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[Mafia] EPL 2023/24 - MAFIA WIN


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Here’s where I’m at rn


NIK/SS - explained before but essentially they are using bad reasons to push people which reeks of opportunism, don’t see them being teammates because of one big argument earlier (although I’ve been too kind to bussers in recent games so maybe I’m wrong but that’s not todays problem anyway)

Qwags - Afk all day and then voting at the last second is scummy no matter what and he’s shown he’s active by how quickly he responds to tags so he’s probably hiding. I just don’t see a proper reason for scum Qwags to come out and save BJ if he is indeed town but maybe he was concerned by the 3 SS votes and was actually saving SS? 

dallsbeep - Talked about him last night, my reasons are still pretty valid but he responded well and seemed to actually consider what I was saying. Like if he’s mafia and has previously thrown shade at me he could easily just go with the narrative that I’m doing this because I’m mafia instead of trying to work together with me. The timing of his activity last night was weird but he gave a satisfactory explanation (could be a lie but no reason for me to pursue this, I’ll never know the truth). He remains in the POE, maybe below the next 2 idk

Ilunga - The posts where he makes his votes come across as awkward but it’s not like he hasn’t had this issue in the past as town lol. I haven’t noticed him too much. I want to see more from him but it’s uh round 3 I feel like I should be seeing something towny from him by now and I haven’t 

Aladeen - Can’t shake the feeling that when he entered the game and made that case against NIK and dipped he was just sheeping me (i didn’t explicitly call NIK out but I drew attention to him). For a while this was the only thing he talked about. He looks a bit better now but idk if that counts for much and he’s definitely still in the POE


SV - I like what I’ve seen from him. Occasional moments that make raise my eyebrows but I’m not exploring this option yet 

lucky - this is town lucky I believe it

BJ - explained recently 

112 - when I agree with 112 on everything she’s town, that’s just how it’s always been. We disagree on NIK and that’s about it. And I think NIK is TP if SS is mafia so yeah that could explain it 



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22 minutes ago, SV. said:

This is significant because Time Lord wanted to vote Sharpshooter out.  Penultimate vote count before the final one

4 to Blue Jay 22
3 to iambrad
2 to Sharpshooter

Ok. 4 - 2 - 3.  Sharpshooter gaining momentum

Correct, but why even be concerned about iambrad (the 2 in this equation)

Interesting.  This leaves it 4 - 3 - 3.  But if you go to any of Qwags' lists, he's been namedropping Sharpshooter as part of the scum team, so why not vote there?  Scum-contrived move or Qwags moment - you be the judge.

4 -4 tie.

Yeah, we did.

5-4.  Comeback complete.

Well I was either voting Brad or SS. My point about the vote count was that nothing had changed in regards to keeping BJ alive


SS was capped at 3 votes maximum, and so was brad. Then Qwags came along and voted Brad, meaning I could join and make it 4 on brad


Looks like we came to the same conclusion on Qwags just now. He was saving SS the whole time wasn’t he 



15 minutes ago, dallsbeep said:

@112 read on time lord and how it’s progressed plz

@Time Lord read on 112 and how it’s progressed plz

See above. It has progressed in the sense that the more she says that I agree with, the more confident I am in it 

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1 minute ago, Time Lord said:

Well I was either voting Brad or SS. My point about the vote count was that nothing had changed in regards to keeping BJ alive


SS was capped at 3 votes maximum, and so was brad. Then Qwags came along and voted Brad, meaning I could join and make it 4 on brad


Looks like we came to the same conclusion on Qwags just now. He was saving SS the whole time wasn’t he 



See above. It has progressed in the sense that the more she says that I agree with, the more confident I am in it 

Yeah, I'd say that if it was not Blue Jay 22 he was saving, he was trying to protect somebody (which could be Sharpshooter).

