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[Mafia] Some Spice and Nothing Nice - Game over [Mafia win]


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2 minutes ago, SnakeDoctor said:

Looks like the scum are railing against me. All I can do right now is plead to my fellow town members. I’m town this game. We need as many of us as we can.


unvote, Vote Albert.


if he is mafia or anti town.

Are you the vigilante? Answer yes or no

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3 minutes ago, Albert said:

Are you the vigilante? Answer yes or no

Brother... go outsidestretch your weary arms and legs... if its raining go feel the pitter patter as the raindrops splash on your face... if its snowing stick out your tongue and let a snowflake land on your tongue...if its sunny wear a tshirt no matter how cold it is, even for just a few moments soak up those rays.. Now, greet and say hello to the first person you meet and comment on what a good day it is to be a kid again.

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6 minutes ago, Time Lord said:

Is it worrisome that the thread state got stale or do we just have the correct wagons (mainly SD) and the mafia are frozen 

Nah. With the amount of moment in this game and amount of players they know nothing is predictable 

Like n.1 0 guarantees who was gonerz 

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6 minutes ago, Time Lord said:

Is it worrisome that the thread state got stale or do we just have the correct wagons (mainly SD) and the mafia are frozen 

hey do you know how hard it is to go though the last 50-60 pages and provide honest feedback and footnotes... i am going to do it, but i need to hydrate first... just need more things to comment on, no ones sleuthing

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2 minutes ago, 112 said:

so falc went after Ilunga, SD and Funnygurl before he was taken out. he didn't have many posts throughout D1 and wasn't an active voice, so i'm wondering why he was the target.

i like that makes sense to me...

we can thunderdome these people, 


add in albert and dabackpack and dallsbeep


Unvote vote snakedoctor

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SnakeDoctor is:
either mafia who voted for town round 1
either a sloppy vigilante killing town
One of the most inactive players in the game

Everyone give me a reason why he should stay alive, they are also a skull and quite already dead
Let's just dispose of him

/VOTE SnakeDoctor

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16 minutes ago, Time Lord said:

Is it worrisome that the thread state got stale or do we just have the correct wagons (mainly SD) and the mafia are frozen 

I get this concern but it's too early for this thought. It's only D2, there are tons of people left, and some of those are going to be more obvious wolves. I think our broader PoE is likely good and contains a couple hits at least. In a Day or two if we misfire once or twice, then yeah, it'll be time to worry. And I'm sure someone somewhere is a deepwolf, or nearly so, but a 30p game needs some stamina and we're all clever enough to re-evaluate later.


Vig should take out slankers (e.g. Qwags) to clear the fringes, and we should stick to our PoE for now.

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2 minutes ago, Albert said:

SnakeDoctor is:
either mafia who voted for town round 1
either a sloppy vigilante killing town
One of the most inactive players in the game

Everyone give me a reason why he should stay alive, they are also a skull and quite already dead
Let's just dispose of him

/VOTE SnakeDoctor

holy fuck, you went outside didnt you?

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