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2024 IIHF World Junior Championship Thread

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Once again I have a  big soft spot for Finland. 


With this year eligible players in. 

Emil Hemming and Konsta Helenius. 


As well as some of my favorite prospects from last year.   






The Finns have some real big bodies with skill. They may give the big 3 a good fight for a medal. 


Will be interesting the see if Slovakia can build off their u18 together. 


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1 hour ago, Hammertime said:

Once again I have a  big soft spot for Finland. 

For such a small population, they produce a huge amount of NHL'ers- and almost all of them play an honourable game.

Sent their embassy a note of congrats a couple years back after the tourney was over, actually got a reply.

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On 12/21/2023 at 12:01 PM, Goal_thecup said:

You are right; this is great! 

I love concentrating on the youth, they have already worked hard in their lives to get this far, are so talented, and their parents/guardians are still very close and involved in their lives.  All that potential and good development, teamwork, sportsmanship is so much fun to see and there're things to learn that it instills the joy of life that resounds in the these young people. 

We know from your comments that you and your family are going through very difficult times and this forum is surprisingly good at coming together to try to help a bit when we learn of difficulties that people are going through.  For a bunch of goofs with fake names who will type anything to get a laugh, or a rise out of people (damn trolls), we tend to get real quickly when people are hurting. 

Keep reaching out G-Dub, try not to despair, dig into the games, and get out of them what you put into them; in other words, keep busy and concentrate on positive, forward-thinking things that you can manage, and if possible, Help Others, there is no greater joy than being able to help someone else in life.


There is much more in life than the media, especially TV, make it seem.  Turning the damn thing off can brighten anyone's life.  Sensational, gory headlines and details make people feel powerless and desperate (so that they think they need a Big Mac or a new car, etc, to be happy).  Buyer's remorse proves that this does not work.  The important things in life are inside us already, like heart, courage, love, understanding, recognizing others' needs, etc; all things that don't need a TV or money.  Concentrate on the things that make life great, like the exuberance of youth in the upcoming tournament.  But most of all, don't suffer alone; reach out and discuss things.  Get real help (not some goofy old fart trying to make people laugh on the internet) if you and yours need it.


My personal trick (and I have lots of problems trying to keep me down, mentally, emotionally, and physically) is: No matter how I feel upon waking (and sometimes it is pretty awful), I force myself to smile. 

Immediately things start to get a bit better. 

Face feels better, brain starts to laugh at me that I'm lying there faking feeling ok, then the brain starts to concentrate on the good vibes; and the aches and pains, the regrets and old mistakes start to fade into the background of one's consciousness, and the head starts to enjoy the humour of life and loosen up and the smile becomes real and natural. 

For me, that is when I make the push to get up, grimace out a new fake smile if I have to, but I'm up and pretty soon, I'm up and at 'em (even though I'm not very good at getting at 'em anymore, lol). 

This little trick to fool yourself first thing upon waking, can set the mood for your day.  I'm not kidding; it really works; and you get better at it over time.  People think its stupid but it works. 

I think part of the reason it works, is that you feel stupid even trying it.  Problems seem overwhelming; how can anything this simple make any difference?  But it does. 

And it resets your day to start on a positive note.  And you have already got one thing accomplished just by getting out of bed with a (perhaps ugly, grimacing) smile on your face.

Smile!  Don't despair; keep seeking help.

Help others (with anything).  Nothing makes people feel better than helping others.


If your mom isn't as fanatical as you are about hockey, Grab onto your Googler (not in front of anyone!) and deep dive into these young players, and share the information with your family.  People love to learn and hockey breeches invisible barriers between generations.  I am heading out (anywhere out of the house is a big deal for me now) in a couple hours to spend time with my mom (94) who is in care but still full of (vocal) beans. 


We are going to send out some eCards and eTRNs to her kids (my siblings), their spouses, grandkids, great grandkids, and more.  Mom can longer write, or go shopping or banking, and doesn't understand all the electronics of today.  She used to do so much for everyone all the time, especially at Christmas, that it causes her great pain to not be able to do 'her cards' or send everybody a little bit of what she calls, 'mad money' (don't know where she got that, but it used to be a thing, and she does get really mad at the refs! lol). 


So we will sit for a couple hours and that is a joy in itself; but also helping mom get the most out life helps me to feel better about myself and our family.  Later, I'll have to help her get her TV on the right channel for the Canucks game tonight (5:00pm "Be there or be Square"-Caveat from the Sixties).  Then the shouting and cheering will start, and soon after the refs are gonna hear all about it!!  The whole wing of her care facility hears about it.




GO CANUCKS PROSPECTS GO!  - Wherever they might be; like maybe in Sweden, at the tournament, playing for Sweden: Lekkerimaki-Stealthy Sniper; Willander-All-round Great RIGHT-hand D; Elias Pettersson V2.0 "D-Petey" Bigger Version of Elias Pettersson: Swedish Idol*.


[*can't find that clip with the Swedish fans singing "'Lias is our Idol" serenading Pettersson - I posted it on here years ago.. will keep looking.]


Cheers!  Keep on Smilin'.  Keep on Keepin' On (Another 60s/ 70s Slogan... I am on old guy after all.)


thanks for this post. I dont get the big mac or the car but at least a few days per week I shave, smile and give a few bucks to the people worse off than me

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Feels odd kicking off the tournament against Finland instead of a cannon fodder team like Denmark. Either way, I'll be watching. Wether I can get up that early or just tape the game and watch a little later. Forgot the tournament was in Sweden.

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On 12/23/2023 at 6:14 PM, Gurn said:

For such a small population, they produce a huge amount of NHL'ers- and almost all of them play an honourable game.

Sent their embassy a note of congrats a couple years back after the tourney was over, actually got a reply.

Like Samoan's in the NFL 

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1 hour ago, spook007 said:

Cheers Hammer....

Hansen is Danish though....

Pardon my Fjordian Slip @spook007

Yah, and Lekkerimäki is probably a Finnish name but he was Bjorn in Sweden; could he count as our Tokin' Finn?


Lekkerimäki, D-Petey, and Tommy Veelandah soon gonna be Feasting on Finns.

CFF Posters won't be wishin' for Finns, pining for fjords, nor singin' the Norwegian Blue Parrot Blues once these three start ringing up the points.


'Ees not dead..'ees resting.


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8 hours ago, sassbs said:

It’s a shame Russia isn’t participating.  A lot of skill is going to be missed 

No shame at all. Russia is a criminal state and my hope is they are shunned by the world for many years to come. The majority of Russian people support Putin and what is going on in Ukraine. 

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I'm having big time cable/internet issues! Had to listen to the last Canucks' game on the radio (was so pissed). Missed the exhibition games. Shaw arrived Christmas eve (I was super happy that they did and gave the tech a $25 White Spot gift card as a thank you). He upgraded me to the new wireless modem, etc. and last night everything went out again. The cable in likely needs replacing and I'm on a wait list for them to come and do that. In the meantime, it's killing me to have my holiday hockey in jeopardy! I have 2 weeks off and that was the plan...eat, drink, be merry and watch hockey.


Anyhow, I got up at 5:30 am to fiddle with things, get a signal back and am watching Canada/Finland. For now..... (to be cont'd).


I'm a diehard Canadian fan but Sweden will be a close second for me.

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