a year over 8 years is 4 million bucks. I would easily make my employers upset and risk upsetting half of British Columbia if someone offered me 4 million bucks. Petey hasn't done anything wrong. Is it disappointing his hasn't signed, yes definitely. Is it fair management is frustrated they don't have clarity, of course. But do I hold it against the guy for a second, no.


Maybe I'm growing bitter with age, but life's fucken hard. Get yours when the gettings good. If Petey pulls a Johnny Hockey, and says one thing and does another I'll get on the anti-Petey bandwagon. But as of now, I have no reason to be upset with Petey.

Petey has gone against convention and advice from his agent presumably. The agent is supposed to deal with it anyway. Not Petey 

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

12x8 has not been debunked. What is there to debunk ? You don't think management has offered him something like that ? 

Pagnotta was the person who reported this, and it was later debunked that this report was semantics and no formal offer was ever tabled.

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1 minute ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Pagnotta was the person who reported this, and it was later debunked that this report was semantics and no formal offer was ever tabled.

We can infer something like 12x8 has been offered . Even if it was just verbal

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

We can infer something like 12x8 has been offered . Even if it was just verbal

No? We can infer that something like 12x8 may have been spoken about, but you can't just say something was offered if there is no proof that something was offered.

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1 minute ago, MeanSeanBean said:

500k a year over 8 years is 4 million bucks. I would easily make my employers upset and risk upsetting half of British Columbia if someone offered me 4 million bucks. Petey hasn't done anything wrong. Is it disappointing his hasn't signed, yes definitely. Is it fair management is frustrated they don't have clarity, of course. But do I hold it against the guy for a second, no.


Maybe I'm growing bitter with age, but life's fucken hard. Get yours when the gettings good. If Petey pulls a Johnny Hockey, and says one thing and does another I'll get on the anti-Petey bandwagon. But as of now, I have no reason to be upset with Petey.

Thing is, if he signs the rumoured offered contract, that totaled close to 100 million dollars & that’s on top of what he’s already earned. That’s way more than enough for his lifetime and multiple generations after him. What he’ll get paid shouldn’t even be a worry for him at this point. And, his other “requirements” are being met, so what else is there?


Again, it goes beyond “sticking to his word” and that’s why some are getting frustrated with him. 

I’ll say it again, I’m not trying to hate on him as he’s one of my favourite players and I want him here long term, but he’s human and no one is perfect / we all make mistakes…and I think a lot of people are starting to feel like he’s made a mistake as far as his approach / how he’s handling this. 

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3 hours ago, MeanSeanBean said:

Or... hear me out cause this is crazy.


He hasn't signed yet because he doesn't want to talk contract extension in season and wants to wait until this summer. Which is exactly what he made abundantly clear to Friedman last summer in his interview.


Maybe I'm being unreasonable to take a person based off the words they say though.

Yes, But the current management is getting frustrated with even knowing his intentions

1 does he want to stay?

2 before discussing money, what is max term he will accept?


If he won't even let them know his intentions, they can't even work on a back up plan while other players are being scooped up later

They have stated they want him and to build a winner you don't live day to day, you have to plan and get the jump on other teams like JR likes to do


If he won't give them the simple info (in 1&2 above), they will take it, he does not want to be committed and act accordingly with or without receiving a response

No single player is above the team

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1 hour ago, Mike Vanderhoek said:


I am a life long Canucks fan who has been on this and the old CDC forum since 2009. What am I doing on this thread ? taking part and chiming in like the rest of you.


Did I say I was complaining ? nope, I was chuckling that someone " more dialed in " is hearing how frustrated the Canucks are that Pettersson is not negotiating at current. Would they rather he work out a deal it sounds like it, since management said so themselves they are happy to negotiate when the player is ready.


My point is and wasn't to mock all the interest or disrespect anyone chiming in, but there literally is nothing to report. If we take a step back and pay attention to the local media, to Friedman and others outside Vancouver you see nothing actually of substance except for what we already know. But they keep going round and round so now it is portrayed as a " fluid situation " that is being dragged out or not coming to a resolution fast enough. Bingo! now the same media types can use this framework they just made out to look long and drawn out and up the ante by suggesting one side is growing frustrated and one side maybe is insincere about their intentions because hey otherwise the player would have just signed already right ?


It is a little funny to see how this thing explodes, they always do. It never seems to work out as maybe the player suggests when they say they won't discuss anything until after the season so as not to be a DISTRACTION as it almost always goes that way.


