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[PGT] Minnesota @ Vancouver


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6 minutes ago, JamesB said:



The issue is not whether Kuzy is the same type of player as the Sedins. He isn't. The issue is that the Sedins eventually succeeded by playing their game (the cycle game) instead of reverting to the dump and chase game that coaches often wanted. When Torts came in and forced the entire team, including the Sedins, into a defence-first game it was a terrible fit with predictably terrible results.


As for Kuzy, I do not know what is best. Tocc is a guy, like Torts, who wants players to play his system. period. And maybe that is the best approach. But, with a guy like Kuzy, I am not sure that trying to fit a square peg into a round hole is the best strategy. He is trying but the Tocc system plays to his weaknesses, not his strengths.


For guys like Miller, the Tocc system is great because that is the way Miller likes to play. For Hogz, learning to play the Tocc system has elevated his game. Same with Boeser. Same with Joshua. Petey would be good in any system. Lafferty and Blueger and Suter were acquired because they play Tocc's style naturally. But the Tocc system was not a good fit for Beauvillier and we know what happened to him. It is also not a good fit for Kuzy. Maybe Kuzy can learn to play effectively in the system. Maybe not. I am hoping for the best. And I think Kuzy's cap hit makes a trade difficult.

Team actually was in a wild card spot until February.  The terrible results came from no proper time management.  I've given Willie alot of grief here but I will give him kudos for understanding that you can't "ride your horses continually" without leaving them either out of gas or more suspectible to injuries because they were mentally/physically beat.  Willie's problem was that he didn't use "Torts method" in the post-season ("he should've ridden the vets like a rental mule" as Howie Meeker sort of said).  


I *think* Torts eventually ended up with a regular season record that beat more than half the seasons we had when Jim Benning was GM.  And yes, it was a bad, bad season.

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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1 hour ago, Reznor said:


I'm mixed. I see his point - where it isn't realistic to expect to win games being outshot by triple. But despite the shot discrepancy, I too still think they played decent in the 3rd. 


DeSmith played excellent throughout - and I think having confidence in the goalie helps both players and fans alike not get scared any time the opposition has possession. He certainly kept us in early.

I'd really like for DeSmith to get the next game too.

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4 minutes ago, Nucker67 said:


34 points in 27 games isn't really "on vacation". 


Just like his team, he is in a win one lose one phase, except with points. Even so he is still 7th in league scoring, just like his team is in points %. in the league.


Nothing new, happens to all players, and all teams every year. Very predictable, ebbs and flows of a 82 game NHL season. 


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I have to admit that I never cared much for Hogs' game.  He had the busyness of Garland, but with

very little substance.  He also came across to me that he wanted to be that 'special' player, who

could make the 'magnificent offensive plays.'


Tocc set him up on the 4th line, so he could learn a more complete game in a slower environment

than the other 3 lines.  There was no option for sending Hogs down to Abby; although I think that

playing there last season served him well.  Hogs has improved his game well and now we see

him being a solid player in the top 6.


Tocc may be hoping that Kuzy can make the same transformation, but I don't think it will work out as

well.  Hogs is still a developing player, who is young enough to make the kind of changes the coach

wants from him.  On the other hand, Kuzy is +4yrs older and will not easily make the changes to his

game that Hogs has done.  Besides, the 4th line becomes dismal with Kuzy, whereas they performed

much better with Hogs.


Like other fans, I think Kuzy is 'what he is' and not a good fit for the Canucks right now.  Unfortunately

he is getting into a 'buy low' situation, so the return won't be what most of us would like to see.  Alvin

has his work cut out for him.  y

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20 minutes ago, Nucker67 said:


34 points in 27 games isn't really "on vacation". 

Pettersson is a power play genius. He is so deceptive and add Miller's hockey IQ and tenacity, shot. Hughes and his outrageous quickness, to imagine that

Kuzmenko has been a part of this tells me he's earned that second line spot. Who knows what's the matter with him right now. Could be anything. Point is, we've seen

him at his best. My guess is the Coach doesn't think he's taking drills and practices seriously enough 

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6 hours ago, theochar said:


I don't remember the Sedins in their prime doing that forecheck thing or finishing their checks that's not what they were paid to do. When you pay your hard earned money for a ticket what would you rather see, a Kuzy dangle or him chasing a puck after a dump in? You have to accommodate talent within any system. We have plenty of guys to chase and bang. Otherwise you start looking like Minnesota, would you pay money to see them?


If their play meant we hoist The Cup, yes, absofreakinglutely!!


A little more bang n crash from Hank n Danny might very well have tipped the scales in our favour vs beantown 

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1 hour ago, JamesB said:



The issue is not whether Kuzy is the same type of player as the Sedins. He isn't. The issue is that the Sedins eventually succeeded by playing their game (the cycle game) instead of reverting to the dump and chase game that coaches often wanted. When Torts came in and forced the entire team, including the Sedins, into a defence-first game it was a terrible fit with predictably terrible results.


As for Kuzy, I do not know what is best. Tocc is a guy, like Torts, who wants players to play his system. period. And maybe that is the best approach. But, with a guy like Kuzy, I am not sure that trying to fit a square peg into a round hole is the best strategy. He is trying but the Tocc system plays to his weaknesses, not his strengths.


For guys like Miller, the Tocc system is great because that is the way Miller likes to play. For Hogz, learning to play the Tocc system has elevated his game. Same with Boeser. Same with Joshua. Petey would be good in any system. Lafferty and Blueger and Suter were acquired because they play Tocc's style naturally. But the Tocc system was not a good fit for Beauvillier and we know what happened to him. It is also not a good fit for Kuzy. Maybe Kuzy can learn to play effectively in the system. Maybe not. I am hoping for the best. And I think Kuzy's cap hit makes a trade difficult.

