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[Mafia] Some Spice and Nothing Nice - Game over [Mafia win]


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Like this mfer goes off trying to get a run on my top scum read, then because of a few easily contrived posts by J23, hogs and everyone else lynches pretty obvious town SS. Very murky EoD.


Then this supposed town leader type comes in, says everyone is mafia now.



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2 minutes ago, iambrad said:

i think u have to have goal posts to move them 

Well. The goal is finding town in order to find mafia.

You're more concerned with a push-pull game.





The people I just called town are now scummy.


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worth noting halfway through page 8 votes looked like this. 
(4) NIK - Zfetch, KZA, LL, J23 (in order) 
Zfetch - Alison
Alison - Blue Jay
112 - Naslund

NIK was the first developing wagon. 




by page 20 the vote count looks like this.
(3) Max Brown - KZA, Zfetch, 112
(2) 6foot5 - Alison, iambrad
Lewt - Dankmemes
Qwags - Timelord
MR - Alchemy Time
Zfetch - NIK
NIK - Bluejay 
Alison - J23
J23 - Luckylooger



votecount by page 30. 
(5) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, MR, Bluejay, Alchemy Time
(2) Max Brown - KZA, Zfetch
(2) Sharpshooter - Snake, iambrad
MR - Falcon
Bluejay - 6foot5
Zfetch - NIK
Alison - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Snake Doctor - Dankmemerman
Qwags - Timelord




page 38 votecount
(5) Alchemy Time - Bluejay, MR, Dallsbeep, 6foot5, Packback
(4) Sharphshooter - Snake, iambrad, KZA, NIK
(3) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, Alchemy Time
NIK - Qwags
Max Brown - Zfetch
MR - Falcon
Alison - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Snake Doctor - Dankmemerman
Qwags - Timelord




relevant votecount for page 42 when sharpshooter overtakes alchemy time. 
(6) Sharphshooter - Snake, iambrad, KZA, NIK, 6foot5, 112

(3) 6foot5 - Alison, MR, Alchemy Time
(2) Alchemy Time - Bluejay, Packback
NIK - Qwags
Max Brown - Zfetch
MR - Falcon
Alison - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Qwags - Timelord
iambrad - Dankmeme
112 - Dallsbeep




page 50 votecount.
(3) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, iambrad
(3) Sharphshooter - Snake, NIK, 6foot5
(3) callahan - dallsbeep, dankmemerman, 112
(2) Alchemy Time - MR, Packback
(2) NIK - Qwags, bluejay
Max Brown - Zfetch
MR - Falcon
Porscha - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Qwags - Timelord
iambrad - kza
112 - porscha




page 60 votecount.
(4) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, Alchemy Time, porscha
(4) Zfetch - MR, iambrad, dallsbeep, KZA
(3) Sharphshooter - Snake, NIK, 6foot5
(2) Max Brown - Dankmemes, Bluejay
(2) Dallsbeep - Zfetch, funnygurl
Alchemy Time - Packback
NIK - Qwags
Snake - Falcon
callahan - 112
Porscha - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Qwags - Timelord


page 70 votecount. footnotes: i have completely lost all semblance of reality by this point, and i have no idea when darthmelvin voted qwags. like, literally zero fucking clue. i briefly compared with dallsbeep's votecount and found everything in mostly working order. i need another pair of eyes please. 
(4) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake
(4) Zfetch - MR, iambrad, KZA, Sharpshooter
(3) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dankmeme

(2) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep
(2) iambrad - bluejay, callahan

(2) Snake - 112, Timelord
Dallsbeep - funnygurl
Alchemy Time -Packback
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Porscha - J23
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 75 votecount 3 hrs to eod. 

