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[PGT] Vancouver Canucks at Dallas Stars // December 21, 2023


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1 hour ago, robr1can2 said:

It's so amazing how quickly certain members of this fan base turn on players, especially superstars like Petey, and Miller last year. In their ordinary, non-professional hockey playing jobs, do these critics never have bad days? Or suffer from injuries or illnesses? 《Double face palm》

I never expected that Petey would become the whipping boy du jour. 

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16 minutes ago, PistolPete13 said:

Petey rang a shot off the post on the first period. Fact. 
Sure he could have played better. Some just don’t believe in shitting on the players just because they don’t meet their expectations each and every game. 

They have problem with money and contract negotiation.Nothing to do with player.Plus they use intolerant word so easily lol

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OK I have a theory… In regards to the all those fans who think that hockey players are godlike… That they have a capacity to be perfect to never have an off game that every shot goes in the net… That these athletes can never get injured… These fans are projecting A form of worship… that only fits the description of God… That’s my theory right there… Because they put incredible expectations into mere human beings

And human beings are wired to Worship something…

There it is… So we should all just take a deep breath lower our expectations and realize these are just human beings… and just enjoy the game… Not take it too seriously… And at the same time put those expectations where they belong onto a perfect being… Namely God… But I doubt that’s gonna happen…Anyhow that’s my theory…


Because in all seriousness the Canucks are the best team in the league right now and yet people find things to complain about… Or they’re nearly the best team in the league… But you get my drift…

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Tough one to lose in OT but great road trip and season to date. Only thing I disagree with so far, Toc quit fucking around with Kuzzy. He is a top line producer. Petey is struggling and your throwing 4th liners on his wing. Put Kuzzy next to him and leave him there. He wasn't hurting you or the team. Kuzzy is a difference maker.



The other thing I'll say is, we have lots of UFA's. This management group doesn't let assets walk for nothing....

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3 minutes ago, Outsiders said:

Tough one to lose in OT but great road trip and season to date. Only thing I disagree with so far, Toc quit fucking around with Kuzzy. He is a top line producer. Petey is struggling and your throwing 4th liners on his wing. Put Kuzzy next to him and leave him there. He wasn't hurting you or the team. Kuzzy is a difference maker.



The other thing I'll say is, we have lots of UFA's. This management group doesn't let assets walk for nothing....


This reminds me of the bubble playoff year except we are a stronger team. 

We lost Tanev and Markstrom to UFA by keeping them for playoffs. 

I don't see us trading our pending UFAs this tdl either. 

Thats Cole Lafferty Joshua Myers, Bleuger. Zadorov DeSmith. They all play a major role on this team. 





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could we remove Suter from the Petey line now ? I liked him for what he is, a 3rd/4th line Center. 
Put Kuz with Petey and Mikheyev.

Many games in a row i found Cole very suspect.


Great game from aour so called 3rd line, and i really like Zadorov using his reach without taking penalies. 

overall great game, but the game was lost in that 2 on all play with Petey not passing back to Josh and shooting with no space. 

Edited by DexM94
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1 hour ago, Outsiders said:




The other thing I'll say is, we have lots of UFA's. This management group doesn't let assets walk for nothing....


I think this is where guys like Raty, Podkolzin, Hirose, and Lekkerimaki will make a difference (which is why I'm far more reluctant to move these guys than some others). We'll need those guys if we move on from Cole, Bluegar, etc. for cap reasons.  


One other thing I'll mention - Tocchet needs to stop messing around with Kuzmenko.  Although I love Tocchet as a coach in terms of his structure and holding players accountable, one thing that guys like Pat Quinn and Alain Vigneault did was cater systems towards players' strengths (not the other way around).  Granted, there are pros and cons to both approaches but this almost feels like Travis Green-Nikolai Goldobin again (but to a grander scale). Either find a different approach with Kuzmenko or move the guy.   

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The team is tied for 1st in the league and people are grumbling about Petey - just had a strong outing 2 nights ago.  This year is all about wins and any point against a strong Dallas team (+well rested) on the road-  I would take that and just get out quickly.

Missed the game but was told they actually had 2 chances to win this game (late goal and in OT) so they were right there tonight - even though it wasn't their strongest game.


RT has them playing a good team game right now  - the primary goal is to the make the playoffs this year, (then slight tweaks in roster perhaps) and then to make some noise in the playoffs. The team is progressing well so lets not get too negative after a loss (+ not too elated after a big victory either). 




Just Win.jpg

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Almost at the halfway mark and we're at the top of the league, there should be nothing to complain about. Before this road trip we were playing badly and sputtering a bit but this was a very solid road trip. Sure, they're weaker teams we usually beat up on but 4 in 6 nights is rough for any team and our depth and goaltending really rose to the occasion. Our offensive stars are struggling and PP sucks right now so that's a real testament to the rest of the team.


This is what great teams do, they find different ways to win games over a year. Our stars and PP destroyed teams early in the year, now they've gone quiet and we've got other contributers. Everyone is pitching in.