And how I explained things above you see the fans now question if Petey wants to be in Vancouver, if he is worth what we think he wants, we are questioning why he would maybe want a shorter or longer term deal and frankly there is a lot of questioning of his play as a hockey player, his character and intent. When really thats super cool and fine but there has been nothing to factually report at this time leading anyone to believe these things other than wonder and the conjecture and this story built by the media types thus far and many fans are eating it up.


I mean, the Canucks are not suddenly growing frustrated, why would they ? look at what Rutherford said earlier about Pettersson: “We can wait. I’ll say the obvious, we keep saying it over and over — we really want him to stay. He’s a very special player. He’s very important to the Canucks, he’s very important to the city,” Rutherford told reporters. “He can’t walk at the end of the season, and that the position we’ve taken. We’ve taken that position very comfortably, so there’s not anybody getting anxious here.”


So as much as we discuss and debate and follow what is being said in the media, I think we could stand to be a little more patient on this topic as there has been no reason to think this won't be resolved come the offseason which I hope is as far away as possible.




Patience is hard when we have a team that has never won, has been through a very dark decade, and all of the sudden looks to be rebounding in a big way.


This is THE MOMENT where we want all our players bought in to doing something bigger than them. And Petey, as an RFA, has chosen this moment to make the team and the whole org wait on him...for reasons he won't even bother to explain. All I'm asking is that he help the team out by giving an indication of what he's thinking for his future. So far he hasn't even given the fans the typical, "I would like to sign here eventually if we can work it out" pat answer. 


In the Summer he said he wanted to avoid the distraction and since then I've been saying this is how it would be become the biggest distraction possible. For a guy who gets mad when the market/media over analyses him, he's not doing himself (or anyone else) any favours. 


In the grand scheme I have to think an older/wiser Elias will one day look back and wish he did this part differently.

Edited by van_can_fan
Took out a little of the emotion...
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1 minute ago, MeanSeanBean said:

No? We can infer that something like 12x8 may have been spoken about, but you can't just say something was offered if there is no proof that something was offered.

I'm on your side on this one.


@Blue yesterday stated as fact that Pettersson was offered the "C" and turned it down. When asked for his source he disappeared. So clearly has a habit of just making things up.

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8 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


It's ok, we don't have to agree.

You’re right, we dont have to. but bringing up Benning out of nowhere??? And comparing an actual cap dump to acquire a D and a winger compared to blowing the value on Kuzmenko and trading a plethora of picks and prospects to get 1 aging pending UFA 30 year old soon to be declining 2C…..?? nowhere even remotely close to comparable. One guy moved bottom 6 guys out with picks, the other moved a top 6 after losing all his value and a ton of picks and prospects to get a guy heading downhill. Facts are that Lindholm trade hurts us soooooo much more than the OEL and Garland deal.

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1 minute ago, Ballisticsports said:

Yes, But the current management is getting frustrated with even knowing his intentions

1 does he want to stay?

2 before discussing money, what is max term he will accept?


If he won't even let them know his intentions, they can't even work on a back up plan while other players are being scooped up later

They have stated they want him and to build a winner you don't live day to day, you have to plan and get the jump on other teams like JR likes to do


If he won't give them the simple info (in 1&2 above), they will take it, he does not want to be committed and act accordingly with or without receiving a response

No single player is above the team

And they have every right to be frustrated about that. I wish he gave clarity as well. But based off what he said in the summer it was always an option they wouldn't have clarity. Does it suck and make things more difficult, yes for sure. But I personally can't fault a guy for sticking to his guns on the situation.

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3 minutes ago, 88Canuck said:

Thing is, if he signs the rumoured offered contract, that totaled close to 100 million dollars & that’s on top of what he’s already earned. That’s way more than enough for his lifetime and multiple generations after him. What he’ll get paid shouldn’t even be a worry for him at this point. And, his other “requirements” are being met, so what else is there?


Again, it goes beyond “sticking to his word” and that’s why some are getting frustrated with him. 

I’ll say it again, I’m not trying to hate on him as he’s one of my favourite players and I want him here long term, but he’s human and no one is perfect / we all make mistakes…and I think a lot of people are starting to feel like he’s made a mistake as far as his approach / how he’s handling this. 

There's not much, short of hurting another person, that I wouldn't do for 4 million bucks. I simply can't fault a young man for going for the bank, even if it's frustrating.

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