(4) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake
(4) Zfetch - MR, KZA, Sharpshooter, funnygurl
(4) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep, timelord, iambrad
(3) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dankmeme
Snake - 112
iambrad - callahan
Alchemy Time - Packback
illunga - Bluejay
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Porscha - J23
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 77 votecount 2 hrs to eod

(5) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake, illunga

(5) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep, timelord, iambrad, 112
(4) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, funnygurl, Bluejay
(4) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dankmeme, KZA
iambrad - callahan
Alchemy Time - Packback
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Porscha - J23
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 85 votecount 30 minutes to eod

(7) SnakeDoctor - 112, dallsbeep, iambrad, timelord, j23, bluejay, funnygurl
(5) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, KZA, Alison, Dabackpack
(4) 6foot5 - Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake, illunga
(2) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5
J23 - Luckylooger
Dallsbeep - Dankmeme
iambrad - callahan
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 87 votecount 18 minutes to eod

(5) SnakeDoctor - 112, iambrad, timelord, bluejay, funnygurl
(4) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, KZA, Alison
(4) 6foot5 - Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake, illunga
(4) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dabackpack, Dankmemes
(2) J23 - Luckylooger, j23
iambrad - callahan
Porscha - j23
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 89 votecount somewhere around 5 minutes to eod. 

(6) SnakeDoctor - 112, iambrad, timelord, bluejay, funnygurl, dallsbeep

(6) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dabackpack, Dankmemes, illunga, zfetch
(4) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, KZA, Alison
(3) 6foot5 - Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake
j23 - Luckylooger
iambrad - callahan
Porscha - j23
NIK - Qwags
funnygurl - Falcon
Qwags - DarthMelvin



i believe these are the significant wagons knowing certain flips and what not.

page 30 wagon: (5) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, MR, Bluejay, Alchemy Time

disgusting ugly wagon filled with wolves. 


page 38 wagon: (5) Alchemy Time - Bluejay, MR, Dallsbeep, 6foot5, Packback

extremely green wagon with 1 wolf max (mr) 


page 42 wagons: 

(6) Sharphshooter - Snake, iambrad, KZA, NIK, 6foot5, 112

(3) 6foot5 - Alison, MR, Alchemy Time

(2) Alchemy Time - Bluejay, Packback


sharpshooter overtakes the alchemy time wagon. i think 112 being a vote on here is significant along with KZA and Snake. NIK i'm not so worried about since i don't believe they ever moved. 

mr moving onto 6foot and alchemy time parking there is gross. bluejay and packback going up in the town rankings off this movement.


(3) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, iambrad
(3) Sharphshooter - Snake, NIK, 6foot5
(3) callahan - dallsbeep, dankmemerman, 112
(2) Alchemy Time - MR, Packback
(2) NIK - Qwags, bluejay


tbh i dont even know what happened on page 50.  


from page 60 votecount: (4) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, Alchemy Time, porscha

all wolves. 

page 70: (4) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake

all wolves. snake even offers to hop on this time. 


page 75: 

(4) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake
(4) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep, timelord, iambrad


6foot wagon so wolfy j23 sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pure. timelord dallsbeep me so town luckylooger is a bit of ? but mostly been townreading him all game. seems to make sense wolves came in bunches and deflected everywhere else based off this wagon tbh. 


page 77: 


(5) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake, illunga

(5) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep, timelord, iambrad, 112

112 looks a little better for tying vote of j23 with 6foot. illunga wolf on 6foot with all of those people is lol!ALL WOLVES. ALL WOLVES. 


only one who gets a pass is alison since i'm pretty sure they had intentions of policy lynching 6foot upon joining the game. i think it's nai for them, and all of their other posts are wolfy af. 


page 85: 

(7) SnakeDoctor - 112, dallsbeep, iambrad, timelord, j23, bluejay, funnygurl

very iffy. j23 112 and funnygurl all ?, dallsbeep i'm ride or die him town today but tmmr is different. only really trust timelord and bluejay me off this. 



(4) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, KZA, Alison

yeah ok alison is wolf lol




(6) SnakeDoctor - 112, iambrad, timelord, bluejay, funnygurl, dallsbeep

(6) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dabackpack, Dankmemes, illunga, zfetch

illunga on ss makes me think rand!snake doctor is a 50/50. could be wolves just voted sharpshooter to keep a slanker in game, too. maybe they werent really panicking at all, and so anyone who didnt make any moves on eod could be rand wolf depending on snake doctor flip. 


snake at this point in time wagon is pretty pure though. 

