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Troll or not Troll? Can a fan be disappointed in an aspect of their team and still be a fan? I have made this post directly Canuck fan related.


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I went through all 3 pages of this thread thus far and well............kind of a tedious read, and I'm not completely sure as to what it's about; trolling? Good fan, bad fan? Smart fan, clueless fan? I dunno.


I thought the OP's opening post, though long, was concise, lucid, and to the point as to what was being said. An easy read; proper punctuation, sentence structure, and layout made it so. 


I mean we're all fans in CFF are we not? That's why forums exist. Thank God the W.W.W. allowed for such to come to fruition. I joined the ol' CDC and now CFF 'cuz I genuinely like the feeling of comradery one experiences. It's better than dealing with my family regarding Canucks conversation.


My brother in law and nephews are so opinionated;  they're obviously allowed to be. However, sometimes they turn to me and ask, "What do you think, Uncle?" And then the Devil's Advocate comes out in me. Kind of drives them nuts and then they don't ask me anything else for the rest of the night. Yes. I enjoy watching them nag and bitch and leaving me the hell alone!😃


I mean we're all entitled to opinions, good or bad, dumb, dumber, smart, savvy, whatever.


Best thing about forums is not taking things too seriously or not too personally.

Worst thing is taking things too seriously or too personally!🤪😉😃


Party on, Dudes!


Go Canucks Go!!!!!


Edited by Sativika
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Well l'll be horn swaggled and hog tied. And yes l am Canadian  this suits the topic.


At 65 years young , l finally found something that l personally enjoy.




I never thought 🧌 were a big thing. Don't really care either. In this app anyone can join and release opinions how they see fit. Disturbs you   block them.

For the most part this is as close to Vancouver as I will ever get. Retired and tired. 


Here l can express opinions ( like them or not) and not worry. 

Sure , l am known to not like the giraffe, the player. Never met him.

Where he may be a cool dude off the ice.


Over all,l have followed this team since inception. Stayed with them and will continue to do so.


I am in eastern Ontario.

Stuck with Mtl,Ott and Laff fans. I can tell you all ,that l am questioned more here about the Canucks and why did l choose them.


 I am still here!



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