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★[PGT] Vancouver Canucks vs Florida Panthers • Dec 14, 2023 • (Roberto Luongo Night ROH Induction)★

Crimson JH

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On 12/15/2023 at 2:23 PM, kilgore said:


I think Lu was just on the borderline of Ring of Honour vs Jersey Retirement. 


I agree ultimately though with RoH being the right choice.


But I will say this....

IF Louie had held the fort for just one of the games he melted down in.  And melted he did.  If he'd done that, and we'd won the Cup, he'd have his jersey retired no question. All because of a few moments on the ice that didn't go the right way.  Life isn't fair, but them's the facts.

been down this road. Don’t agree don’t feel like discussing it but yes life isn’t fair 

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Surprise surprise... We beat up on Florida and then they too take out their revenge against Edmonton. 


Edmonton has benefitted from other teams not taking them seriously. Other teams come in with their B game and their backup goalie in net. 


Once good teams start taking them seriously again and play to their systems, Oilers can't compete. 


Cup or bust.... Bust it is Hahhahaha


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On 12/15/2023 at 8:32 AM, Goal_thecup said:

Couple near-death experiences in the early 80's for me.

Couple lessons learned:

1. Don't take brothers-in-law; they're too stupid to behave properly and cause firearms to appear.

2. Don't start fighting in the parking lot with cabbies; a whole swarm of cabs surrounded the parking lot in no time.



Fire arms fkn hell. Was is bikers or Italian boys. Yes cabbies got the radios to call for back up. I went there with my cousin and started chatting to the people at the next table, two couples. They had won 10k on a a scratch card (that was a house deposit back then). Instead of doing anything sensible they agreed to blow it all partying (I dont know why No5 would be the place to go under the circumstances). They invited us back to the limo for a drive around Stanley Park where they had their own show performing various "acts" the ladies were very freindly. They dropped us back to No5 and we went home there was no reason to stay there after that. A proper Blue Velvet moment!!

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29 minutes ago, theochar said:

Was is bikers or Italian boys.

I don't really know, but they were the waiters and bouncers and the heavies had the hardware.

Let's just say that when they ask you to leave, don't get in their grills and act tough.

I've got some rather large in-laws and their size is inversely proportional to their intelligence.


Funny (I hope) story about us all at the wedding of another large friend (6'4" 250).

We were all at the hotel bar the day before The Big Day, refreshing while rehearsing, getting the 'room' ready, etc.

Big guys, about 6 to 8 of us, as the day staggered towards The Big 'I Do'.

Well, the gay Scottish waiter took a real shine to one of the guys, and started some serious flirting.


This was a straight crowd, military guys, martial artists, football jocks, and a couple bikers.

The poor waiter went too far, got 'handsy', his target stood up, and sent him and his tray flying backwards, and it was on.

There was quite a bit of a kerfuffle and, as the bride used to say, we left a mess for someone else to clean up.


We were back the next day at first opening as the whole shebang was at the hotel, and, well, we were thirsty.

So we start showing up and adding people to our growing table.

That's when we learned a little lesson in human behaviour.


We were a slightly different mix than the exact same guys as the night before, but basically it was us again.

Our new waiter (who was there previously but not the gay one; he wasn't feeling well, I guess) says, and I kid you not,

"You guys think you're big, you should have seen the guys who were in here last night!"

(Didn't have the heart to tell him it was us but we sure laughed like hell.  "You think you're big..."  Hahahahaha.)

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