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4 minutes ago, luckylager said:

Like this mfer goes off trying to get a run on my top scum read, then because of a few easily contrived posts by J23, hogs and everyone else lynches pretty obvious town SS. Very murky EoD.


Then this supposed town leader type comes in, says everyone is mafia now.



one of my major reasons for wanting j23 dead is because it would solve your slot. probably still applies tbh. 

i'd be super super down for a j23 kill today. is twinblade any time activation? does vig have another shot? need to find a way to kill j23 alchemy time snake doctor today



2 minutes ago, luckylager said:

Well. The goal is finding town in order to find mafia.

You're more concerned with a push-pull game.





The people I just called town are now scummy.


life comes at you fast 

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3 minutes ago, iambrad said:

one of my major reasons for wanting j23 dead is because it would solve your slot. probably still applies tbh. 

i'd be super super down for a j23 kill today. is twinblade any time activation? does vig have another shot? need to find a way to kill j23 alchemy time snake doctor today



life comes at you fast 

J23 can flip either way and I'm still town.

I think he's mafia though.

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falcon was never on any major wagon. his kill heavily implies scum were fundamentally apart of most major wagons and that they were leading a number of them. i'm thinking a good majority of the wagons were green and that we only got close on J23, Alchemy Time, Snake Doctor. snake doctor is a toss up since the wagon had a number of people come through, but i think for a certain part of it wolves were willing to buss.


not kiling on any of the major 4 wagons at the end of the day (zfetch, ss, snake doctor, 6foot) also seems to imply to me that the wolves are pretty okay with those wagons to occur again. they didnt kill anyone dissident to the wagons, didnt kill any threats to any of the players, and didnt kill in the poe. i'm extremely positive that 3/4 of these wagons were town.


not sure about the illunga kill, wasnt really following his iso too properly. notable mentions that falcon parked on a mixture of (MR, Snake, Funnygurl) iirc. i'd put a lot of money on 1-2 wolves being there. 

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2 minutes ago, DumbassTurtle said:

idk if anyone noticed, but iambrad reacted super hard when i switched votes. that is super suspicious

cus you were fucking trolling we only had like 5 minutes and a vote that wasn't on one of the major wagons was just for the purpose of giving me a nice middle finger LOL. 


3 minutes ago, luckylager said:

J23 can flip either way and I'm still town.

I think he's mafia though.

vote J23


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1 minute ago, iambrad said:

cus you were fucking trolling we only had like 5 minutes and a vote that wasn't on one of the major wagons was just for the purpose of giving me a nice middle finger LOL. 


vote J23


Good. He should be miles ahead while I'm sitting here on BJ waiting for him to resemble town.

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2 minutes ago, dallsbeep said:


can you hit up Mac?


stick around, I need to talk to you about your last post

yeah sure i sent him a msg


whats up? 


1 minute ago, luckylager said:

Good. He should be miles ahead while I'm sitting here on BJ waiting for him to resemble town.

whats ur beef with bj again? 

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4 minutes ago, Zfetch said:

most obvious scum post of all time

Vote DumbassTurtle

actually i kinda liked it LOL i dont think turtle goes at me if he's scum. 

tbh i don't think turtle posts if he rolls scum. this is like his second game of mafia ever. 