Yes when Tochett came in Torts was one of the first things that came to mind.   He's not asking the stars to block shots though.   And IMO anyways, isn't the same sort of coach.     Green was also a systems coach ... five man box but well, those teams rosters weren't very good.  


If Kuzmenko gets traded, i'm fine with that.   Cap space is good enough, as long as they use it wisely.    Agree with all of this too.   

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4 hours ago, TheGuardian said:

Are they a cult yet?

No kidding low impact game.

That game showed vacancies.

17 stinkin shots on goal, 10 by 4 players. 11 even strength.

This type of game sure dampens down the skill level.

The "Captain Obvious" comment, the goalie stole the game.

Unreal that a team playing less than 24 hours and traveling would dominate that much.


They won, a slowed down game.


Has the coach bump ended? They do last around 60 games or so, at least the last two coach hires anyway.


Tocchet doesn't like regrouping? Puck possession? Dump and pray really dumbs the game down.


Pettersson has to stop trying to hit so much it is putting him out of position, he used to intercept passes now he is trying to be a telephone man, reach out and touch someone. (Old commercial), trying to make contact, staples, board battles. He used to evade them and make other players look silly trying to hit him, now he tries to initiate the contact which degrades his game.


Lots of moves could be made.


A win waaahhooo. Next game a loss?

Your never ending positivity and homerism always lifts my heart in a way that I thought only @apollo could. waaahhooo! The feels…

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I like Laff a ton and he's been a great addition, but he needs to play in the bottom 6. Petey needs a skilled player to be on his wing or the play kinda just dies. Mik is solid and does his role of checking and get open for the shot. 


But that lines needs another skilled player and I really hope Kuz can get back to that spot and produce. I thought his game was actually alright even though mins were limited and he's still not just shooting the puck (his PP work was decent too). 

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7 hours ago, theochar said:


I don't remember the Sedins in their prime doing that forecheck thing or finishing their checks that's not what they were paid to do. When you pay your hard earned money for a ticket what would you rather see, a Kuzy dangle or him chasing a puck after a dump in? You have to accommodate talent within any system. We have plenty of guys to chase and bang. Otherwise you start looking like Minnesota, would you pay money to see them?


No they had solid board battles often though.  Didn't they?  And also used their sticks, hooked guys all the time.   Sedins weren't "soft" players.   They had active sticks, slashed a lot too.  I highly doubt Tochett is asking Kuzwmenko to do that.   


Media has taken "getting into the forecheck" and run with it.   There is a lot more to that.  Checking guys is just that.  Doesn't have to be "crash and bang".    The Sedins were good forechecker's in that they checked their man.    Also I don't like the media spin on that either.   Tochett has already asked them to stop singling him out, not sure why we should either.   Maybe he's in the doghouse.    Also if he's a real pro, Tochett, he will know when to ease off on the reigns, but that shouldn't be because the media thinks so.   Good god no thx. 

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1 hour ago, EdgarM said:

This has really got me thinking about the reason the top line has been waning and the Blueger line has been so successful lately. Garland was pretty much done until he was paired up with Joshua and Blueger. Garlands issue was he was losing possession of the puck on the boards. Joshua does a great job of retrieving the puck as does Blueger. They are able to keep possesion of the puck in the offensive zone for most of their shifts now.

The person who is not being discussed in Petey's and Kuz's line is Mikheyev. He is the guy who should be digging in the corners, hitting and causing disruptions for his line mates. I am not seeing that. 

The Miller line has improved because at first they had PDG playing that role and then you have Hogs who also plays like that. Boeser has to be also commended for his improved work on the defensive side and the committment to finishing checks and getting in on the forechecks.

I think they tried to rectify the issue by adding Lafferty to Petey's line but I think he should have replaced Mik and not Kuz.

Maybe Lafferty isn't THE guy either but I think Petey and Kuz should remain together and the proper winger should be found for them IMHO.

I tend to agree with this. The issue with the Petey line might not be Kuzmenko. It might be Mikheyev. I think Kuzy needs to be given some slack so he can use his offensive skills to help Petey with putting points on the board. What they need is a complimentary winger to be hard on the forecheck, hard on the boards and good at retrieving pucks. I don’t really see this in Mikheyev. 

Putting Lafferty on that line and taking Kuzmenko off doesn’t help with the scoring at all. It only makes it worse. Tocchet should put Kuzy back on that line and take off Mikheyev. I think that might work better. 

Mikheyev can play with Suter when he returns. So we’ll have 4 solid lines. 

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14 hours ago, CanuckFanForever said:

EP will have 1 goal 1 helper next game


Kuz is not a 39 goal player so he needs to understand what a 20-25 goal player needs to play like


Myers is not as bad as people make him out to be. Myers at 4.5 mill would get a lot more love from this fanbase


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Last year when Brock wasn’t scoring, Kuz made up for it. This year it’s the other way around. Not worried. Just don’t give up on Kuz and I bet he heats up after Xmas and hits 20 by years end. As long as our top two lines can each score a goal and a half a game, they should be fine. Season totals would be great if they would end up like this. 

BB6  - 38

JT - 30

EP - 25

Kuz - 20

Huggy - 16

Hogz- 22

Lafferty- 16

Garland - 15

Joshua - 10

Blueger- 15

Mikhayev- 18

PDG - 8

rest of D - 10


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