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[Mafia] Some Spice and Nothing Nice - Game over [Mafia win]


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On 12/3/2023 at 7:33 PM, Alison said:

Kinda concerned about falcon, feels like he's hiding when normally he swings his dick around


On 12/3/2023 at 10:02 PM, Alison said:

Aka "i decided that the game does not need more brash loudmouths spamming the thread with useless shit". I may not be swinging my dick around but i reckon ive made more of an impact gamewise than most people in the thread lol


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1 hour ago, iambrad said:

yeah fuck off alison is a wolf


vote Alison

i went to bed last night thinking of this possibility. she's definitely not outside of her wolf range.


i'd call her toned down from what i remember of her meta, and she also seems less sure of herself than usual. there's confidence but it's diluted.


one thing we should review when i find the page is her handling of ilunga early in the game. she caught him straight up on like 2 or 3 posts but also didn't do much to advocate for his chop. it's possible TMI

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7 minutes ago, luckylager said:

Yeah. And Tanev subs in to hide in the corner, probably shitting his pants because rand maf.

it's hard not to wolfread his slot rn but I'd like to give him an opportunity to post some

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3 minutes ago, KZA said:

I think all the more active players should commit ritual suicide and allow the slankers to solve the game

no issues with that the slanker/player ratio is like 2/1. out of protest i would definitely do this, they likely waiting for the game to reduce to a level thats maneagable for their tie before they start playing... too scared they make a mistake with so many good players and lucky lager still alive solving...


Unvote Vote Dankmemes187

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1 minute ago, SnakeDoctor said:

Looks like the scum are railing against me. All I can do right now is plead to my fellow town members. I’m town this game. We need as many of us as we can.


unvote, Vote Albert.


if he is mafia or anti town.

not saying it's a bad vote, but why albert?

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