  • Cheers 1
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34 minutes ago, SV. said:

This is significant because Time Lord wanted to vote Sharpshooter out.  Penultimate vote count before the final one

4 to Blue Jay 22
3 to iambrad
2 to Sharpshooter

Ok. 4 - 2 - 3.  Sharpshooter gaining momentum

Correct, but why even be concerned about iambrad (the 2 in this equation)

Interesting.  This leaves it 4 - 3 - 3.  But if you go to any of Qwags' lists, he's been namedropping Sharpshooter as part of the scum team, so why not vote there?  Scum-contrived move or Qwags moment - you be the judge.

4 -4 tie.

Yeah, we did.

5-4.  Comeback complete.

Very interesting. 


Suppose I need not wonder why qwaggers and TL didn't go SS and give BJ the same out.

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29 minutes ago, dallsbeep said:

Who has Time Lord voted over the course of the game?


petey, brad, ss, now wants to vote NIK?

Why, and when did your stance on BJ soften?


You seemed pretty set on resolving that CW early on D2 but now seem comfy with bj.

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5 minutes ago, luckylager said:

Very interesting. 


Suppose I need not wonder why qwaggers and TL didn't go SS and give BJ the same out.

Qwags and I are 2 different people


If Qwags went SS, I'd stay on SS. But he went on brad and I switched to brad to keep BJ alive. Pretty simple

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35 minutes ago, dallsbeep said:

@112 read on time lord and how it’s progressed plz

@Time Lord read on 112 and how it’s progressed plz


he's seemed like usual TL for me. I wouldn't say my read on him has progressed much since I;'ve just been reading him town all game

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1 minute ago, Time Lord said:

Qwags and I are 2 different people


If Qwags went SS, I'd stay on SS. But he went on brad and I switched to brad to keep BJ alive. Pretty simple

You're last in that PoE. 


We've had a lot of shared reads, largely town siding you with some healthy scepticism and fear of the scum pocket.

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Things are a bit clearer in the thread now that Petey isn't posting as much. 


Sharpie puts his vote on me stating I was coming out of left field supporting Petey, when I gave my reasons for supporting Petey, including him stating at one time he believed Peteys claim, he changes his vote to Petey..... ?


Deener and 112's interaction came of nowhere, it started when 112 placed a vote on herself, personally I don't get voting for yourself. 

Don't know what to make of this, what do others think ? 


NIK, I have had towny vibes from him all game, standout point for me is that there is a shitload less gifs in his game than when I first started playing with him. 

What that means I don't know.


SV, as I have stated seems solvey, asks questions of others, is pushing for a vote on certain players however this is part of the game.


Qwags, well as usual minimum to work off, as I have already stated my vote is on him, mainly due to slanking.


Lucky, I feel a lot of frustration from him in this game and to me that leads me to believe he is tp, why get frustrated if you are scum in this game state. 


BJ, I have made my thoughts clear about him, I really don't understand if we vote for him and he flips green, wht do we get from that.

We must be getting close to losing if we lose another 2 townies this round. 


Petey, well gotta believe he is the doc 


The Baller, haven't got much of a read on him, could listen to arguments as either tp or scum.


TL, putting in the effort, asking questions, fact is I always find him hard to read.  



Nobody totally sticks out as being totally scummy to me.

This is the feeling I get from everyone, otherwise we wouldn't be dithering around, uncertain of who to vote for.

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5 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

im not voting SS cause hes not here... too easy for maf to push them... and really do i expect anything different fromm SS after the last 2 games?

Don't worry about Sharpshooter.  Just decide between Qwags and Blue Jay 22.

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Blue Jay 22 (3) - Naslund, luckylager, Aladeen
Qwags (3) - Ilunga, SV., MidKnight Ego
Naslund (2) - Time Lord, Qwags
Aladeen (1) - 112
MidKnight Ego (1) - Sharpshooter
SV (1) - Blue Jay 22
Sharpshooter (1) - dallsbeep


No Vote (0) -

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I don’t like this…again. We just gonna keep putting people next to me on the wagon and hope 1 of them is mafia. Why not be different this round? This strategy has been weird and miss placed since D1. I think Aladeen-112 wagons would be far more interesting. Or SS-AV. Or any combination of the 4.


Im not voting Qwags unless I have to.

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