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1 hour ago, PistolPete13 said:

I never expected that Petey would become the whipping boy du jour. 

its the second time its happened... and its dangerous... this fan base is full of people with IQ less than 100 (not this site but the entire canucks fanbase) when there evil genius leads to them to the bad thoughts with Cherry picked stats and bad takes based off recency Bias. shit can get out of hand fast... i remember the death threats to certain players, GM's family members getting attacked. etc,etc... 


In a world run by nerds and geeks analytics arent going any where but that doesnt mean we give up... it just means any false prophets must be destroyed (Thomas Drance in particular)


harman Dayal is and should be the nerds new messiah, he is the modern day Abe Lincoln, he cannot tell a lie.

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6 hours ago, Iron Man said:

Well. We made it to first in the league. Although I don't like how we got there. Bittersweet.

Why too much PDO? What was the PDO of the 2011 team when we led the league?


We had Luongo in net and the Sedins. We didn't score all that many goals. It was probably up there.

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42 minutes ago, MidKnight Ego said:

its the second time its happened... and its dangerous... this fan base is full of people with IQ less than 100 (not this site but the entire canucks fanbase) when there evil genius leads to them to the bad thoughts with Cherry picked stats and bad takes based off recency Bias. shit can get out of hand fast... i remember the death threats to certain players, GM's family members getting attacked. etc,etc... 


In a world run by nerds and geeks analytics arent going any where but that doesnt mean we give up... it just means any false prophets must be destroyed (Thomas Drance in particular)


harman Dayal is and should be the nerds new messiah, he is the modern day Abe Lincoln, he cannot tell a lie.

This is very true. Its f'ing ridiculous. If this fanbase was the GM , we would have traded Boeser for Matt Dumba or used a 2nd to offload him last year. And Kuzmenko would have been traded for who knows what 2 weeks ago. And now its Petterson. And this is with the team literally on top of the world.


All top 6 players are streaky. Its an 82 game sched. And they expect Petterson to take over hockey games for all 82. As if he's not human. And he doesn't go through the same things we all do. Even McDavid was completely out of it for the first few weeks of the season. 

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That was an entertaining game to watch. Had somewhat a playoff vibe to it. But the 3 on 3 OT vibe was ass. I'm not saying that 'cuz we lost in the OT; more that it needs to be altered. The leagues gotta do something about it. Oh well.


My only other minor gripe was that we got out shot significantly. Our goalies working hard for their living. Good teams depend on great goaltending. I get that. And I'm not saying that our D sucked, but allowing all those shots may prove otherwise regarding such. 


Our offence has the ability to score goals. They've proved that many a time. I don't know how many games we won while having been outshot by the opposition, but I feel it's a good number of 'em, and that's proof we can score. My point is we gotta shoot more. Have bodies around the opposing net, tip ins, rebound goals. That ain't happening if we don't shoot. Anywho..........


All in all a successful road trip. 6 points out of a possible 8. I'll take that any day!

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4 hours ago, Smashian Kassian said:

Listening back to the 650 postgame & there's alot of heat for EP... I don't agree at all.


I think the last handful of games hes been playing well, defensively he's been very strong reading the play & making good plays. Offensively his production has been there. Tonight he his a post on the PP, that's a bad break. The 2 on 1 isn't ideal but it happens.


And he's doing this without a great running-mate, no offense to Mikheyev & Suter (whom I love) but it's not what Matthews / McDavid / MacKinnon exc have to work with.


This 100%.  For all the hate that Petey gets, he isn’t playing with Draisaitl, Hyman, Rantanen.  He’s playing with fucking Sam Lafferty and Pius Suter.  Does anyone think that McDavid and MacKinnon are getting 4 points a night playing with these guys?


It’s time to end the sideshow and put Kuzmenko back on his wing.  And if Kuzmenko is deemed not worthy then Allvin needs to make a trade to get a top 6 winger for Petey.  This team isn’t going anywhere in the playoffs without Petey going at 100%.

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5 hours ago, sxqhfeh said:

sick of stupid fanboys can't let anybody have a negative view of Pettersson, this is another classic game of him against a big heavy team, his only real chance was 2 on 0, but he has zero confidence on that breakaway. Joshua was on his off hand, why pass it? It is now clear that the reason he doesn’t get pancaked is because the 165 lb broom falling down all over the ice is actually BETTER for the other team than having him out of the lineup. Please, for the love of God, if you are afraid of facing the fking trues, at least don't lie to yourself


Petey isn’t 165 pounds.  That’s your first problem.  Your second problem is that you are going after a player who is being given linemates that belong on the 3rd and 4th line.  If you actually watch the NHL games you will know that most of the top centres in the league play with actual real wingers who know how to score.  Even Miller is playing with Boeser.  Meanwhile, Petey has to play with Lafferty and Suter.


Perhaps they can end the bs with Kuzmenko and put him on Petey’s wing.  And if that doesn’t work then Allvin needs to make a trade to get another top 6 forward who knows how to score…

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