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[Mafia] Some Spice and Nothing Nice - Game over [Mafia win]


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1 minute ago, Alison said:

im talking about you crying about me voting 65 all day

if you were policy lynching him you would have been on him at eod. instead you just used him to skirt by day 1 by pretending your wittle beef with him meant something because you were scared me and him were going to sniff you out 


the funniest part of it all is getting quoted by ppl saying "B-But alison could powerwolf if she wanted!!!!" 


ya mayb against u people 

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56 minutes ago, Dankmemes187 said:

well what does wagonomics say about there deaths... im sorry but i trust you and ive just flooded my mind with the first 53 pages...

@Blue Jay 22

@Master Radishes




@SnakeDoctor  wether wolf or town im interested

The retarded side of my brain is where wagonomics stuff would exist if it weren't the retarded side.

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1 minute ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

Still not liking NIK’s vibe FYI.


I think I need Lewt/J23 solved before I can progress on some of the veteran players. I’ll yeet SD if my town reads are on the wagon but he’s not exciting me rn. 

This seems too reasonable.

  • Tank 1
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On 12/5/2023 at 5:24 PM, iambrad said:
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worth noting halfway through page 8 votes looked like this. 
(4) NIK - Zfetch, KZA, LL, J23 (in order) 
Zfetch - Alison
Alison - Blue Jay
112 - Naslund

NIK was the first developing wagon. 




by page 20 the vote count looks like this.
(3) Max Brown - KZA, Zfetch, 112
(2) 6foot5 - Alison, iambrad
Lewt - Dankmemes
Qwags - Timelord
MR - Alchemy Time
Zfetch - NIK
NIK - Bluejay 
Alison - J23
J23 - Luckylooger



votecount by page 30. 
(5) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, MR, Bluejay, Alchemy Time
(2) Max Brown - KZA, Zfetch
(2) Sharpshooter - Snake, iambrad
MR - Falcon
Bluejay - 6foot5
Zfetch - NIK
Alison - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Snake Doctor - Dankmemerman
Qwags - Timelord




page 38 votecount
(5) Alchemy Time - Bluejay, MR, Dallsbeep, 6foot5, Packback
(4) Sharphshooter - Snake, iambrad, KZA, NIK
(3) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, Alchemy Time
NIK - Qwags
Max Brown - Zfetch
MR - Falcon
Alison - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Snake Doctor - Dankmemerman
Qwags - Timelord




relevant votecount for page 42 when sharpshooter overtakes alchemy time. 
(6) Sharphshooter - Snake, iambrad, KZA, NIK, 6foot5, 112

(3) 6foot5 - Alison, MR, Alchemy Time
(2) Alchemy Time - Bluejay, Packback
NIK - Qwags
Max Brown - Zfetch
MR - Falcon
Alison - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Qwags - Timelord
iambrad - Dankmeme
112 - Dallsbeep




page 50 votecount.
(3) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, iambrad
(3) Sharphshooter - Snake, NIK, 6foot5
(3) callahan - dallsbeep, dankmemerman, 112
(2) Alchemy Time - MR, Packback
(2) NIK - Qwags, bluejay
Max Brown - Zfetch
MR - Falcon
Porscha - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Qwags - Timelord
iambrad - kza
112 - porscha




page 60 votecount.
(4) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, Alchemy Time, porscha
(4) Zfetch - MR, iambrad, dallsbeep, KZA
(3) Sharphshooter - Snake, NIK, 6foot5
(2) Max Brown - Dankmemes, Bluejay
(2) Dallsbeep - Zfetch, funnygurl
Alchemy Time - Packback
NIK - Qwags
Snake - Falcon
callahan - 112
Porscha - J23
J23 - Luckylooger
Qwags - Timelord


page 70 votecount. footnotes: i have completely lost all semblance of reality by this point, and i have no idea when darthmelvin voted qwags. like, literally zero fucking clue. i briefly compared with dallsbeep's votecount and found everything in mostly working order. i need another pair of eyes please. 
(4) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake
(4) Zfetch - MR, iambrad, KZA, Sharpshooter
(3) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dankmeme

(2) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep
(2) iambrad - bluejay, callahan

(2) Snake - 112, Timelord
Dallsbeep - funnygurl
Alchemy Time -Packback
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Porscha - J23
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 75 votecount 3 hrs to eod. 

