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[PGT] Canucks at Flames - F*** CBC Edition

Roger Neilsons Towel

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A lot of talk about the Canucks starting on fire, and have settled for a while into a .500 team...


It has been mentioned, AHL'ers being inserted into the line up as cover for injuries, and Petey's reduction in production, as reasons for this, but could it also be, that at the same time, other teams slowly got up to speed?


Remember the staff/coaches indirectly appealing to the players, to turn up in mint condition to start the season, thus maybe having an early advantage over some of the other teams...?


The few roster moves made should also help keeping the team on its toes, and improve the results slightly, but zero doubt that the boys buying into the plans in the off season, has had a positive effect on the season start.

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4 hours ago, Gurn said:

Not going to quote you, but will say I disagree on 2 points

1- regards to Rick not having them ready to play- I think that is more on the team, than the coach. Probably about 80% team 20 % coach.

2- The P.k. is way better than it has been, just a few short months ago.


I'm hoping a bit more time off between games and less travel for a couple of weeks can get everyone healthy and back into better play.

So much better to have games 'in the bank' as a buffer for a slump; than to be games behind, and still slumping.


End of the season, the Canucks will, imo, end up either 3rd in the division, or in the top wild card spot.


ps- please feel free to keep posting, all opinions should be welcome here; despite those that only want to see their opinion, repeated back to them.


Absolutely... yet there's a difference between having an opinion be it positive or negative towards the team/coach/management and just repeating totally baseless accusations about how poor the team/coach is... It smells of trolling... big time.

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15 hours ago, iinatcc said:


Just compared to stats. 5 on 5, PK, the bottom 6 driving play, etc. you can listed to the Canucks Talk podcast in Sportsnet if you are curious. 


Generally Drance sees things like how a Vegas odd maker would see things. 

So you’re saying, he’s new at hockey and  puts his faith in analytics ? 

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58 minutes ago, Sergiomomesso said:

One and a half playoff appearances in 9 seasons and 5-6 seasons as a bottom feeder is hard to deal with as a 30 year fan of this team. Finally come out of the gates strong and not out of race by Dec 1st. But yet people want to rip them for not beating every team by a touchdown that’s below us in the standings or dominate the big dogs of the league. Just enjoy what’s going on and get behind the team or change your allegiances. Maybe it’s just me but I have a lot more positive energy than I can remember having for over a decade now. 

Well said, can’t agree more

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44 minutes ago, PistolPete13 said:

Great post. A lot of newbies get wrapped in the numbers and spreadsheets don’t understand the true nature of the game.

Paul Maurice recently said that hockey is beautiful but violent game. Soucey or Zadorov blowing up a guy with a big hit is a lot more impactful on a game than Connor Garland brushing by a guy and getting credit for a hit. 

The numbers while interesting are a mere starting point. Watching and understanding the game tell the real story. 

Sure, but Garland brushing that guy might later develop in to a pp for us.  Special teams are a consideration, and soucy, myers and zad all take more penalties than they deserve due to being big. The team is a good mix imo and i love the combo of the big nuclear options with the scrappy heart and soul smaller guys.  hits that hurt count for a lot. hits that draw retaliation are pretty great too.

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16 hours ago, IBatch said:

There is a big difference between Zadarov and Soucy exploding guys, or just a regular hit, then say a relative love tap from a player like say Biega or Motte finishing their checks and getting that recorded as a hit.   It's one of the sillier things that get tracked (although I have no issue with that).   Hitting is a lost art, you don't see it nearly as often as we did since head hunting (also no problem with that) was banned.    Thanks to Cooke.   Went from where the head was the main point of contact getting banned, to no head contact at all.  

Schenn leads the league since it's been tracked, there is also a huge difference between Steven's or Rob Blake or even Ohlund.    Mitchell too.   That's how long we've waited to have a player who could lay someone out.  We have two now (Soucy can explode guys too).    Of course it's not going to happen every game.   But just having guys like that on our team, is going to make it a lot tougher to play against, and give other teams pause when they are out on the ice.   Including guys like Ovi, who can also hit ... Zadarov flattened him too. 


Soucy was MIN most effective D in the bubble.    Was smashing our forwards.    Personally, am absolutely stoked, we now have a big ingredient, one that's value goes way up in the playoffs (Myers was great for us in the bubble, our best all around D.. and also did that for WNP once as well, when Byfuglien went down).     Soucy/Myers.. Myers was playing some of the best hockey as a Canuck prior to him going down.  


Cole isn't a slouch in that department either.   His hits aren't love taps.    We now have a D core, that can wear out other teams.   Grind them up.    Also as for quantity of hits, often you lose your positioning to throw a hit.    It's one stat, where quality matters a lot more than quantity.   It's pretty rare these days, that there still are guys who can change the complexion of a game, or a series, with one hit.    We've got two of the very best in the league now.    Also with this weird trend that gloves are dropped as soon as a big legal hit is thrown..:expect more of that too.   Not sure many guys would want to take Z on.  


Absolutely terrific post. Having guys like Zadorov, and Soucy (whom I've always liked), is an absolute boon for this team. Like you said hits are great but they're all relative to how hard they are, where they are made, and what the circumstances are, etc.. As you mentioned Soucy might not make a big hit on every play but it's those times where the opposition gets put in a tough position and decides to go down his wing and gets absolutely floored. Pretty soon they don't want to make that play anymore and then on top of that Soucy's size just shrinks the ice for the opposition. All of the sudden they feel smothered and pressured to make a play before they want. It's key too that he's not always looking for that big hit so it's unpredictable and can't be used against us that easily.


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58 minutes ago, RinkonRenfrew said:

Sure, but Garland brushing that guy might later develop in to a pp for us.  Special teams are a consideration, and soucy, myers and zad all take more penalties than they deserve due to being big. The team is a good mix imo and i love the combo of the big nuclear options with the scrappy heart and soul smaller guys.  hits that hurt count for a lot. hits that draw retaliation are pretty great too.

Garland is eating too much cap for where he fits on our club. If by the good graces of the hockey Gods we could move him out (all of his cap gone) then a guy like pods could play those minutes and we would be better for it. 

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