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In addition to dumbass,

MR - has not been TP meta at all
Lewt - has been completely shady everytime he's popped into thread
Hoggers - has been distant to a tee, very 3P esque
BJ - see hoggers
Kaz - getting more scummy as the round moves on, don't like him trying to tunnel me incessantly
Dallsbeep - pretty confident he's town, seems to be one of the more sane people around
J23 and Qwags and like 10 other people all in the same bucket of slanker that can be cut / won't be useful
DM would be funny if he's a special or 3P imo but comes across amusing enough to keep around for the long-haul

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1 hour ago, iambrad said:

yeah i forgot about alchemy time he was wolf as fuck yesterday too. i sort of think NIK disappearing and not popping up at eod rings town since i definitely felt a wolf presence last eod, and i can just sense they were in dm calling for everyone to come vote. 


the alison and mr pops in blatantly wolfing. their interactio nwas gross their postings was gross their reads are gross. locking on AT LEAST one scum in {alison, mr}. also albert lock town i was waiting for him to pop in on some random tangent and derail the town. that's his most significant town tell LOL. lewt wagon filled with wolves, dunno about him anymore tbh 


i think the fact that 112 hasnt meaningfully pushed radishes as wolf in any way sort of indicates they are wolf. i think this is the most obvious mr wolf game of all time, and 112 would know better than anyone. i am 99.999999% ready to lock them both in as wolves and call it a day, but then i'd have to call the callahan slot probably town 😞


btw if both me and you are alive by tomorrow i think i'm going to be forced to try and get you killed. no hard feelings 


I think it's pretty obvious that we are in a self-sabotaging village, partially because of good wolves and also partially because of confusion over meta.


For example, Sharpshooter and 6foot5 were both very towny yesterday, yet we killed them both. Today people are now saying ZFetch is scum and same with even Bluejay.


I haven't seen a village this self sabotaging in quite some time. It's like people keep just picking the most towny people in the game and saying that they're scum lol. It's fucking wild.


I'm townreading you. I will not be killed because I have no sway or rep in this village. You need to know that if you die tonight and we don't find a stronger wolf today, this game is probably a loss. There's too much dumbass play flying around, easy lowposters to pick on, in-fighting to the point that you can't even tell who's a wolf versus just a villager throwing, etc.

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6 minutes ago, Zfetch said:

In addition to dumbass,

MR - has not been TP meta at all
Lewt - has been completely shady everytime he's popped into thread
Hoggers - has been distant to a tee, very 3P esque
BJ - see hoggers
Kaz - getting more scummy as the round moves on, don't like him trying to tunnel me incessantly
Dallsbeep - pretty confident he's town, seems to be one of the more sane people around
J23 and Qwags and like 10 other people all in the same bucket of slanker that can be cut / won't be useful
DM would be funny if he's a special or 3P imo but comes across amusing enough to keep around for the long-haul


All of these reads are fucking horrible outside of Lewt

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3 minutes ago, dallsbeep said:


I think it's pretty obvious that we are in a self-sabotaging village, partially because of good wolves and also partially because of confusion over meta.


For example, Sharpshooter and 6foot5 were both very towny yesterday, yet we killed them both. Today people are now saying ZFetch is scum and same with even Bluejay.


I haven't seen a village this self sabotaging in quite some time. It's like people keep just picking the most towny people in the game and saying that they're scum lol. It's fucking wild.


I'm townreading you. I will not be killed because I have no sway or rep in this village. You need to know that if you die tonight and we don't find a stronger wolf today, this game is probably a loss. There's too much dumbass play flying around, easy lowposters to pick on, in-fighting to the point that you can't even tell who's a wolf versus just a villager throwing, etc.

if you think wolves are good then naturally ur assuming they were active eod and a big presence. who would you pick out of the eod that was leading the town as a wolf? i think ur probably right since i feel like all top wagons are town but i dunno who i'd look at specifically. wagons seem to implicate 112 and alchemy time the most, but they weren't super vocal. i think mr and alison are probably up there though. oh yeah and funnygurl


yeah im not seeing zfetch or bluejay at all, but the people pushing them i think are town. (kza, luckylooger). actually kza had kind of a very meh eod, but tonally he's like super transparent. what do u think about the slot? 


i think because of the nature of this game i am not allowed to hard townread u past like day 3 or day 4. like u said wolves are probably pretty decent, and i'm going to have to a harsh reevaluation of game if we don't hit today. hoping to bang a wolf today and just die tonight tbh.


@Zfetch talk to me ab ur kza read 

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