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[Mafia] Some Spice and Nothing Nice - Game over [Mafia win]


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all i can say is

25 minutes ago, dallsbeep said:

Vote DarthMelvin

should have stuck to my guns...your the only that has made sense..




Likely lewetelli is laughing at me right now... the only locked town is actually a pocketed SK... this the only explanation for what has happened this game... a spiteful measure to the whole town just to fuck with my head more....   


very funny @Lewitelli I Hope your happy smiling, sending LL to 30 days of purgatory only to be eliminated by ya BOI... Have you no heart?


in this world the entire game has to be revisted... we have to reread the entire 273 pages again.... im not going to do that, instead im only going to listen to the expired players who had reads before Lewts fucked the whole game...


UnVOTE Vote Porscha


This is the only way...


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In a room where the light was dimmer,
Sat Lou, pondering life with a glimmer.
On the telly, a show full of blunder,
Left him in shock, in awe, in wonder.


To the left, to the right, he gazed about,
Nothing there, just shadows of doubt.
Upward he looked, seeking a way,
But the ceiling just stared, cold and gray.


A step he took, but oh, such a tumble,
Into his vomit, a squelchy jumble.
His head cracked open, oh what a sight,
Paralyzed, in the fading light.


Warm and wet, he lay in a heap,
Smelling of copper, in a dreamy sleep.
His ears rang with a tune of regret,
While the phone rang, a sound he’d forget.


Minutes, days, months - who could tell?
In that warm cocoon, where he did dwell.
A knock, a bang, on the door so loud,
Yet DM couldn’t speak, couldn't be proud.


"Police!" they screamed, with a mighty knock,
Breaking the door with a solid block.
Hope arose in Lou’s silent shock,
As the door gave way with a final rock.


In they walked, one, two, three,
Into the room, what did they see?
A man on the floor, with a noose, quite slack,
A radio crackled, "We’ve found a quack."


"No, no!" Lou tried to shout,
But not a whisper, not a peep came out.
Toward him they moved, in their steady route,
His silent screams, inaudible, mute.


Beside him knelt an officer so keen,
Checking for life, a scene so serene.
"Time of death," he solemnly cited,
While Lou in his mind, fiercely fought, ignited.


Into a bag, zipped and carted away,
Lou screamed in his mind, "I'm okay!"
But then he awoke, in a bed so tight,
Realizing it was all a dream, a frightful night.


Left and right, he looked in haste,
Everything normal, nothing misplaced.
Except in the mirror, a stranger's face,
An older man, in his own space.


"Who is this man, in my reflection?"
DM pondered with a puzzled inflection.
"Dank Memes no more," he mused with a sigh,
"Now Detective Lucky, but how and why?"


Water splashed, reality checked,
Still the stranger, what the heck!
Back to dreams, he wished to flee,
But the new face stayed, a mystery.


So Lou, once memer, now a sleuth,
Embarked on a journey, uncouth.
In a world where dreams and reality twine,
He sought his truth, a new storyline.


Edited by Dankmemes187
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Guess I’m not going 4/4 in my reads but there is likely nearly 50% scum by now (more if you include the two 3Ps).


Not sure why the mafia haven’t killed LL yet but he can only be a deep wolf at worst so I’m not interested. Same with BJ. Same with Petey boi.


I’m comfortable lynching NIK, SD, MR, Hoggers, Alison and TL amongst names not coming to the front of my mind.


I guess Porscha is a pretty obvious scum as well

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Snake Doctor (5) - Blue Jay 22, Naslund, Funnygurl555, Time Lord, Master Radishes
porscha (3) - Dankmemes187, Snake Doctor, Zfetch
iambrad (1) - luckylager
DarthMelvin (2) - dallsbeep, iambrad [locked]
Naslund (1) - porscha

If enough people lock, I will end the round early (just tag me if/when this happens).  If not, sorry but 48 hour phase must still continue.

Edited by SV.
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