(4) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake
(4) Zfetch - MR, KZA, Sharpshooter, funnygurl
(4) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep, timelord, iambrad
(3) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dankmeme
Snake - 112
iambrad - callahan
Alchemy Time - Packback
illunga - Bluejay
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Porscha - J23
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 77 votecount 2 hrs to eod

(5) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake, illunga

(5) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep, timelord, iambrad, 112
(4) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, funnygurl, Bluejay
(4) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dankmeme, KZA
iambrad - callahan
Alchemy Time - Packback
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Porscha - J23
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 85 votecount 30 minutes to eod

(7) SnakeDoctor - 112, dallsbeep, iambrad, timelord, j23, bluejay, funnygurl
(5) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, KZA, Alison, Dabackpack
(4) 6foot5 - Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake, illunga
(2) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5
J23 - Luckylooger
Dallsbeep - Dankmeme
iambrad - callahan
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 87 votecount 18 minutes to eod

(5) SnakeDoctor - 112, iambrad, timelord, bluejay, funnygurl
(4) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, KZA, Alison
(4) 6foot5 - Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake, illunga
(4) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dabackpack, Dankmemes
(2) J23 - Luckylooger, j23
iambrad - callahan
Porscha - j23
NIK - Qwags
MR - Zfetch
funnygurl - Falcon
Qwags - DarthMelvin




page 89 votecount somewhere around 5 minutes to eod. 

(6) SnakeDoctor - 112, iambrad, timelord, bluejay, funnygurl, dallsbeep

(6) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dabackpack, Dankmemes, illunga, zfetch
(4) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, KZA, Alison
(3) 6foot5 - Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake
j23 - Luckylooger
iambrad - callahan
Porscha - j23
NIK - Qwags
funnygurl - Falcon
Qwags - DarthMelvin



i believe these are the significant wagons knowing certain flips and what not.

page 30 wagon: (5) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, MR, Bluejay, Alchemy Time

disgusting ugly wagon filled with wolves. 


page 38 wagon: (5) Alchemy Time - Bluejay, MR, Dallsbeep, 6foot5, Packback

extremely green wagon with 1 wolf max (mr) 


page 42 wagons: 

(6) Sharphshooter - Snake, iambrad, KZA, NIK, 6foot5, 112

(3) 6foot5 - Alison, MR, Alchemy Time

(2) Alchemy Time - Bluejay, Packback


sharpshooter overtakes the alchemy time wagon. i think 112 being a vote on here is significant along with KZA and Snake. NIK i'm not so worried about since i don't believe they ever moved. 

mr moving onto 6foot and alchemy time parking there is gross. bluejay and packback going up in the town rankings off this movement.


(3) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, iambrad
(3) Sharphshooter - Snake, NIK, 6foot5
(3) callahan - dallsbeep, dankmemerman, 112
(2) Alchemy Time - MR, Packback
(2) NIK - Qwags, bluejay


tbh i dont even know what happened on page 50.  


from page 60 votecount: (4) 6foot5 - Alison, 112, Alchemy Time, porscha

all wolves. 

page 70: (4) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake

all wolves. snake even offers to hop on this time. 


page 75: 

(4) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake
(4) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep, timelord, iambrad


6foot wagon so wolfy j23 sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pure. timelord dallsbeep me so town luckylooger is a bit of ? but mostly been townreading him all game. seems to make sense wolves came in bunches and deflected everywhere else based off this wagon tbh. 


page 77: 


(5) 6foot5 - Alison, Alchemy Time, porscha, Snake, illunga

(5) J23 - Luckylooger, dallsbeep, timelord, iambrad, 112

112 looks a little better for tying vote of j23 with 6foot. illunga wolf on 6foot with all of those people is lol!ALL WOLVES. ALL WOLVES. 


only one who gets a pass is alison since i'm pretty sure they had intentions of policy lynching 6foot upon joining the game. i think it's nai for them, and all of their other posts are wolfy af. 


page 85: 

(7) SnakeDoctor - 112, dallsbeep, iambrad, timelord, j23, bluejay, funnygurl

very iffy. j23 112 and funnygurl all ?, dallsbeep i'm ride or die him town today but tmmr is different. only really trust timelord and bluejay me off this. 



(4) Zfetch - MR, Sharpshooter, KZA, Alison

yeah ok alison is wolf lol




(6) SnakeDoctor - 112, iambrad, timelord, bluejay, funnygurl, dallsbeep

(6) Sharphshooter - NIK, 6foot5, Dabackpack, Dankmemes, illunga, zfetch

illunga on ss makes me think rand!snake doctor is a 50/50. could be wolves just voted sharpshooter to keep a slanker in game, too. maybe they werent really panicking at all, and so anyone who didnt make any moves on eod could be rand wolf depending on snake doctor flip. 


snake at this point in time wagon is pretty pure though. 



i'm only missing eod

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1 minute ago, Blue Jay 22 said:

Still not liking NIK’s vibe FYI.


I think I need Lewt/J23 solved before I can progress on some of the veteran players. I’ll yeet SD if my town reads are on the wagon but he’s not exciting me rn. 

SD, Lewt, NIK wagons sound wicked fun. Not getting any traction on J23, again. Boooo


Unvote Vote NIK

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On 12/5/2023 at 5:57 AM, porscha said:

have you guys ever thought about a really large kernel of popcorn? like the size of when they make record breakingly large foods. how big could the kernel be? I like to imagine it's very large, like The Bean in Chicago kind of large, but for the first 3 days of it's existence, it's still just a tiny bit soft and fluffy, and I'd like to touch it

omega town

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